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Name: _________________________________
Unit 5: Heredity
Section 1: Genetics
• Eye color, nose shape, and many other ___________ features are some of the traits that
are ___________ from parents.
• An organism is a ___________ of traits, all inherited from its __________
• ___________-is the passing of ________ from parent to offspring
• _________- different ________ of a trait that a _______ may have
• When a pair of ______________ separates during ________ alleles for each trait also
separate into __________ sex cells
• Every ______ cell has ______ allele for each trait
• ___________ inherit one allele for a trait from each parent
• ___________- the _______ of how traits are ___________ through the interactions of
• Experiments with ______ plants helped scientists understand ________ traits
• _________ _______ was an Australian monk who had an interest in ________ from an
early age
• Mendel spent years carefully using the ________ ________ and discovered how
________ pass from one ___________ to the next
• Mendel was the first to use the mathematics of ____________ to explain __________
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Before Mendel scientists studying genetics often studied many traits at one time. Mendel was
the first to trace one trait through several generations.
• Why do you think Mendel was more successful in making discoveries using the
scientific method?
• Each time Mendel studied a ________, he crossed two plants with _________
expressions of the trait and found that new plants looked like ______ of the parents
• _________- offspring that received __________ genetic information, or ________ from
each parent
• An organism that always ___________ the same traits generation after ____________ is
called a __________
• In Mendel’s experiment he used a process called _____________ to pollinate, by hand,
purebred ______ plants with purebred ________ plants
• This pollination resulted in _______ that produced _____ plants
• ___________- a factor that covers up, or ___________, another form of that trait
• __________- a trait that is covered up, or dominated, by another form of that _______
and seems to __________
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Refer back to the activity traits activity we worked on in class. Looking at the percentages
calculated, predict if the following traits are dominant or recessive.
Rolling tongue
Thumbs crossed right over
Earlobes attached
Cleft Chin
• ____________ is a branch or mathematics that helps you _________ the chance that
something will _________
• If you flip a coin the probability the ______ lands on the side you want is ___ out of ____
• One thing that made Mendel’s ____________ accurate was that he worked with _______
numbers of plants
• Mendel studied almost ________ pea plants over ___ years
• This ___________ Mendel’s chances of seeing ____________ patterns
• ________ _______- a tool to predict the ____________ of a certain trait in offspring that
shows __________ ways alleles can combine
• Uppercase letters represent __________ alleles, and lowercase __________
• ___________- _________ makeup of an organism
• ___________- outward physical ____________ and behavior of an organism as a result
of its ___________
• Most cells in your body have _____ alleles for every trait
• ____________- an organism with ______ alleles that are the ______
• Example:
• ______________- an organism that has two _________ alleles for a trait
• Example:
• When creating a _________ ________ the two alleles from one parent are written along
the _______, one letter per square, and the two alleles from the other parent are written
on the ______
• Each square of the grid is filled in with one _______ donated by each ________
• The letters that you use to fill in each of the __________ represent the ___________ of
possible offspring that the parents could produce
• Mendel developed the following principles through his research even though he didn’t
know anything about _______, genes, or ______________
1. Traits are ___________ by ________ on chromosomes
2. An allele’s effect is ___________ or ___________
3. When a pair of ______________ separates during _________ the different alleles for a
trait move into __________ sex cells
Section 2: Genetics Since Mendel
• Mendel’s work was later re-tested and is was discovered that not all ________ of all
organisms display ___________ dominance and recession
• One scientist found when he crossed ______ flowers with _______ flowers he got
_______ flowers
• ____________ ___________- production of a phenotype that is _____________ between
the two _____________ parents
• Mendel didn’t discover incomplete dominance because he studied traits that were
controlled by ______ alleles
• A trait is controlled by __________ alleles if there are more than ______ alleles that
control the trait.
• Traits controlled by multiple alleles result in more than _______ phenotypes of that trait.
• _______ type in humans is an example of __________ alleles that produce _______
• The allele for blood type are called _____, ____, and ____. Where ____ is recessive to
_____ and ____
• When a person inherits one ____ allele and one ____ allele, both are expressed and the
phenotype is ______
• A person with ___________ A has a genotype of _____ or _____
• A person with ___________ B has a genotype of _____ or _____
• A person with phenotype ____ has a genotype of ______
• _________ __________- occurs when a _______ of gene pairs acts together to produce a
• Ex:
• The effects of many _______ produce a wide variety of ____________
• _______________ also plays an important role in the ___________ of these traits
• Other traits controlled by phylogenic inheritance are:
• Many human _________ ________ are caused by __________ genes
• Such genetic disorders occur when both parents have a recessive ______ responsive for
the __________
• Because the parents are ______________ they don’t show any __________ of the
• If the __________ inherits two recessive alleles it will be _____________ and have
symptoms of the genetic disorder
• What determines the sex of an individual?
• Scientist studied this question using ______ _____
• They identified ______ pair of ______________ that determine the sex of organisms
• A pair of ______ is labeled female and a _____ male
• Each ______ produced by a female normally contains one ____ chromosome
• Males produce sperm that normally have either an ____ or ____ chromosome
• Some __________ conditions are linked with the ____ and ____ chromosomes
• ______________ _____- an allele inherited on a ______ chromosome
• Ex:
• More common in males that females because males only have one X chromosome,
which this condition is associated with, females have two X chromosomes, which
means both must carry the allele for a female to be color blind
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• While watching the video find answers to the following questions, we will have a
discussion after the video
1. Why must one X chromosome be inactivated in females?
2. What are differences between the active and inactive X chromosomes?
3. Does the same X chromosome always win?
4. What give calico cats their different colors?
• A __________ is a visual tool for following a _______ through generations of a family
• A ____________ filled shape shows that a trait is ______ in that person
• ______________ shaped indicate carriers
• ________ shapes represent organisms that do not have a ______ and are not __________
• Pedigrees are useful tools for _____________
• Geneticists can determine if a trait is ___________, dominant, ____________, or has
come other pattern of inheritance
• They can also predict the ____________ a baby will have specific trait
___________ are also important in __________ plants or animals
• Pedigrees are used to increase ________ and nutritional content of ___________ and
plant crops
• Also used by __________ of show animals, like dogs, to breed for possible desirable
____________ traits
• Issues concerning __________ are also considered when _____________ pedigrees
Section 3: Advances in Genetics
• The term _______ has become a _____________ word in our society
• The principles of _____________ are being used to ________ the world
• _________ __________- scientists experimenting with ___________ and chemical
methods to change the ______________ of a gene’s DNA to improve _______
production, produce large volumes of __________, and change how cells perform their
normal functions.
• Making _____________ DNA is one method of _________ engineering
• This _______ is made by __________ a useful segment of DNA from one ___________
into a ___________
• This method can be used to make ________ to treat Type I diabetes, and chemical to treat
__________ and other diseases
• _______ _________ is another kind of genetic engineering
• This process involved a _________ allele being placed in a _______
• The virus then delivers the ________ when it infects its _________ cell
• The __________ allele then replaces the __________ one
• Research is being done using this method to treat _______ ________, some kinds of
_________, and other __________ disorders
• For thousands of years people have used __________ breeding to improve the plants they
use for _______ and clothing
• _________ __________ along with selective breeding are being used to make
______________ to food
• Genes from a plant that produce a _________ trait can now be inserted into a
__________ plant
• Developments are still being made in this field and __________ is still being done to
determine the __________
Unit 5 Vocab
Punnett square
Sex-linked gene