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Chapter 7 - Learning
A) Classical Conditioning
Associations made between a natural stimulus and a learned stimulus
Ivan Pavlov – Dogs associated various items with food (Ringing Bell, A Feeder). They responded by
salivating, or become excitable.
Demo – rubber bands; clapping
Role of Punishment and Rewards can be crucial.
EX – List daily “conditions”
Bedwetting solutions
B) Operant Conditioning
Results from a person’s actions and consequences they create.
B.F. Skinner
Reinforcement is the key. This may be in positive or negative ways. Ex. “Good Grades”:
(+) = money
(-) = you’ll be grounded if below 90
Demonstration – Human Mice; Hot/Cold
Demonstration – classroom options…
C) Social Learning
Learning from the behavior of others. Could be either positive or negative behaviors. Ex?
Related to “Observational Learning”
Examples from “my” home life:
1) Reading (sister)
2) Making bed (parents/brother)
Who do you imitate? Why?
Albert Bandura: Dolls vs. Aggression
Related – abuse
Test: Following Directions; write your own set of clear, concise directions to be followed entirely
for a simple human function.
D) Cognitive Learning
Learning through mental processing. Idea that much of what we learn is done subtly or
abstractly (non-traditional)
Ex. #13
Ex. Racial Stereotypes (chicken and watermelon)
E) Bloom’s Taxonomy
Breaks learning in to 3 encompassing areas:
1) Cognitive: mental skills (Knowledge)
2) Affective: emotional growth, feelings (Attitude)
3) Psychomotor: manual or physical skills (Skills)
Other Factors
Latent Learning – done below the surface (not obvious) (maze)
Expectancies – beliefs about our own ability to perform an action and get desired rewards
Key – a key to success in academics, sports, musicals… life!
Reinforcement – places the value of one thing over another:
Playstation vs Xbox
Which do you prefer? If xbox, then that has higher reinforcement value.
Cognitive Map - Grasp of where one is Relative to space. An accepted notion that
Even simple organisms have Innate abilities…Mice!
Bees – sending scouts