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CHAPTER 14 - The Roman Republic
509 BC - 30 BC
Section 1: The Government
* Head of Roman Republic = __________
- were administrators & ____________
- had the power to __________ = _______________________________
* Senate
- 300 men
- chosen ___________
- handled ________________________________
- discussed ways to deal with other countries, _________, and approved
* Tribunes = _______________________________________
- all Roman citizens belonged to the assemblies, which could declare
_______ or __________
* 450 BC, Twelve Tablets = ___________________________________
- laws applied to _______________ and ________________
- became the ________ for all _____________________
* Election of tribunes and recording laws = _____________________________
- by 250 BC _____________ could hold public office
Section 1 Assessment
1) Define
a) republic ___________________________________________________
b) patricians __________________________________________________
c) plebeians___________________________________________________
d) consuls ___________________________________________________
e) veto ______________________________________________________
f) tribunes ____________________________________________________
2) What were some of the restrictions placed on the plebeians during the early years of the
Roman Republic ? ____________________________________________________
3) Why do you think it was important for the Romans to have laws written down ? ________
4) See pg 220 - Draw the diagram and use it to describe each part of Roman government.
Section 2: Roman Expansion
* Worked to ______ what they had set up
- afraid the _______ would try to gain control of Rome
- crossed the ______________ and ________ several Etruscan cities
- 290 BC = ______________________
- 146 BC = _______________________
* Gained Territory
- strong army that was organized into _____________
- legionaries = ________________________________________
- Legion had several advantages
- smaller and ____________________________
- fought as a group and attacked from only ____________________
- well ____________
- hours practicing, long marches, built fortified camps
* Romans As Rulers
* At first they did not tax the people they conquered.
- could keep their _________ and take care of _________________
- conquered were expected to ______________________________
Section 2 Assessment
1) Define
a) legions ____________________________________________________
b) legionaries _________________________________________________
2) Why were the Romans able to gain territory ? _____________________________
3) What was life like for a Roman legionary ? ________________________________
4) How would you describe the way the Romans treated people they conquered, and do you think
this was wise ? Explain ________________________________________________
5) Draw a chart (see pg 222) and use it to show the cause and effects of Roman conquest of
Etruscan cities.
Section 3: The Punic Wars
The First Punic War
* 1st Punic War
* 264 BC = Romans clashed with ___________
* 1st of 3 wars known as the _______________
* Military
* Carthage’s = _______________
* Rome’s = __________________
- had no navy
- modeled their ________ after a _______________found ________
- added a corvus = _______________________________________
- allowed soldiers to board an enemy ship and fight hand to hand
- Romans __________ the Carthaginians in 241 BC
Hannibal and the Second Punic War
* Began 218 BC
* Carthaginians led by ____________________attacked the ______________
* Hannibal’s army fought its way to the _______________________________
- did not have heavy enough equipment to tear down the city’s walls
- could not get more supplies as the ______________________________
* Rome attacked ________ causing ___________ to lose his 1st battle and war
* Carthage gave up all its _____________, including ______________
The Third Punic War
* Peace for _____yrs.
* Carthage began to show signs of wanting to regain power
* ___________attacked in 149 BC
- ______ and _______________so nothing would grow
- _________ and/or sold into _____________
* Greek City State of Corinth
- refused to obey _________
- Romans __________________ and burned it to the ground
- added Greece to its rule
Section 3 Assessment
1) What territory did Carthage control in 264 BC ? _______________________
2) What happened to Carthage in the Third Punic War ? _________________________
3) How did Rome become the leading power of the Mediterranean world ? ______________
4) What might have happened to Rome if it had lost the Punic Wars ? _________________
5) Fill in the chart and use it to summarize the outcome of each of the Punic Wars.
Section 4: Effects of Conquest
Agricultural Changes
* 1st change = size & _______________
- latifundias = ___________________
- produced ______, ______, _________ also ________, ________
* Main reason for change = ________________
- Roman farmers __________________
- By the 2nd Punic War most of the land __________________
* Workers on the Land
* 146 BC = _________ was widespread. Most lived/worked on ____________
From Farm to City
* Most farmers moved to the _______ and sold their land
- lived in _________________ under terrible conditions
- _______ were not connected to the ___________ (nor sewers)
- typhus = ______________________________
Decline of the Roman Republic
* Romans began to _____________ and ___________ from areas they conquered
* Publicans = _____________________________________________
- They paid Rome ahead of time for the contracts
- They _________ taxes from _______________
* Rome in Trouble
- 135 BC - farmers lost their land , ____________ and ________________
- __________ became poor because _________________________
- The gap between the rich and ______ grew
- Rome was no longer politically stable.
Section 4 Assessment
1) Define
a) latifundias __________________________________________________
b) publicans ___________________________________________________
2) How was Roman agriculture influenced by Hannibal ? __________________________
3) What was it life like in Rome during the decline of the republic ? __________________
4) Why might a large gap between rich and poor present problems for an empire ? ________
5) Using this diagram - compare Roman agriculture before and after the rise of the
Section 5: Roman Leadership
The Reformers
* 1st Reformer = _______________________
- wanted to ________ the amount of land a ____________
- wanted to _________ up public land and give them to the _________
- the ______ vetoed his ideas
- ran for a 2nd term as a ______ but the ________ staged a _______
and had him killed.
* 2nd Reformer = ________________________ (brother of Tiberius)
- thought _______________ from the city back to the ____________
- government took over the ____________________ to be able to
sell it to the _______ for below market prices
- wheat ended up being _________________
- Senate felt ____________ and had him _________ in 121 BC
The Generals
* Military Hero/became consul = __________________________
- first ____________ Roman to be __________ to the high office
- thought he could end Rome’s troubles by setting up a professional army
- he opened the _______ to everyone
- convinced the poor to join by ___________________________
- booty = ____________________________________________
- this ended up hurting the government as the soldiers gave to the
general to hired and paid them.
* Commander Lucius Cornelius Sulla ________ Marius
- marched his army on _____ and _________________
- civil _____ broke out
- Sull made himself dictator = _____________________________
- believed in increasing the power of the ___________
- doubled the Senate’s size
- Senators = __________
- tribunes = ___________
- Generals could no longer hold the same _______ for more than ______year
at a time
Julius Caesar
* Sulla retired power passed to ___________ = __________________________
* First Triumvirate
- Marcus Licinius Crassus, _____________, and __________________
- Pompeius (Pompey) believed in a _________ that would be ruled
by ______________
- Caesar believed ______________________________
- gained control after Pompey was murdered
- had both _____________ and strong family ____________
- named __________of a Roman province in ________
- built up a __________________
- Senate began to fear he was growing too strong and ordered him to
- he became the _________ of Rome
- Caesar’s Reforms
- redistributed ___________________
- built roads, _______, and _____________________________
- planned/paid for _____________________
- doubled the _______________________
- Roman citizenship to _________, ___________, _________
- adopted a new _______________ based on the _______________
- Caesar was ___________ to death as he entered the __________ in 44 BC
End of the Republic
* Power was passed from Caesar to another triumvirate:
1) __________________
2) __________________
3) __________________
* Fights among the three leaders ended up with __________ winning.
- Sole ruler of Roman Empire = ___________________________
Section 5 Assessment:
1) Define:
a) dictator _________________________________________________
b) triumvirate _______________________________________________
2) Why did civil war break out in Rome ? __________________________________
3) Why did a group of Roman senators murder Julius Caesar ? ______________________
4) How effective do you think a triumvirate is as a form of government ? Explain _________
5) Using the chart -- summarize the reforms supported by popular leaders during the closing
years of the Roman Republic.