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Anatomy and Physiology Exam Review
Introduction to the Human Body
Anatomy and physiology definitions
Levels of structural organization
Characteristics of Life
Know each and purpose
Relationship between body temperature
Define homeostasis
Body Systems
Basic functions of each
Anatomical Position
Know the anatomical position
Common directional terms
o Superior, inferior, posterior, medial, lateral, proximal, distal, superficial, deep
Body planes
o Know all (including alternative names in parentheses)
Body Cavities
Axial vs. appendicular
Ventral body cavity
o Thoracic and abdominopelvic/diaphragm
Basis of Life
Define matter
Three states of matter
Physical vs. chemical change
Composition of Matter
Most abundant elements in the body
Three major subatomic particles
o Medical uses
Ionic bonds
Covalent bonds
o Nonpolar
o Polar
Hydrogen bonds
Anabolism vs. catabolism vs. exchange
Organic vs. inorganic compounds
Why an acid is an acid and a base is a base
o pH scale
o Purpose they serve in the body
o Mono- vs. di- vs. polysaccharide
 Examples of each
o Role
o Structure
o Location of energy in the molecule
o Functions
o Functions
Anatomy of a Cell
Basic cell functions
Organelle structure/function
o Nucleus, nucleoli, ribosomes, ER, golgi apparatus, lysosomes, mitochondria
o Route of protein export
Membrane Transport
Selective permeability of a cell membrane
Diffusion/passive transport vs. active transport (energy requirements)
o Up vs. down a concentration gradient
o Which way a fluid go in a particular set of circumstances
Cell Division
o Stages and basic events of each
o Number of chromosomes at start/finish
Mitosis vs. meiosis (purpose of each)
o Haploid vs. diploid
Body Tissues
Four principal tissue types
o Epithelial
 Two types
 Types of epithelium
 Shapes/arrangements
o Examples/functions
 Role of keratin
o Connective
 Classification
 Loose, dense, cartilage, bone, blood, embryonic
 Function examples
 Characteristics
 Cells (living) vs. matrix (nonliving)
 “Blast” vs. “cyte” cell types
 Role of “phage” cells
 Adipose functions
 Tendon connective tissue type
 Muscle
 Function
 Type names
 Nervous
 Function
 Type names
Functions of the skin
Skin layer locations (dermis vs. epidermis)
Functions of the following:
o Keratinocytes, melanocytes, Langerhans cells, Merkel cells, melanin
Skin disorders
o Albinism, vitiligo, cyanosis, jaundice, erythema
Epidermal Derivatives
Hair anatomy
o Layers of the hair shaft
o Role of arrector pili muscles
Three gland types
o Function, what they create/do for the skin/body
o Three main parts (location/what it is)
o Lunula, eponychium, hyponychium (location/what it is)
o Deep wound healing phases (names)
o Burn degree categories (basics)
Axial vs. appendicular skeleton
Skeletal system functions
Structure of bone (structure/function of each)
o Diaphysis, epiphysis, metaphysis, articular cartilage, periosteum, medullary canal,
endosteum, epiphyseal line/plate
o Osteoprogenitor vs. osteoblast vs. osteocyte vs. osteoclast
Microscopic anatomy
o Volkmann’s vs. Haversian canals
o Haversian systems as a bone unit (osteon)
Bone Ossification
o Define
o Examples/which bones are formed this way
o Define
o Examples/which bones are formed this way
Growth of cartilage model
o Grow in length/thickness (appositional)
Development of primary ossification center
o Cells/structures involved
Bones of the Skull
Define sutures and fontanels
Know the six bones of the neurocranium
o Be able to label as you have in class
Know the eight bones of the viscerocranium (facial bones)
o Know basic characteristics
Bone markings
Why they’re present
Know basics of the following:
o Meatus, foramen, groove, notch, head, crest
Structural classifications – fibrous, cartilaginous, synovial
Vertebral Column and Thoracic Cage
Normal curves
o Characteristics, locations, names
Abnormal spine curvatures
o Scoliosis, lordosis, kyphosis
Divisions of the vertebral column
o Know all five and number of vertebrae in each
o Know how the size/shape of each type is different
Characteristics of atlas/axis
Know three processes
o Spinous, transverse, articular
Function of intervertebral disks
Thoracic cage
o Structures included
o Functions
o True vs. false vs. floating
o Three parts/locations
Appendicular skeleton
Bones of pectoral girdle
o Purpose of clavicle
Know the locations of the bones of the upper and lower extremities (ex. Humerus, radius, fibula,
femur, etc.)
Three bones of the pelvic girdle
o Ilium, ishium, pubis
o Purpose of pubic symphysis
The Muscular System/Muscular Tissue
Three major types (skeletal, smooth, cardiac)
o Basic anatomical differences
o Locations of each in the body
Individual muscle fiber
o Sarcolemma vs. sarcoplasm vs. sarcoplasmic reticulum
Myofilaments containing actin and myosin
 Know which are light/dark and thick/thin
 Lead to striations
 Physiology
 What is happening at this level when a muscle contracts
Muscle activity
o Know four characteristics of muscle tissue and define
Neuromuscular Junction
Motor unit
Fine vs. course muscle control
Role of acetylcholine, synaptic cleft, interstitial fluid
Depolarization vs. repolarization
Role of calcium during muscle contraction
Role of acetylcholinesterase
Energy sources for muscle contraction
o Role of creatine phosphate
o Purpose of glycolysis
o Aerobic system
 Fate of pyruvic acid
 Production of ATP
o Reasons for muscle fatigue
Muscle Responsiveness
Nature of all-or-none response
Isotonic vs. isometric contractions
Endurance vs. weight resistance exercise
o Basics
Naming Skeletal Muscles
Names associated with size
Names associated with shape
11 muscle actions (flexor, extensor, etc.)
Names associated with direction of muscle fibers
Nervous System/Introduction
Three major roles of the nervous system
Anatomical organization
o CNS vs. PNS
Functional organization
o Sensory/integrative/motor
Peripheral nervous system
o Somatic
 Sensory vs. motor neurons
o Autonomic
 Sensory vs. motor neurons
 Major divisions
 Sympathetic vs. parasympathetic
Protection of the brain
 Role of CNF
 What makes CNF
 Hydrocephalus
o Blood-brain barrier
o Three layers of the meninges
 Roles and locations
Regions of the brain
o Cerebrum
 Location
 Grooves/gyri
 Function of this brain region
 Left vs. right hemisphere characteristics
 Why white matter is white
 Association fibers
 Importance of corpus callosum
 Functions of cerebral cortex
o Diencephalon
 Thalmus
 Function
 Hypothalmus
 Function
o Brain stem
 Three parts and location/function of each
o Cerebellum
 Function
Cranial and Spinal Nerves
Names and basic function(s) of each
Nervous Tissue
Neuron vs. neuroglia
Kinds of nerve fibers
o Dendrites vs. axons (towards vs. away)
 Importance, function, locations, appearance
o Neuroglia
 Functions
Functional classification of neurons
o Afferent vs. efferent
Pathways and Tracts
Define pathway
Ascending (sensory) vs. descending (motor)
o Define
o Two types
o Reflex arc beginning and end
Hearing and Equilibrium
Three major parts of the ear
o External
 Function
 Three major structures
o Middle
 Function
 Name three bones (maleus, incus, stapes)
o Inner
 What it is
o Shape
Organ of Corti
o Significance
o Static vs. dynamic
Visual pathway
o Order and structures involved
o Rods. vs. cones
 Dim vs. light/which is important for color vision
Emmetropic eye vs. ones with conditions
o Myopia vs. hyperopia vs. astigmatism
 Causes
Sense of smell (Olfactory)
Three major cell types
o Role of each
Somatic and Special Senses
Define senses
Role of receptors
Area of brain dedicated to sensory areas
General senses
o Somatic (list and define)
o Visceral
Special senses
o Somatic (list and define)
o Visceral (list and define)
Skin receptors
o Tactile sensations
 Four major touch receptors
 Name and what they sense
 Two vibration receptors
o Pain sensations
 Nociceptors
 Referred pain
Three major epithelial cells
Four taste sensations
o Locations on tongue
Anatomy of the Eyeball
Location and function of the lens, cornea, pupil, cilliary body, retina, choroid, sclerea
Cranial nerves associated with vision