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Calculus Investigation The Michaelis-Menton Equation – Short Version This project asks you to derive the Michaelis-Menton Equation from the chemical/cellular mechanisms involved. This project deals with modeling at microscopic level and with processes unfamiliar to the nonbiologist. The Michaelis-Menton Equation is important in molecular biology and this problem introduces you to molecular modeling which is very important in medical research. In bacterial growth models, when the nutrient concentration is low, the bacterial growth rate is proportional to the concentration; when the nutrient level is high, the growth rate is constant. The reason is that nutrients must pass through the cell wall of a bacterium through a chemical process (called transport) involving receptor sites. Receptors are a certain type of molecule on the cellular membrane which bind with the nutrient molecules on one side of the cell wall and break down on the other side of the cell wall to let nutrient through. This process is shown in Figure 1. Figure 1: Nutrients passing through a cell wall using receptors bound to the cell wall. When the nutrient concentration is low, there are ample receptors so the rate of processing is proportional to the amount of nutrient. When the nutrient concentration is high, the receptors are working at maximum capacity so increasing the nutrient has no additional effect. Saturation results from the limited number of receptors and the limited rate at which their “conveyer-belt” mechanism can operate. In this project, we will deal with the bacteria-nutrient model as outlined, but notice that if the word "bacteria" were replaced by "liver cell" and the word "nutrient" were replaced by "drug," then this discussion would also apply to the pharmacokinetic use of Michaelis-Menton equation.