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Reducing your carbon emissions
FTA Support Guide
Delivering safe, efficient, sustainable logistics
The rise in greenhouse gas emissions at global, national and local levels is attracting huge attention as the world strives to
combat climate change. In 2008, the UK became the first country in the world to introduce a Climate Change Act and set
an ambitious target to reduce emissions by 80 per cent by 2050 against 1990 levels, with an interim target of 34 per cent by
2020. With a pledge in 2010 that the Government will be the greenest ever, it is clear that if a substantial reduction is to be
achieved, all sectors of the economy will need to make meaningful cuts.
Transport is the fastest growing source of domestic carbon emissions and currently accounts for a quarter of total
UK emissions. With freight accounting for a third, pressure will almost certainly impinge on the way it operates in the
future. This guide sets out how FTA can support you in reducing carbon emissions from your transport operations with
information and advice, carbon reduction actions, vehicle auditing and staff training.
Cutting carbon to cut costs
‘Going green’ does not need to entail a huge cost to your
business. Importantly, many actions that can reduce carbon
dioxide emissions from transport, such as improving driver
performance and fuel efficiency, can also reduce costs. There
are four main areas on which your time and effort should be
•Using the right vehicle for the right operation – through
vehicle specification, selection, maintenance and use of
•Ensuring drivers play a full part – through training techniques,
FTA can help you record, report and reduce your emissions
whilst staying up-to-date with the latest Government
legislation and policy relating to climate change measures.
Additionally increasing numbers of consumers and customers
will be swayed towards businesses that have green
credentials, making it even more important that climate
change moves towards the top of your agenda.
Breakdown of transport emissions by mode
effective driver management and motivation
•Managing fuel use – monitoring vehicle fuel efficiency and,
where appropriate, using alternative fuels such as biofuels
which have a lower net carbon intensity if sourced responsibly
•Reducing vehicle miles and vehicle resource – through
effective routeing and scheduling and better use of vehicle
The freight industry has already made significant progress to
reduce its carbon dioxide emissions. However, at an individual
company level, efforts often go unsung.
Did you know?
Passenger cars
Light duty vehicles
Domestic aviation
Domestic shipping
Stats relate to information during 2008
•The world needs to cut emissions by 50 per cent by 2050
•The Carbon Reduction Commitment (CRC) introduced
•Carbon dioxide is a major greenhouse gas, accounting for
•The Government published the first set of national voluntary
against 1990 levels. Cuts of this scale will reduce the risk
of temperature rises of more than 2°C by 2100 which,
although damaging, will avoid dangerous climate change
85 per cent of total UK emissions in 2008
•Since 1990, carbon emissions from transport have risen by
five per cent
2 An FTA support guide: Reducing your carbon emissions
from April 2010 is the first national cap and trade scheme
for non-energy intensive sectors and affects retailers,
warehouses and even hospitals
guidelines for recording and reporting greenhouse gas
emissions from business in October 2009, as well as specific
guidelines for freight in December 2010
How FTA can help
FastTrack Service
•Increase the understanding and the accuracy of
FastTrack is a free FTA service that assesses whether rail freight
is a viable and more efficient option to complement your
transport operation.
measurement of freight’s carbon dioxide footprint – FTA has
developed the Logistics Carbon Reduction Scheme (LCRS) to
record and report the industry’s carbon footprint
Encourage low carbon practices through a consistent
system of taxation and incentives – FTA believes that
operators respond most effectively to fiscal and operational
incentives which are consistent in their criteria and application
and deliver cashable benefits to operators
•Create a competitive cost base for the transport industry
to invest – FTA believes that high levels of diesel duty,
which are out of alignment with those on the continent, are
stripping cash out of UK businesses which could be better
spent on newer, more fuel efficient practices
•Encourage less carbon intensive transport modes – FTA
continues to argue for a rail network that enables rail freight
to achieve its full potential in terms of service frequency,
service reliability and loading gauge flexibility
•Longer semi-trailers – FTA has developed an evidence base
and policy position on the role of longer semi-trailers which
could help reduce carbon dioxide emissions from the road
transport industry
Logistics Carbon Reduction Scheme
Government and customers alike are now putting increased
pressure on businesses to record and report their progress
and the Logistics Carbon Reduction Scheme (LCRS) is an ideal
way for operators to do this. The scheme, developed by FTA,
aggregates fuel usage data provided by its participants and
reports a total carbon footprint for their use. Without industry
action such as the LCRS, Government may regulate to cut
emissions either through legislation or tax.
By joining the LCRS you will:
•be part of a leading industry initiative to record, report and
reduce carbon emissions from freight transport
•contribute to a voluntary carbon reduction target for industry
•contribute to the annual LCRS report which promotes
industry’s efforts to Government and key stakeholders
•receive a quarterly LCRS e-newsletter on the progress of the
scheme and key Government climate change policy affecting
For more information visit
With many major companies using rail as a vital element of their
supply chains, this assessment will provide you with an estimate
of potential costs and the carbon reductions that would result.
Information and advice
Carbonfta is a unique subscription service which provides
information, guidance and support on topical climate issues and
carbon emissions.
The service comprises of the following
Carbonfta manual – A regularly updated, practical
guide to recording, reporting and reducing carbon
dioxide emissions from freight transport. The
manual includes easy to digest information, freight
best practice guides, an interactive emissions
calculator cd, benchmarking tables and statistics
and charts to help devise plans to reduce CO2
Advice centre – A team of advisors providing
telephone support on a variety of issues including
fuel advice and carbon-related issues.
E-services – A dedicated Carbonfta website,
providing access to all pages of the manual, and
downloadable templates and reports.
Carbonfta e-news bulletins, keeping you
up-to-date with latest developments.
Briefing notes
FTA has developed a range of briefing notes on climate
change issues which affect the supply chain. Briefing notes on
climate change policy and alternative fuels and technologies
are currently available at
Conferences and events
FTA conducts a range of annual seminars and briefings for
members, including an annual Logistics Carbon Reduction
Conference which provides the opportunity for delegates to
share best practice advice and hear the latest policy information
on reducing carbon dioxide emissions. For information on
upcoming events visit
An FTA support guide: Reducing your carbon emissions 3 Training
Training is vital to enabling staff to understand their role in helping
to report and reduce carbon emissions. This not only helps to
support Government and business initiatives, but it can also
produce cost savings, increase your company profile and help you
maintain a competitive advantage.
FTA’s training solutions can be delivered at one of our
nationwide venues or in-company to help reduce costs and
downtime. Courses include:
HGV and PCV Roadworthiness and Maintenance
These inspections provide regular opportunities to fully examine
the visual, operational and mechanical condition of your vehicles.
Ensuring that your vehicles are well-maintained reduces the
possibility of unnecessary fuel usage and carbon emissions due
to an inefficient fleet.
Van Inspections
Safe, Environmental and Fuel Efficient Driving
This course is aimed to help drivers enhance their skills through
best practice techniques to adopt a safer, more environmentally
friendly and fuel efficient style of driving. This course can also
count towards your Driver CPC.
Specialist Inspection Training
This course is designed to enable technical staff to be able to
accurately identify defects, make wear and tear assessments and
comprehensively evaluate the condition of vehicles. Ensuring
vehicles are safe and efficient will in turn lead to reduced fuel
consumption and fewer carbon emissions.
One of the most effective ways of reducing fuel consumption
is to ensure a well-maintained and efficient fleet. Our range of
inspections and audits can help you achieve this and our team of
experts can advise on alternative, ‘greener’ fuels.
FTA offers a variety of van inspections designed to ensure
you are maintaining a safe, reliable and legal fleet operation.
These inspections include a roadworthiness inspection and
a maintenance inspection which highlight areas that need
attention in order to be more efficient and fuel economic.
Fleet Management Information
Fleet Management Information is available with all inspections
and is designed to provide a detailed analysis of the condition
of your fleet . The comprehensive reports provided allow
operators to identify areas that may need attention in order to
improve fuel efficiency and aid in reducing emissions.
Vehicle Maintenance Systems Audits
These audits provide independent inspections of the systems
and the procedures you have in place to deal with your vehicle
maintenance arrangements. A range of audits are available to
help address any specific concerns or challenges including fuel
usage, carbon emissions and efficiency.
For more information on how FTA can help you to reduce your carbon emissions
please call 08717 11 22 22*, visit or email [email protected]
Freight Transport Association Limited
Hermes House
St John’s Road
Tunbridge Wells
*Calls may be recorded for training purposes
Telephone: 01892 526171
Fax: 01892 534989
Registered in England Number 391957