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Higher Human Biology
Unit 4
Immunology & Public Health
KEY AREA 4: Active Immunisation and Vaccination
Higher Human Biology
We are going to build on the knowledge and skills that you developed during N5 and will
learn about the following Immunology & Public Health key areas : -
Key Area 1 – Non-specific Defences
Key Area 2 – Specific Cellular Defences
Key Area 3 – Transmission and Control of Infectious Diseases
Key Area 4 – Active Immunisation and Vaccination and the Evasion of Specific
Immune Responses by Pathogens
Physiology & Health Learning Intentions
KEY AREA 4 – Active Immunisation and Vaccination
a)Active Immunity
b)Pathogen Evolution
4a) Active immunisation and vaccination
Immunisation is the process by which a person develops immunity to a disease-causing
Active immunity refers to the protection gained as a result of the person’s body
producing its own antibodies
Naturally Acquired Active Immunity is when the person has acquired active immunity
by natural means (e.g. they have survived the infection by a pathogen, and if exposed to
this antigen again, a secondary immune response occurs)
Artificially Acquired Active Immunity is when the person has received a vaccination to
trigger an immune response creating an immunological memory
4b) Vaccinations
Vaccinations are made from antigens from infectious pathogens that are usually
mixed with an adjuvant.
An adjuvant is a chemical substance that promotes the activity of the antigen
and enhances the immune response
The vaccine is usually a weakened or altered form of the pathogen or toxin e.g.
- Inactivated pathogen toxin (e.g. Diphtheria, Tetanus)
- Dead pathogen (e.g. Hepatitis A, Poliomyelitis)
- Parts of pathogens (e.g. Hepatitis B, HPV (Human Papilloma virus)
- Weakened pathogens (e.g. Rubella, mumps and measles)
4c) Vaccine Clinical Trials
Vaccines are subjected to clinical trials to establish their safety and
efficacy (capable of producing the intended result) before being
licenced for use
Clinical Trials involve testing on cells and animals in the lab, and once
protocols have been approved then testing on humans can take place
During a clinical trial, then subjects are split into groups in a randomised
way in which neither the subjects nor the researchers know which group
they are in
e.g. 2 groups (test group, control group)
4d) Clinical Trial Design
Placebo Effect
Control group given a “sham” treatment to see if it improves their condition due
to the psychological effect of thinking it works
Double-blind Trial
Neither the subjects nor the researchers know who is receiving what to
eliminate bias
Information about each individual is hidden, so groups are made randomly and
not based on current health to eliminate bias
Sample group size must be suitable to reduce the magnitude of experimental
At the end of the trial results are compared to determine whether there are
any statistically significant differences between the groups
4e) Herd Immunity
If a large percentage of a population are immunised, nonimmune individuals are protected as there is a lower
probability that they will come into contact with infected
individuals – this form of protection is called Herd Immunity
Herd immunity is important in reducing the spread of
diseases and in protecting vulnerable and non-vaccinated
For Herd immunity to be effective, only a minority of the
population can be left unvaccinated. The percentage of
immune individuals in a population above which a disease no
longer manages to persist is called the herd immunity
Herd Immunity Threshold depends upon:-The pathogen’s virulence – its capacity to cause disease
-The efficacy of the vaccine (it effectiveness)
-The contact parameters for the population (degree of
population density that affects the pathogen’s ability to
4f) Public Health Immunisation Programmes
In most countries, the public health policy for combating common diseases
is to use mass vaccination programmes to create herd immunity.
Widespread vaccination is not always possible:
In developing countries due to malnutrition and poverty, or
In developed countires when vaccines are rejected by a percentage of the
population due to negative publicity about the vaccine e.g., MMR
4g) Pathogenic Evolution
Many pathogens have evolved mechanisms that evade the specific immune system
which has consequences for vaccination strategies
Antigenic Variation
Some pathogens can change their antigens which means they can avoid the effect
of immunological memory e.g. Malaria, Trypanosomiasis, Influenza
4g) Pathogenic Evolution - Antigenic Variation
4h) Pathogenic Evolution
Influenza Virus
The influenza virus evolves to produce new antigens which avoid the human
body’s immunological memory. This allows the virus to re-infect the person as
the new antigens are not recognised. This is why influenza is a major public
health problem, and high-risk individuals (those with an underlying health
condition e.g., asthma, diabetes or those belonging to other risk groups e.g., the
elderly, the young and pregnant women who may have weakened immune
systems) need to be vaccinated every year with a new version of the vaccine to
give protection
4i) Pathogenic Evolution
Trypanosomiasis (African Sleeping Sickness)
Trypanosoma brucei is a protozoan (unicellular animal) that causes a fatal
neurological disease called Trypanosomiasis (“Sleeping Sickness”) when it gains
access to the bloodstream of humans and some other mammals. The pathogen is
surrounded by a coat of glycoprotein that varies in chemical composition
depending on which of the genes that code of the variations are switched on.
The infected host responds by making antibodies against the antigen (the
glycoprotein in the pathogen’s coat), which kills 99% of protozoa but 1% of
them shed their coat, switch on different genes to code for a different
variation of the glycoprotein and thus the host has to produce new antibodies.
Eventually this cycle results in death of the host.
4j) Pathogenic Evolution
Plasmodium falciparum is a protozoan (unicellular animal) that causes malaria.
The malaria pathogen is found in red blood cells of humans and shows great
antigenic variation to avoid the host’s immune response. Individual pathogenic
cells produce a protein that is transported to an infected red blood cell’s
surface, making the red blood cell adhere to the lining of the blood vessel
preventing it from being removed and destroyed. The parasite can switch off
the genes for this protein, making it impossible for the host to produce
antibodies within the limited time available. This antigenic variation has
prevented scientists from producing an effective vaccine, and Malaria
continues to kill millions of people annually.
4k) Direct Attack on Immune System
The absence or failure of some component of the immune system results in
increased susceptibility to infection e.g. If a pathogen interferes with the host
cell’s phagocytic response, the pathogen manages to block an essential step in
the immune system and brings it to a halt
An Immunodeficiency Disease results from the absence or failure of some
component of the immune system which leaves the person susceptible to
4l) Direct Attack on Immune System – AIDS & HIV
AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) is a deficiency disease caused
by HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) as HIV attacks lymphocytes
• HIV attacks helper t lymphocytes, attaching itself to
specific receptors on the helper T cell surface.
• Helper T cells activate B cells and Cyto-toxic T cells,
as the number of helper T cells drops, the body’s
immune response decreases
• Individuals are left more susceptible to opportunistic
infections such as pneumonia, or influenza.
• This immune-compromised state arises many years
after the initial infection and it is at this point the
person is suffering from AIDS
4m) Direct Attack on Immune System - Tuberculosis
Mycobacterium tuberculosis is a bacterium that causes tuberculosis.
It is an intracellular pathogen as it can survive inside phagocytes preventing
lysosomes fusing with the vesicle, the enzymes produced to break it down are
not effective as there are unable to breakdown the waxy cell wall
As the pathogen remains alive inside the macrophage it avoids immune detection
Physiology & Health Questions
KEY AREA 4 – Active Immunisation and Vaccination
1.Testing Your Knowledge 1 Page
2. Testing Your Knowledge 2
Q’s 1-3
3.What you should know
Q’s 1-12
4.Applying Knowledge
5.Quick Quiz