Download Marine Science Unit 7 1. are underwater, volcanic mountains with

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Marine Science Unit 7
1. ________________ are underwater, volcanic mountains with flat tops.
2. Long, narrow cracks in the ocean floor, the deepest parts of the ocean are called
3. _______________ Plains are large, flat regions on the ocean floor.
4. __________________ are underwater, cone-shaped volcanic mountains.
5. The basin is the ocean floor at a depth of more than ____________ meters.
6. ___________________ is the detailed charting of the features of an area; ____________,
depths, and _____________ of the surface of an area.
7. ____________________ are deep, v-shaped valleys found along the continental slope.
8. The ___________________________ is a mountain chain that rises from the ocean basins;
where _______________________ takes place.
9. The ____________________________ is a relatively flat part of the continent that is covered by
seawater; it lies between the coast and the continental slope.
10. The ______________________________ is the sloping surface between the outer edge of the
continental shelf and the ocean basin.
11. Using ______________, seismic _______________, ______________, and underwater
_____________________, __________________ have discovered that the ________________,
or shape, of the ocean floor is similar to sights we see on Earth’s _________________.
12. The ocean floor has raised masses of land like the ______________ Mountains, and large areas
of smooth and level surfaces like the ____________________.
13. Earth’s continents were once one large landmass known as _________________.
14. German Scientist _______________________ hypothesized in 1915 that the continents
separated over time and _____________ to their present locations.
15. A theory known as ___________________ suggests that Earth’s outermost layer, or
_____________, is separated into 12 or more large pieces or plates.
16. The ____________________ is the 5-mile-thick plate which lies beneath oceans.
17. Volcanoes and earthquakes occur along the _______________________.
18. ______________________ do not mark where continents end. Some continents extend as much
as 50-65 kilometers into the _______________.
19. The edge of the continent that is underwater is called the _____________________.
20. Continental shelves are usually ________, they differ in their ___________, or distance they
extend into seawater.
21. A low-lying coast will have a __________ and ____________ continental shelf.
22. Layers of _____________ and ____________deposits on the continental shelf provide pockets
of _________ and __________________.
23. The waters over the continental shelf provide productive _________________________.
24. The _______________________ separates the continental shelf from the ocean floor.
25. Continental slopes have many ______________ and small _________________.
26. The upper part of _________________ Canyon were formed by rivers and the deeper parts by
__________________________ of sand and ____________ such as ______________________.
27. The ocean _____________ is more than 4000 meters deep.
28. The ocean ____________, or floor, begins at the bottom of the _________________________.
29. ________________ Plains are formed by sediments deposited by
____________________________ and sediments continually falling from seawater above.
30. The deepest parts of the ocean are long, narrow cracks called _________________.
31. _______________ slice into the ocean floor more than 10,000 meters deep, and some run as
long as _____________ kilometers.
32. The __________________ Trench in the ______________ Ocean is the deepest spot in the
ocean at more than _____________ meters or __________miles deep.
33. _________________ are cone-shaped volcanic mountains with steep sides and a narrow
34. Seamounts are most abundant in the _______________Ocean, possibly because of the activity
of plates in the ______________ area.
35. Flat-topped seamounts are called ______________.
36. Scientists believe the sinking of the _______________ was caused by the movement of
37. _________________________are underwater mountain ranges.
38. The _________________________ form a continuous mountain chain from the _____________
Ocean, down through the middle of the _______________ Ocean, around the tip of
______________ and into the ______________ Ocean. The chain continues across the
_______________ Ocean and north to North America.
39. Mid-Ocean Ridges form when molten _____________ from the ___________ flows up to the
seafloor. When the ___________ hits the seafloor, it cools and forms layers making new
______________. This expansion of Earth’s crust is called ___________________________.
40. The mountain belt in the Atlantic Ocean is called the __________________ Ridge. The mountain
belt in the Pacific Ocean is called the ________________ Rise or __________________ Ridge.