variations in the global phosphorus cycle
... from 0.7—4.8 x 1012g/yr. Uncertainty in the reactive phosphorus flux hinges primarily on the uncertain fate of phosphate adsorbed to iron oxyhydroxide particles which are estimated to constitute 50% or more of the chemically weathered-phosphorus river flux. Most reactive phosphorus is initially remo ...
... from 0.7—4.8 x 1012g/yr. Uncertainty in the reactive phosphorus flux hinges primarily on the uncertain fate of phosphate adsorbed to iron oxyhydroxide particles which are estimated to constitute 50% or more of the chemically weathered-phosphorus river flux. Most reactive phosphorus is initially remo ...
Sample pages 2 PDF
... trigger of coastal upwelling is the wind‐induced offshore movement of surface water, which is replenished with water from below. In the case of equatorial upwelling, the prevailing trade winds induce net surface water movement away from the equator in both hemispheres, resulting in its replacement b ...
... trigger of coastal upwelling is the wind‐induced offshore movement of surface water, which is replenished with water from below. In the case of equatorial upwelling, the prevailing trade winds induce net surface water movement away from the equator in both hemispheres, resulting in its replacement b ...
Lifting the lid on the major canned tuna brands in Canada:
... sashimi market, but less attention has been given to the tuna found in the stacks of cans lining local supermarket shelves. The depletion of the tuna stocks most commonly targeted for canning has been recorded by scientists over many years. Today, there is the real possibility that commercial extinc ...
... sashimi market, but less attention has been given to the tuna found in the stacks of cans lining local supermarket shelves. The depletion of the tuna stocks most commonly targeted for canning has been recorded by scientists over many years. Today, there is the real possibility that commercial extinc ...
IOC-WMO-UNEP Intergovernmental Committee for the Global
... in data. High quality hardware is needed in the least industrialized countries. Local information is needed to improve global forecasting. Coastal destruction is visible and of concrete importance to people and politicians in developing countries and can thus motivate coastal measurement programmes ...
... in data. High quality hardware is needed in the least industrialized countries. Local information is needed to improve global forecasting. Coastal destruction is visible and of concrete importance to people and politicians in developing countries and can thus motivate coastal measurement programmes ...
A new model for the global biogeochemical cycle of carbonyl sulfide
... 2008), of 738 GgS yr−1 in the work of Berry et al. (2013) and even reaching up to 1500 GgS yr−1 in Montzka et al. (2007). Soils could also play a role in the budget of OCS. It is still a strong matter of debate, but recent estimates suggest that much more OCS is taken up by soils than proposed by Ke ...
... 2008), of 738 GgS yr−1 in the work of Berry et al. (2013) and even reaching up to 1500 GgS yr−1 in Montzka et al. (2007). Soils could also play a role in the budget of OCS. It is still a strong matter of debate, but recent estimates suggest that much more OCS is taken up by soils than proposed by Ke ...
Thesis proposal
... provides new nitrogen with a 15N of around -1 to 0‰, as measured in cellular N of Nfixer colonies collected at sea (Carpenter et al. 1997). By comparison, the 15N of dissolved N2 is around 0.6‰ relative to atmospheric N2. Laboratory cultures of N-fixers (Table 2) corroborate the apparent lack of N ...
... provides new nitrogen with a 15N of around -1 to 0‰, as measured in cellular N of Nfixer colonies collected at sea (Carpenter et al. 1997). By comparison, the 15N of dissolved N2 is around 0.6‰ relative to atmospheric N2. Laboratory cultures of N-fixers (Table 2) corroborate the apparent lack of N ...
Assessment of Governance Arrangements for the Ocean
... and habitat destruction in Large Marine Ecosystems (LMEs). While there are currently 66 LMEs that have been identified globally based on criteria of productivity, trophic relationships, bathymetry and hydrography (Sherman 1994), priority is given in this report to the 50 LMEs shared by more than one ...
... and habitat destruction in Large Marine Ecosystems (LMEs). While there are currently 66 LMEs that have been identified globally based on criteria of productivity, trophic relationships, bathymetry and hydrography (Sherman 1994), priority is given in this report to the 50 LMEs shared by more than one ...
Transport of Japan tsunami marine debris to the coast of British
... forcing by the wind have already arrived in Canadian waters and washed up on the shores of British Columbia. Model simulations show that such high windage debris started to arrive along the BC coast during the winter of 2011-12. Most of the debris, however, is thought to consist of objects with low ...
... forcing by the wind have already arrived in Canadian waters and washed up on the shores of British Columbia. Model simulations show that such high windage debris started to arrive along the BC coast during the winter of 2011-12. Most of the debris, however, is thought to consist of objects with low ...
... changes in nutrient input beginning in the 1970s. However, increasing silicate in the deep ocean over the same period has indicated that there is an overlooked source of silicate and has brought the paradigm of silica limitation into question. Here, it is shown that silicate-using protists became mo ...
... changes in nutrient input beginning in the 1970s. However, increasing silicate in the deep ocean over the same period has indicated that there is an overlooked source of silicate and has brought the paradigm of silica limitation into question. Here, it is shown that silicate-using protists became mo ...
IOC-WMO-UNEP Intergovernmental Committee - unesdoc
... U.S.A. stated that the initial implementation of GOOS (Global and Coastal modules) cannot be met with the level of resources presently being provided. Resources are even insufficient to sustain those components of the global module that have attained their initial deployment objectives. The membersh ...
... U.S.A. stated that the initial implementation of GOOS (Global and Coastal modules) cannot be met with the level of resources presently being provided. Resources are even insufficient to sustain those components of the global module that have attained their initial deployment objectives. The membersh ...
New perspectives in benthic deep-sea microbial ecology
... Recent technological progress in metagenomics is opening new perspectives for investigating microbial life in deep-sea ecosystems. The advent of next-generation sequencing technology allowed us to investigate and to compare the composition of microbial assemblages from different deep-sea habitats, a ...
... Recent technological progress in metagenomics is opening new perspectives for investigating microbial life in deep-sea ecosystems. The advent of next-generation sequencing technology allowed us to investigate and to compare the composition of microbial assemblages from different deep-sea habitats, a ...
The Integrated, Strategic Design Plan for the Coastal Ocean
... We do not have these capabilities today.The purpose of establishing a Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS) is to develop these capabilities. The sponsors of GOOS are the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) of UNESCO, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the World Meteorologi ...
... We do not have these capabilities today.The purpose of establishing a Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS) is to develop these capabilities. The sponsors of GOOS are the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) of UNESCO, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the World Meteorologi ...
Integrated Strategic Design Plan for the Coastal Ocean
... We do not have these capabilities today.The purpose of establishing a Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS) is to develop these capabilities. The sponsors of GOOS are the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) of UNESCO, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the World Meteorologi ...
... We do not have these capabilities today.The purpose of establishing a Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS) is to develop these capabilities. The sponsors of GOOS are the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) of UNESCO, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the World Meteorologi ...
Australia`s regional fisheries engagement
... struggles to secure adequate recognition and funding from the broader donor community and from Pacific island governments. While fisheries are now one of our six top aid areas, we should make the Pacific our key regional fisheries priority: fisheries in this region are in many ways at a tipping poin ...
... struggles to secure adequate recognition and funding from the broader donor community and from Pacific island governments. While fisheries are now one of our six top aid areas, we should make the Pacific our key regional fisheries priority: fisheries in this region are in many ways at a tipping poin ...
Cenozoic mass extinctions in the deep sea
... Deep-sea benthic foraminifera live in the largest habitat on Earth, constitute an important part of its benthic biomass, and form diverse assemblages with common cosmopolitan species. Modern deep-sea benthic foraminiferal assemblages are strongly influenced by events affecting their main food source ...
... Deep-sea benthic foraminifera live in the largest habitat on Earth, constitute an important part of its benthic biomass, and form diverse assemblages with common cosmopolitan species. Modern deep-sea benthic foraminiferal assemblages are strongly influenced by events affecting their main food source ...
Cover - IMBER
... union, dedicated to the pursuit of excellence in the geosciences and the planetary and space sciences for the benefit of humanity, worldwide. It is a non-‐profit international union of scientists ...
... union, dedicated to the pursuit of excellence in the geosciences and the planetary and space sciences for the benefit of humanity, worldwide. It is a non-‐profit international union of scientists ...
Science Plan - Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research
... (4) support data management and the development of data standards; (5) develop models of how sound travels in the ocean; (6) support the planning and implementation of regional experiments; and (7) ensure constructive engagement with industry, regulators, nongovernmental organizations, and the publ ...
... (4) support data management and the development of data standards; (5) develop models of how sound travels in the ocean; (6) support the planning and implementation of regional experiments; and (7) ensure constructive engagement with industry, regulators, nongovernmental organizations, and the publ ...
IOC Sub-Commission for the Western Pacific - UNESDOC
... Commission and Director-General of UNESCO, congratulated WESTPAC for exceeding her expectations and fully demonstrating its indispensable role in delivering and expanding the service of IOC to Member States in the region due to the joint efforts of Member States and WESTPAC Office. She noted that WE ...
... Commission and Director-General of UNESCO, congratulated WESTPAC for exceeding her expectations and fully demonstrating its indispensable role in delivering and expanding the service of IOC to Member States in the region due to the joint efforts of Member States and WESTPAC Office. She noted that WE ...
National ocean policy: the basic texts from
... marine environment, will influence other sites, i.e. human activities conducted in the coastal zone can have significant impacts on the offshore environment, and vice-versa. Furthermore, the ocean being located downstream of land-based processes and activities, receives their influence and impact. A con ...
... marine environment, will influence other sites, i.e. human activities conducted in the coastal zone can have significant impacts on the offshore environment, and vice-versa. Furthermore, the ocean being located downstream of land-based processes and activities, receives their influence and impact. A con ...
The role of local atmospheric forcing on the
... regions, and in particular in the tropics and subtropics, cannot be maintained by local atmospheric forcings only, but are also a result of oceanic dynamics that are not simulated in a single column ocean model. Thus lateral ocean dynamics are essential in maintaining observed MLD. ...
... regions, and in particular in the tropics and subtropics, cannot be maintained by local atmospheric forcings only, but are also a result of oceanic dynamics that are not simulated in a single column ocean model. Thus lateral ocean dynamics are essential in maintaining observed MLD. ...
Glossary of Physical Oceanography and Related Disciplines
... formed by turbidity currents which covered the preexisting topography. Most abyssal plains are located between the base of the continental rise and the abyssal hills. The remainder are trench abyssal plains that lie in the bottom of deep-sea trenches. This latter type traps all sediment from turbidi ...
... formed by turbidity currents which covered the preexisting topography. Most abyssal plains are located between the base of the continental rise and the abyssal hills. The remainder are trench abyssal plains that lie in the bottom of deep-sea trenches. This latter type traps all sediment from turbidi ...
ocean and coastal ecosystem-based management
... limitations, and highlight opportunities to apply them in the future. There is no single perfect example of EBM implementation. Therefore, this Handbook provides a spectrum of examples that take steps toward EBM, all of which have their strengths and weaknesses. It also describes new ideas about how ...
... limitations, and highlight opportunities to apply them in the future. There is no single perfect example of EBM implementation. Therefore, this Handbook provides a spectrum of examples that take steps toward EBM, all of which have their strengths and weaknesses. It also describes new ideas about how ...
Paleoceanographical proxies based on deep-sea
... surface, but are present alive in the upper 1–10 cm of the sediment, in microhabitats that become increasingly oxygen-depleted from the sediment surface downwards. Elaborating ideas proposed by Shirayama (1984), Corliss and Emerson (1990), and Loubere, Gary, and Lagoe (1993), Jorissen, De Stigter, a ...
... surface, but are present alive in the upper 1–10 cm of the sediment, in microhabitats that become increasingly oxygen-depleted from the sediment surface downwards. Elaborating ideas proposed by Shirayama (1984), Corliss and Emerson (1990), and Loubere, Gary, and Lagoe (1993), Jorissen, De Stigter, a ...
Clay Minerals, Deep Circulation and Climate
... progressive reaction of smectite to illite, which depends primarily on temperature (Hower et al., 1976; Hoffman & Hower, 1979; Srodon & Eberl, 1984). Other than temperature, the two most important factors are time and fluid chemistry (Eberl & Hower, 1977; Roberson & Lahann, 1981; Ramsayer & Boles, 1 ...
... progressive reaction of smectite to illite, which depends primarily on temperature (Hower et al., 1976; Hoffman & Hower, 1979; Srodon & Eberl, 1984). Other than temperature, the two most important factors are time and fluid chemistry (Eberl & Hower, 1977; Roberson & Lahann, 1981; Ramsayer & Boles, 1 ...
160849e. - Japan Oceanographic Data Center
... document IOC/ABE-LOS.VIII/INF-02 summarizing some of the recent international events on Law of the Sea. In the following debate, it was concluded that marine science is an important topic in the international agendas of States. The Group further concluded that some of the topics will be discussed un ...
... document IOC/ABE-LOS.VIII/INF-02 summarizing some of the recent international events on Law of the Sea. In the following debate, it was concluded that marine science is an important topic in the international agendas of States. The Group further concluded that some of the topics will be discussed un ...
Indian Ocean

The Indian Ocean is the third largest of the world's oceanic divisions, covering approximately 20% of the water on the Earth's surface. It is bounded by Asia on the north, on the west by Africa, on the east by Australia, and on the south by the Southern Ocean or, depending on definition, by Antarctica. It is named after India.The Indian Ocean is known as Ratnakara, ""the mine of gems"", in ancient Sanskrit literature and as Hind Mahasagar in Hindi and other Indian languages.