LESSON PLANS - hiddencorner.us
... In Chapter 1, the student learns about the history of ocean studies and travels, from exploratory worldwide sailing voyages to pioneering voyages into the ocean’s depths. The story of the Titanic is told to introduce the student to concepts—such as buoyancy—that are related to early ocean travel and ...
... In Chapter 1, the student learns about the history of ocean studies and travels, from exploratory worldwide sailing voyages to pioneering voyages into the ocean’s depths. The story of the Titanic is told to introduce the student to concepts—such as buoyancy—that are related to early ocean travel and ...
... The circulation pattern off the east coast of Luzon, Philippines, as observed during two oceanographic cruises conducted in May/June 2011 and April/May 2012, features a northward-flowing current (the nascent Kuroshio) bracketed by an anticyclonic eddy to its northeast and a cyclonic eddy to its sout ...
... The circulation pattern off the east coast of Luzon, Philippines, as observed during two oceanographic cruises conducted in May/June 2011 and April/May 2012, features a northward-flowing current (the nascent Kuroshio) bracketed by an anticyclonic eddy to its northeast and a cyclonic eddy to its sout ...
... Diversity of N2 -fixing microorganisms N2 -fixing microorganisms are exclusively prokaryotic (including both Bacteria and Archaea); however, beyond that single distinguishing characteristic they show a remarkable diversity in form and function. Much of the research in the marine environment, especia ...
... Diversity of N2 -fixing microorganisms N2 -fixing microorganisms are exclusively prokaryotic (including both Bacteria and Archaea); however, beyond that single distinguishing characteristic they show a remarkable diversity in form and function. Much of the research in the marine environment, especia ...
... understanding of Aceh tsunami. Tsunami has attracted attention after struck Aceh in December 26th 2004. generated by a strong earthquake with magnitude Mw=9.0. The earthquake triggered giant tsunami waves that propagated throughout the Indian Ocean, causing extreme inundation and destruction along t ...
... understanding of Aceh tsunami. Tsunami has attracted attention after struck Aceh in December 26th 2004. generated by a strong earthquake with magnitude Mw=9.0. The earthquake triggered giant tsunami waves that propagated throughout the Indian Ocean, causing extreme inundation and destruction along t ...
... and fishing. As ships were relatively smaller and fewer than what is obtainable today, nobody talked about depletion of fish stocks, as ocean resources were generally considered inexhaustible. This traditional hegemony of the world’s ocean and seas by the west European maritime powers was first chal ...
... and fishing. As ships were relatively smaller and fewer than what is obtainable today, nobody talked about depletion of fish stocks, as ocean resources were generally considered inexhaustible. This traditional hegemony of the world’s ocean and seas by the west European maritime powers was first chal ...
Coupled Marine Boundary Layers and Air-Sea Interaction Initiative:
... both the background and the lens for Navy surveillance, search, and strike operations, as well as the medium in which it must survive without damage to platforms and personnel. It is difficult to argue that the success of any other national enterprise depends more heavily on resolving the structure ...
... both the background and the lens for Navy surveillance, search, and strike operations, as well as the medium in which it must survive without damage to platforms and personnel. It is difficult to argue that the success of any other national enterprise depends more heavily on resolving the structure ...
the atmospheric input of chemicals to the ocean
... Absorption by the ocean of gases such as sulphuric and nitric acids will tend to decrease seawater pH which will in turn cause CO2 to be released from the ocean to the atmosphere. This will moderate or cancel out the expected pH drop and concomitantly decrease the effectiveness of the seawater as a ...
... Absorption by the ocean of gases such as sulphuric and nitric acids will tend to decrease seawater pH which will in turn cause CO2 to be released from the ocean to the atmosphere. This will moderate or cancel out the expected pH drop and concomitantly decrease the effectiveness of the seawater as a ...
FINAL DRAFT IPCC WGII AR5 Chapter 6 Subject to Final Copyedit 1
... Climate change alters physical, chemical, and biological properties of the ocean (very high confidence). Oceanic drivers include salinity, circulation, temperature, carbon dioxide (CO2), oxygen (O2), nutrients, and light. These drivers shape the physiological performance of individual cells and orga ...
... Climate change alters physical, chemical, and biological properties of the ocean (very high confidence). Oceanic drivers include salinity, circulation, temperature, carbon dioxide (CO2), oxygen (O2), nutrients, and light. These drivers shape the physiological performance of individual cells and orga ...
The submersible and oceanography.
... Concurrently with the initiation of this study, it was announced that a budget item, amounting to $3 million, which was to cover leasing of submersibles for work in support of marine science, had been deleted. ...
... Concurrently with the initiation of this study, it was announced that a budget item, amounting to $3 million, which was to cover leasing of submersibles for work in support of marine science, had been deleted. ...
Ocean Circulation and Climate: A 21st Century Perspective
... occupied the Canadian (Broecker et al., 1989) and Scandinavian (Rinterknecht et al., 2006) land masses more often than not during that epoch. The character of the seasonal and perennial sea-ice cover of the polar seas has been well noted by voyagers dating back over the past millennium, certainly as ...
... occupied the Canadian (Broecker et al., 1989) and Scandinavian (Rinterknecht et al., 2006) land masses more often than not during that epoch. The character of the seasonal and perennial sea-ice cover of the polar seas has been well noted by voyagers dating back over the past millennium, certainly as ...
Presence of Prochlorococcus in the aphotic waters
... approach. As illustrated by Fig. 3b for samples collected from St. DC01, the estimated cellular rRNA contents were 150–270 copies cell−1 for HLII, and ∼ 500 copies cell−1 for LLIV. Within the euphotic zone, HLII exhibited increasing cellular rRNA with depth (maximum at 150 m), perhaps reflective of ...
... approach. As illustrated by Fig. 3b for samples collected from St. DC01, the estimated cellular rRNA contents were 150–270 copies cell−1 for HLII, and ∼ 500 copies cell−1 for LLIV. Within the euphotic zone, HLII exhibited increasing cellular rRNA with depth (maximum at 150 m), perhaps reflective of ...
The Crozet oceanic zone
... Adélie" which was supported the French Agency for Marine Protected Areas, the TAAF administratin and different research institutes such as the University Pierre and Marie Curie, the Muséum national d’histoire naturelle and CNRS. This project was completed in December 2013 and, for the Crozet oceanic ...
... Adélie" which was supported the French Agency for Marine Protected Areas, the TAAF administratin and different research institutes such as the University Pierre and Marie Curie, the Muséum national d’histoire naturelle and CNRS. This project was completed in December 2013 and, for the Crozet oceanic ...
Oceanography 1 Workbook Instructor: Katryn Wiese - FOG
... to have it with you whenever you are doing class work. Carefully transcribe weekly notes. You will be able to use this workbook – original pages with your notes – during exams. No other resources will be allowed (no inserts to the workbook). Printing/purchase instructions are on the class website. C ...
... to have it with you whenever you are doing class work. Carefully transcribe weekly notes. You will be able to use this workbook – original pages with your notes – during exams. No other resources will be allowed (no inserts to the workbook). Printing/purchase instructions are on the class website. C ...
Stationary Eddies and the Zonal Asymmetry of Net Precipitation and
... accounted for by deviations from the zonal mean. Over land, these regional differences determine differences in surface water availability. Over oceans, they account, for example, for the Pacific–Atlantic difference in sea surface salinity, with implications for the deep overturning circulation. Thi ...
... accounted for by deviations from the zonal mean. Over land, these regional differences determine differences in surface water availability. Over oceans, they account, for example, for the Pacific–Atlantic difference in sea surface salinity, with implications for the deep overturning circulation. Thi ...
Key Drivers of Seasonal Plankton Dynamics in Cyclonic and
... Laiolo L, McInnes AS, Matear R and Doblin MA (2016) Key Drivers of Seasonal Plankton Dynamics in Cyclonic and Anticyclonic Eddies off ...
... Laiolo L, McInnes AS, Matear R and Doblin MA (2016) Key Drivers of Seasonal Plankton Dynamics in Cyclonic and Anticyclonic Eddies off ...
National Institute of Oceanography Goa, India
... pressure of CO2 (upto 62.5 nM and 700 μatm respectively) were off SW Indian coast during summer monsoon. These are the highest recorded for any oceanic surface waters. This reinforces the view that the coastal eastern boundary upwelling serve as significant source of greenhouse gases, particularly N ...
... pressure of CO2 (upto 62.5 nM and 700 μatm respectively) were off SW Indian coast during summer monsoon. These are the highest recorded for any oceanic surface waters. This reinforces the view that the coastal eastern boundary upwelling serve as significant source of greenhouse gases, particularly N ...
Platinum-group elements (PGE) and rhenium in marine sediments
... which is approximately symmetrically distributed over a distance of ⬃1.8 m across the KTB. The Re-PGE abundance patterns are fractionated from chondritic relative abundances: Ru, Pt, Pd, and Re contents are slightly subchondritic relative to Ir, and Os is depleted by ⬃95% relative to chondritic Ir p ...
... which is approximately symmetrically distributed over a distance of ⬃1.8 m across the KTB. The Re-PGE abundance patterns are fractionated from chondritic relative abundances: Ru, Pt, Pd, and Re contents are slightly subchondritic relative to Ir, and Os is depleted by ⬃95% relative to chondritic Ir p ...
Ocean acidification due to increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide Policy document 12/05 June 2005
... Age—for at least 20 000 years (IPCC 2001). Atmospheric CO2 levels are predicted to continue to increase for at least the next century and probably longer, and unless emissions are substantially reduced, may well reach levels exceeding 1 000 ppm by 2100, higher than anything experienced on Earth for ...
... Age—for at least 20 000 years (IPCC 2001). Atmospheric CO2 levels are predicted to continue to increase for at least the next century and probably longer, and unless emissions are substantially reduced, may well reach levels exceeding 1 000 ppm by 2100, higher than anything experienced on Earth for ...
Ocean acidification due to increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide
... Age—for at least 20 000 years (IPCC 2001). Atmospheric CO2 levels are predicted to continue to increase for at least the next century and probably longer, and unless emissions are substantially reduced, may well reach levels exceeding 1 000 ppm by 2100, higher than anything experienced on Earth for ...
... Age—for at least 20 000 years (IPCC 2001). Atmospheric CO2 levels are predicted to continue to increase for at least the next century and probably longer, and unless emissions are substantially reduced, may well reach levels exceeding 1 000 ppm by 2100, higher than anything experienced on Earth for ...
Presentation Notes
... many oceans they have seen, if they know people who have visited other oceans (if you study seabirds, you COULD see all of them!) Animated map exhibiting the world's five oceanic divisions (Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Arctic, and Southern) that are connected and make up one global ocean. Public Domai ...
... many oceans they have seen, if they know people who have visited other oceans (if you study seabirds, you COULD see all of them!) Animated map exhibiting the world's five oceanic divisions (Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Arctic, and Southern) that are connected and make up one global ocean. Public Domai ...
biogeographic atlas of the southern ocean - HOME
... CAML (www.caml.aq) was a 5-year project that aimed at assessing the nature, distribution and abundance of all living organisms of the Southern Ocean. In this time of environmental change, CAML provided a comprehensive baseline information on the Antarctic marine biodiversity as a sound benchmark aga ...
... CAML (www.caml.aq) was a 5-year project that aimed at assessing the nature, distribution and abundance of all living organisms of the Southern Ocean. In this time of environmental change, CAML provided a comprehensive baseline information on the Antarctic marine biodiversity as a sound benchmark aga ...
Moored observations of upper-ocean response to the monsoons in
... evolution of the upper-ocean temperature, salinity, and velocity fields in the Arabian Sea. The focus was on the region of strong forcing, off the coast of Oman, close to the axis of the Findlater Jet. We hoped to discriminate between upper-ocean variability introduced by mesoscale ocean features and ...
... evolution of the upper-ocean temperature, salinity, and velocity fields in the Arabian Sea. The focus was on the region of strong forcing, off the coast of Oman, close to the axis of the Findlater Jet. We hoped to discriminate between upper-ocean variability introduced by mesoscale ocean features and ...
The Mean Age of Ocean Waters Inferred from Radiocarbon
... generally have a wide distribution of transit times from the surface to any particular interior point (Holzer and Hall 2000; Deleersnijder et al. 2001; Waugh et al. 2003). The focus of this work is the mass-weighted average age of ocean waters, or the ‘‘mean age,’’ which is here defined to be the me ...
... generally have a wide distribution of transit times from the surface to any particular interior point (Holzer and Hall 2000; Deleersnijder et al. 2001; Waugh et al. 2003). The focus of this work is the mass-weighted average age of ocean waters, or the ‘‘mean age,’’ which is here defined to be the me ...
Nutrient gradients in the western North Atlantic Ocean
... the analytical reagents so that only the SRP signal is amplified and not the blank. The standard MAGIC protocol requires a 2.5% v/v addition of 1 N NaOH to initiate the formation of the mineral brucite (Mg(OH)2), which is subsequently collected by centrifugation. SRP is co-precipitated and concentrat ...
... the analytical reagents so that only the SRP signal is amplified and not the blank. The standard MAGIC protocol requires a 2.5% v/v addition of 1 N NaOH to initiate the formation of the mineral brucite (Mg(OH)2), which is subsequently collected by centrifugation. SRP is co-precipitated and concentrat ...
Initial Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS) Commitments
... GOOS and carry the ‘GOOS Label’. Potential difficulties were perceived in determining and regulating what is included in GOOS. On the one hand there is a broad spectrum of data available; on the other hand it is not clear how GOOS could handle data subsets with commercial value or national constrain ...
... GOOS and carry the ‘GOOS Label’. Potential difficulties were perceived in determining and regulating what is included in GOOS. On the one hand there is a broad spectrum of data available; on the other hand it is not clear how GOOS could handle data subsets with commercial value or national constrain ...
Indian Ocean

The Indian Ocean is the third largest of the world's oceanic divisions, covering approximately 20% of the water on the Earth's surface. It is bounded by Asia on the north, on the west by Africa, on the east by Australia, and on the south by the Southern Ocean or, depending on definition, by Antarctica. It is named after India.The Indian Ocean is known as Ratnakara, ""the mine of gems"", in ancient Sanskrit literature and as Hind Mahasagar in Hindi and other Indian languages.