Effect of high CO2 and low pH on benthic - E
... are geological formations of the deep sea, where liquefied CO2 is sequestered. Risks to the environment, caused by CO2 leakage are not satisfactorily studied so far, although commercial projects are already running since 1996. The deep sea is characterized a stable high pressure, low temperature reg ...
... are geological formations of the deep sea, where liquefied CO2 is sequestered. Risks to the environment, caused by CO2 leakage are not satisfactorily studied so far, although commercial projects are already running since 1996. The deep sea is characterized a stable high pressure, low temperature reg ...
Microbial Surface Colonization and Biofilm Development in Marine
... critical advantages, including greater access to nutritional resources, enhanced organism interactions, and greater environmental stability. These features are of particular importance in natural aquatic environments in which nutrients are often growth limiting and ambient conditions are highly dyna ...
... critical advantages, including greater access to nutritional resources, enhanced organism interactions, and greater environmental stability. These features are of particular importance in natural aquatic environments in which nutrients are often growth limiting and ambient conditions are highly dyna ...
EN EN Table of Contents 1. Introduction 2. The Marine Strategy
... the Mediterranean Sea, since the opening of the Suez Canal in 1949. Introductions are also occurring in all other seas, but at a lower rate. Introductions occur with handling of ballast water, and through aquaculture and the aquarium trade. Fisheries (Descriptor 3) is one of the most important press ...
... the Mediterranean Sea, since the opening of the Suez Canal in 1949. Introductions are also occurring in all other seas, but at a lower rate. Introductions occur with handling of ballast water, and through aquaculture and the aquarium trade. Fisheries (Descriptor 3) is one of the most important press ...
IOC-WMO-UNEP Intergovernmental Committee for the Global
... Côte d'Ivoire: Was very pleased to hear reports that clearly show that as far as oceanography is concerned we need all the information we can obtain. But the coastal areas of Africa are not well populated in data. High quality hardware is needed in the least industrialized countries. Local informati ...
... Côte d'Ivoire: Was very pleased to hear reports that clearly show that as far as oceanography is concerned we need all the information we can obtain. But the coastal areas of Africa are not well populated in data. High quality hardware is needed in the least industrialized countries. Local informati ...
variations in the global phosphorus cycle
... redistribution of both oceanic and terrestrial phosphorus. Increased phosphorus input during periods of warm, humid climate is offset to some degree by increased burial rate as productivity shifts to expanded shallow-water estuary and shelf areas where phosphorus is rapidly decoupled from organic ma ...
... redistribution of both oceanic and terrestrial phosphorus. Increased phosphorus input during periods of warm, humid climate is offset to some degree by increased burial rate as productivity shifts to expanded shallow-water estuary and shelf areas where phosphorus is rapidly decoupled from organic ma ...
Sample pages 2 PDF
... external energy source, which is provided by surface wind stresses. Any dynamical process in the ocean lasting longer than a day, such as coastal upwelling, is controlled by rotational effects, i.e. the Coriolis force. A balance between the Coriolis force and the horizontal pressure‐gradient force, ...
... external energy source, which is provided by surface wind stresses. Any dynamical process in the ocean lasting longer than a day, such as coastal upwelling, is controlled by rotational effects, i.e. the Coriolis force. A balance between the Coriolis force and the horizontal pressure‐gradient force, ...
Thesis proposal
... in deep water. Low concentrations of ammonium and nitrite do, however, accumulate at the top of the nitracline and above in the euphotic zone, where multiple processes may be operative simultaneously. At these depths, the supply of ammonium or nitrite may exceed assimilation or oxidation rates. Phy ...
... in deep water. Low concentrations of ammonium and nitrite do, however, accumulate at the top of the nitracline and above in the euphotic zone, where multiple processes may be operative simultaneously. At these depths, the supply of ammonium or nitrite may exceed assimilation or oxidation rates. Phy ...
A new model for the global biogeochemical cycle of carbonyl sulfide
... Abstract. The global budget of tropospheric carbonyl sulfide (OCS) is believed to be at equilibrium because background air concentrations have remained roughly stable over at least the last decade. Since the uptake of OCS by leaves (associated with photosynthesis) and soils have been revised signifi ...
... Abstract. The global budget of tropospheric carbonyl sulfide (OCS) is believed to be at equilibrium because background air concentrations have remained roughly stable over at least the last decade. Since the uptake of OCS by leaves (associated with photosynthesis) and soils have been revised signifi ...
Do manganese nodules grow or dissolve after burial
... sediment cores from the Central Indian Ocean Basin (CIOB). A maximum of 15 buried nodules were encountered in one sediment core (AAS-22/GC-07) and the deepest nodule was recovered at 5.50 m below seafloor in core AAS-04/GC-5A. Approximately 80 % of the buried nodules are small in size (~ 2 cm diamet ...
... sediment cores from the Central Indian Ocean Basin (CIOB). A maximum of 15 buried nodules were encountered in one sediment core (AAS-22/GC-07) and the deepest nodule was recovered at 5.50 m below seafloor in core AAS-04/GC-5A. Approximately 80 % of the buried nodules are small in size (~ 2 cm diamet ...
Provided by the author (s) and NUI Galway in accordance with
... significant source of particles to the deep. An attenuated ‘rain’ of detritus from remote surface water typically delivers 1–10 g Corg m-2yr-1, (Glover and Smith, 2003) but a significant proportion of organic matter is also delivered through lateral advection of particles (e.g. Wollast, 1998; Jahnke ...
... significant source of particles to the deep. An attenuated ‘rain’ of detritus from remote surface water typically delivers 1–10 g Corg m-2yr-1, (Glover and Smith, 2003) but a significant proportion of organic matter is also delivered through lateral advection of particles (e.g. Wollast, 1998; Jahnke ...
Public Comments on the U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy’s Preliminary Report
... Comment Submitted by Becky Hellman, Lopez Island, Washington July 10, 2004 I live on an Washington State island, I see the amount of fish for sale in the market, yet it is often NOT bought. I am concerned that free enterprise is going to run our world into extinction, leaving my son nothing of which ...
... Comment Submitted by Becky Hellman, Lopez Island, Washington July 10, 2004 I live on an Washington State island, I see the amount of fish for sale in the market, yet it is often NOT bought. I am concerned that free enterprise is going to run our world into extinction, leaving my son nothing of which ...
Bioaccumulation, Biotransformation and Trophic
... species (AsV and AsIII) are the major species, methylated (DMAA, MMAA and TMAA) and complex ...
... species (AsV and AsIII) are the major species, methylated (DMAA, MMAA and TMAA) and complex ...
Assessment of Governance Arrangements for the Ocean
... competence and the interrelations among them;1 (3) assessing the level of completeness of each arrangement in each LME; and (4) assessing the degree of integration among them. In addition, analyses were conducted to: (5) assess the level of engagement of each country in each binding and non-binding ...
... competence and the interrelations among them;1 (3) assessing the level of completeness of each arrangement in each LME; and (4) assessing the degree of integration among them. In addition, analyses were conducted to: (5) assess the level of engagement of each country in each binding and non-binding ...
International Governance and Regulation of the Marine Arctic
... The various options for addressing these governance gaps include: 1. Sectoral-based improvements such as adjusting existing fisheries agreements 2. Adjusting existing international frameworks and agreements, such as the Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the North-East Atlant ...
... The various options for addressing these governance gaps include: 1. Sectoral-based improvements such as adjusting existing fisheries agreements 2. Adjusting existing international frameworks and agreements, such as the Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the North-East Atlant ...
aggregate dredging and the marine environment
... shellfish to mineral resources such as petrochemicals and aggregates, as well as providing sites for offshore renewable energy, cable routes, shipping and many other activities. It is now widely recognised that these wide range of demands that we place on our surroundings need to be managed in a mor ...
... shellfish to mineral resources such as petrochemicals and aggregates, as well as providing sites for offshore renewable energy, cable routes, shipping and many other activities. It is now widely recognised that these wide range of demands that we place on our surroundings need to be managed in a mor ...
Submarine cables and the oceans - International Cable Protection
... appreciating the sophisticated technology that enables us to do so. There is a common misconception that nowadays most international communications are routed via satellites, when in fact well over 95 per cent of this traffic is actually routed via submarine fibre-optic cables. Data and voice transf ...
... appreciating the sophisticated technology that enables us to do so. There is a common misconception that nowadays most international communications are routed via satellites, when in fact well over 95 per cent of this traffic is actually routed via submarine fibre-optic cables. Data and voice transf ...
State of the Scotian Shelf Report Canadian Technical Report of
... Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Technical reports contain scientific and technical information that contributes to existing knowledge but which is not normally appropriate for primary literature. Technical reports are directed primarily toward a worldwide audience and ha ...
... Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Technical reports contain scientific and technical information that contributes to existing knowledge but which is not normally appropriate for primary literature. Technical reports are directed primarily toward a worldwide audience and ha ...
Microzooplankton Community Structure and Grazing Impact Along the Western Antarctic Peninsula
... webs as they can be significant grazers of phytoplankton and bacteria, remineralizers of nutrients, and prey for higher trophic levels. The importance of microzooplankton in many pelagic ecosystems has been established, yet compared to larger zooplankton, microzooplankton are understudied in the Sou ...
... webs as they can be significant grazers of phytoplankton and bacteria, remineralizers of nutrients, and prey for higher trophic levels. The importance of microzooplankton in many pelagic ecosystems has been established, yet compared to larger zooplankton, microzooplankton are understudied in the Sou ...
bowie seamount pilot marine protected area: an
... and 230 km west of Haida Gwaii (Queen Charlotte Islands), British Columbia. Canada's National Framework for the development of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) includes a Code of Practice that encourages Integrated Ocean Managers to use all the available scientific and traditional ecological knowledge ...
... and 230 km west of Haida Gwaii (Queen Charlotte Islands), British Columbia. Canada's National Framework for the development of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) includes a Code of Practice that encourages Integrated Ocean Managers to use all the available scientific and traditional ecological knowledge ...
Oxygen Sensitivity of Anammox and Coupled N
... nitrate reduction to ammonium (DNRA), but it can also be considered as a stand-alone process, as more micro-organisms are PLoS ONE | www.plosone.org ...
... nitrate reduction to ammonium (DNRA), but it can also be considered as a stand-alone process, as more micro-organisms are PLoS ONE | www.plosone.org ...
National Institute of Oceanography Goa, India
... tack this year - by having "open week" for IX Plan projects and succeeding in forging some multidisciplinary projects. This exercise, and other associated "restructuring" was no whim. The recently enunciated Vision 2001 by Dr. Mashelkar with its various milestones, could only be realised by a fresh ...
... tack this year - by having "open week" for IX Plan projects and succeeding in forging some multidisciplinary projects. This exercise, and other associated "restructuring" was no whim. The recently enunciated Vision 2001 by Dr. Mashelkar with its various milestones, could only be realised by a fresh ...
Glossary of Physical Oceanography and Related Disciplines
... formed by turbidity currents which covered the preexisting topography. Most abyssal plains are located between the base of the continental rise and the abyssal hills. The remainder are trench abyssal plains that lie in the bottom of deep-sea trenches. This latter type traps all sediment from turbidi ...
... formed by turbidity currents which covered the preexisting topography. Most abyssal plains are located between the base of the continental rise and the abyssal hills. The remainder are trench abyssal plains that lie in the bottom of deep-sea trenches. This latter type traps all sediment from turbidi ...
NOAA Ocean and Great Lakes Acidification Research Plan
... Northeast Region Ocean Acidification Research Plan—Beth Phelan, Jon Hare, Ellen Mecray, Gary Wikfors, Shannon Meseck, Christopher Chambers, Daniel Wieczorek, Vincent Guida, Ronald Goldberg, Dean Perry, Michael Fogarty, Paul Ticco, and Charles Stock 6.0 Ocean Acidification in the Northeast Region . . ...
... Northeast Region Ocean Acidification Research Plan—Beth Phelan, Jon Hare, Ellen Mecray, Gary Wikfors, Shannon Meseck, Christopher Chambers, Daniel Wieczorek, Vincent Guida, Ronald Goldberg, Dean Perry, Michael Fogarty, Paul Ticco, and Charles Stock 6.0 Ocean Acidification in the Northeast Region . . ...
The monsoon circulation of the Indian Ocean
... using a 212-layer model. They forced the model with annual wind-stress and heat-flux climatologies, compared their solution to the existing observational data base, and reviewed prior modelling work. Among other things, MKM first pointed out the importance of remote-forcing effects from the Bay of B ...
... using a 212-layer model. They forced the model with annual wind-stress and heat-flux climatologies, compared their solution to the existing observational data base, and reviewed prior modelling work. Among other things, MKM first pointed out the importance of remote-forcing effects from the Bay of B ...
The Integrated, Strategic Design Plan for the Coastal Ocean
... one must be able to detect and predict "states." In addition, the word "change" does not imply a particular time or space dimension. Changes occur over a broad spectrum of scales (e.g., seconds to centuries) and variability on one scale is change on another. ...
... one must be able to detect and predict "states." In addition, the word "change" does not imply a particular time or space dimension. Changes occur over a broad spectrum of scales (e.g., seconds to centuries) and variability on one scale is change on another. ...
Marine debris

Marine debris, also known as marine litter, is human-created waste that has deliberately or accidentally been released in a lake, sea, ocean or waterway. Floating oceanic debris tends to accumulate at the centre of gyres and on coastlines, frequently washing aground, when it is known as beach litter or tidewrack. Deliberate disposal of wastes at sea is called ocean dumping. Naturally occurring debris, such as driftwood, are also present.With the increasing use of plastic, human influence has become an issue as many types of plastics do not biodegrade. Waterborne plastic poses a serious threat to fish, seabirds, marine reptiles, and marine mammals, as well as to boats and coasts. Dumping, container spillages, litter washed into storm drains and waterways and wind-blown landfill waste all contribute to this problem.