Thesis proposal
... out of the surface ocean bears the signature of N-fixation (reviewed in Karl et al. 2002). The plankton mass that incorporates freshly fixed nitrogen and sinks out of the surface ocean is decomposed and nitrified to nitrate that retains the low 15N imparted by Nfixation. Were it not for the large i ...
... out of the surface ocean bears the signature of N-fixation (reviewed in Karl et al. 2002). The plankton mass that incorporates freshly fixed nitrogen and sinks out of the surface ocean is decomposed and nitrified to nitrate that retains the low 15N imparted by Nfixation. Were it not for the large i ...
Assessment of Governance Arrangements for the Ocean
... Global distribution of levels of completeness and perceived risk for 50 multi-country LMEs. Probing the data further, the analysis revealed the absence of agreements addressing key transboundary issues in 5 of the 13 geographic regions (South-East Atlantic, South-West Atlantic, North Atlantic, North ...
... Global distribution of levels of completeness and perceived risk for 50 multi-country LMEs. Probing the data further, the analysis revealed the absence of agreements addressing key transboundary issues in 5 of the 13 geographic regions (South-East Atlantic, South-West Atlantic, North Atlantic, North ...
bowie seamount pilot marine protected area: an
... Davidson seamounts range and surrounding abyssal plain. The seamounts lie between 180 km and 230 km west of Haida Gwaii (Queen Charlotte Islands), British Columbia. Canada's National Framework for the development of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) includes a Code of Practice that encourages Integrated ...
... Davidson seamounts range and surrounding abyssal plain. The seamounts lie between 180 km and 230 km west of Haida Gwaii (Queen Charlotte Islands), British Columbia. Canada's National Framework for the development of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) includes a Code of Practice that encourages Integrated ...
Abundance and ecological implications of microplastic
... relationship between life history characteristics and rafting success ................... 28 Figure 1.3. Number of academic articles vs. popular articles on oceanic plastic 19842011 ...................................................................................................................... ...
... relationship between life history characteristics and rafting success ................... 28 Figure 1.3. Number of academic articles vs. popular articles on oceanic plastic 19842011 ...................................................................................................................... ...
75 An Updated Synthesis of the Impacts of Ocean Acidification on Marine
... Metadata analyses, combining results from many experimental studies, show that there are different, but consistent, patterns in the response of different taxonomic groups to simulated future ocean acidification. There can also be variability in responses within species, depending on interactions wit ...
... Metadata analyses, combining results from many experimental studies, show that there are different, but consistent, patterns in the response of different taxonomic groups to simulated future ocean acidification. There can also be variability in responses within species, depending on interactions wit ...
Do manganese nodules grow or dissolve after burial
... sediment cores from the Central Indian Ocean Basin (CIOB). A maximum of 15 buried nodules were encountered in one sediment core (AAS-22/GC-07) and the deepest nodule was recovered at 5.50 m below seafloor in core AAS-04/GC-5A. Approximately 80 % of the buried nodules are small in size (~ 2 cm diamet ...
... sediment cores from the Central Indian Ocean Basin (CIOB). A maximum of 15 buried nodules were encountered in one sediment core (AAS-22/GC-07) and the deepest nodule was recovered at 5.50 m below seafloor in core AAS-04/GC-5A. Approximately 80 % of the buried nodules are small in size (~ 2 cm diamet ...
The role of local atmospheric forcing on the
... regions, and in particular in the tropics and subtropics, cannot be maintained by local atmospheric forcings only, but are also a result of oceanic dynamics that are not simulated in a single column ocean model. Thus lateral ocean dynamics are essential in maintaining observed MLD. ...
... regions, and in particular in the tropics and subtropics, cannot be maintained by local atmospheric forcings only, but are also a result of oceanic dynamics that are not simulated in a single column ocean model. Thus lateral ocean dynamics are essential in maintaining observed MLD. ...
Clay Minerals, Deep Circulation and Climate
... In essence, clay mineralogy is a useful tool to constrain the provenance of finegrained terrigenous sediments (Biscaye, 1965). After much discussion in the literature about the usefulness of clay minerals in delineating suspended sediment dispersal routes and constraining the provenance of fine-grai ...
... In essence, clay mineralogy is a useful tool to constrain the provenance of finegrained terrigenous sediments (Biscaye, 1965). After much discussion in the literature about the usefulness of clay minerals in delineating suspended sediment dispersal routes and constraining the provenance of fine-grai ...
Agulhas Leakage Predominantly Responds to the Southern
... (de Ruijter et al. 1999; Pichevin et al. 1999; Dijkstra and de Ruijter 2001). Therefore, the variability of Agulhas leakage on all time scales is expected to be connected to the strength and/or position of trades and/or westerlies. The trade winds are largely responsible for the inertia of the Agulh ...
... (de Ruijter et al. 1999; Pichevin et al. 1999; Dijkstra and de Ruijter 2001). Therefore, the variability of Agulhas leakage on all time scales is expected to be connected to the strength and/or position of trades and/or westerlies. The trade winds are largely responsible for the inertia of the Agulh ...
Surface ocean-lower atmosphere study: Scientific synthesis and
... are available for download from www.socat.info, where they are archived and can also be used interactively. Version 3 contains 14.5 million surface water fCO2 values from 1968 to 2014 (Bakker et al., 2014a, in preparation). They originate from seagoing fieldwork by scientists in 22 countries. The dat ...
... are available for download from www.socat.info, where they are archived and can also be used interactively. Version 3 contains 14.5 million surface water fCO2 values from 1968 to 2014 (Bakker et al., 2014a, in preparation). They originate from seagoing fieldwork by scientists in 22 countries. The dat ...
Report of the ICES GOOS Steering Group (IGSG)
... between ICES and GOOS Regional Alliances, to identify areas of potential duplication, and to work to limit waste that results from the lack of communication between national, regional, and international observing efforts in the North Atlantic. These objectives addressed through general discussion of ...
... between ICES and GOOS Regional Alliances, to identify areas of potential duplication, and to work to limit waste that results from the lack of communication between national, regional, and international observing efforts in the North Atlantic. These objectives addressed through general discussion of ...
- AMS Tesi di Dottorato
... Mid-ocean ridges are characterized by a topographic relief that lies at a rather constant depth of about 2500 m below sea level respect to ocean basins (abyssal plain), that lie ~ 5000-6000 m below sea level. They present an axial valley characterized by intense volcanism and seismicity, with a neov ...
... Mid-ocean ridges are characterized by a topographic relief that lies at a rather constant depth of about 2500 m below sea level respect to ocean basins (abyssal plain), that lie ~ 5000-6000 m below sea level. They present an axial valley characterized by intense volcanism and seismicity, with a neov ...
Glossary of Physical Oceanography and Related Disciplines
... formed by turbidity currents which covered the preexisting topography. Most abyssal plains are located between the base of the continental rise and the abyssal hills. The remainder are trench abyssal plains that lie in the bottom of deep-sea trenches. This latter type traps all sediment from turbidi ...
... formed by turbidity currents which covered the preexisting topography. Most abyssal plains are located between the base of the continental rise and the abyssal hills. The remainder are trench abyssal plains that lie in the bottom of deep-sea trenches. This latter type traps all sediment from turbidi ...
Transport of Japan tsunami marine debris to the coast of British
... Current, respectively. It is expected that the tsunami debris will be transported into both of these current systems as it approaches North America. Debris flowing northward into the Alaska Current is more likely to enter Canadian waters, while debris transported in the southward flowing branch is m ...
... Current, respectively. It is expected that the tsunami debris will be transported into both of these current systems as it approaches North America. Debris flowing northward into the Alaska Current is more likely to enter Canadian waters, while debris transported in the southward flowing branch is m ...
NOAA Ocean and Great Lakes Acidification Research Plan
... Mention of a commercial company or product does not constitute an endorsement by NOAA/OAR. Use of information from this publication concerning proprietary products or the tests of such products for publicity or advertising purposes is not authorized. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recomm ...
... Mention of a commercial company or product does not constitute an endorsement by NOAA/OAR. Use of information from this publication concerning proprietary products or the tests of such products for publicity or advertising purposes is not authorized. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recomm ...
the atmospheric input of chemicals to the ocean
... There is growing recognition of the impact of the atmospheric input of both natural and anthropogenic substances on ocean chemistry, biology, and biogeochemistry as well as climate. In the 1980s, GESAMP formed a working group sponsored by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), UNESCO, and the ...
... There is growing recognition of the impact of the atmospheric input of both natural and anthropogenic substances on ocean chemistry, biology, and biogeochemistry as well as climate. In the 1980s, GESAMP formed a working group sponsored by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), UNESCO, and the ...
HMS Challenger NHD Essay FINAL COPY
... bore a “close genetic relation” regardless of their location. 39 It also appeared that abyssal species migrated in a northern direction, following the movement of the “cold under-current”.40 The organisms that the Challenger collected during its research were placed in jars filled with wine to prese ...
... bore a “close genetic relation” regardless of their location. 39 It also appeared that abyssal species migrated in a northern direction, following the movement of the “cold under-current”.40 The organisms that the Challenger collected during its research were placed in jars filled with wine to prese ...
Annual report 2005 (of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic
... human history. A series of tsunamis that followed caused chaos and destruction and claimed the lives of over 100,000 people along the Iberian Peninsula. Lisbon, one of the wealthiest trading cities at that time, was devastated. We are still in shock from the images of last year’s Indian Ocean tsunam ...
... human history. A series of tsunamis that followed caused chaos and destruction and claimed the lives of over 100,000 people along the Iberian Peninsula. Lisbon, one of the wealthiest trading cities at that time, was devastated. We are still in shock from the images of last year’s Indian Ocean tsunam ...
State of Knowledge of Marine Habitats of the Northern
... communicated by the Pacific Scientific Advice Review Committee (PSARC) of the Pacific Region of Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) for information on marine ecosystems of Northern BC relevant to offshore oil and gas exploration and development. In March 2002 a Working Paper titled “Knowledge Gaps and ...
... communicated by the Pacific Scientific Advice Review Committee (PSARC) of the Pacific Region of Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) for information on marine ecosystems of Northern BC relevant to offshore oil and gas exploration and development. In March 2002 a Working Paper titled “Knowledge Gaps and ...
Australia`s regional fisheries engagement
... fisheries for the region by providing high-level diplomacy, leadership and advocacy. Fisheries attachés could be appointed in key posts, such as Jakarta and Tokyo, to support the Ambassador’s work. 4. Ensure that adequate technical expertise is present to advise Australian delegations to key region ...
... fisheries for the region by providing high-level diplomacy, leadership and advocacy. Fisheries attachés could be appointed in key posts, such as Jakarta and Tokyo, to support the Ambassador’s work. 4. Ensure that adequate technical expertise is present to advise Australian delegations to key region ...
IOC Sub-Commission for the Western Pacific - UNESDOC
... Dr Wendy Watson-Wright, IOC Executive Secretary, speaking on behalf of the Commission and Director-General of UNESCO, congratulated WESTPAC for exceeding her expectations and fully demonstrating its indispensable role in delivering and expanding the service of IOC to Member States in the region due ...
... Dr Wendy Watson-Wright, IOC Executive Secretary, speaking on behalf of the Commission and Director-General of UNESCO, congratulated WESTPAC for exceeding her expectations and fully demonstrating its indispensable role in delivering and expanding the service of IOC to Member States in the region due ...
Deep-Sea Research II - Max-Planck
... tunas and thereby influence the spatial and temporal overlap with their food and predators, which could potentially affect subsequent larval fish survival (Blaxter, 1992; Breitburg et al., 1999). Pelagic species, such as tuna, are considered in general to have evolved in a relatively more stable pH en ...
... tunas and thereby influence the spatial and temporal overlap with their food and predators, which could potentially affect subsequent larval fish survival (Blaxter, 1992; Breitburg et al., 1999). Pelagic species, such as tuna, are considered in general to have evolved in a relatively more stable pH en ...
... 1. Introduction About two-thirds of earth is covered by the waters of the four oceans. The Pacific Ocean is the largest in the world, covering more than one third of total surface area of our planet. The Pacific Ocean surrounded by a series of mountain chains, deep ocean trenches and island arcs, th ...
... 1. Introduction About two-thirds of earth is covered by the waters of the four oceans. The Pacific Ocean is the largest in the world, covering more than one third of total surface area of our planet. The Pacific Ocean surrounded by a series of mountain chains, deep ocean trenches and island arcs, th ...
The sub-thermocline duct. - Naval Postgraduate School
... sound studies in the ocean was the depth of duct minimum temperature. ...
... sound studies in the ocean was the depth of duct minimum temperature. ...
... 20-21, 2013; in Mauritius in March 6-7, 2014; and in Bangkok, Thailand in March 17-18, 2015), a SCORsponsored workshop (in Bremen, Germany in September 12-13, 2014) and also national planning efforts in India, Australia, Germany, the United States and the United Kingdom. These meetings included scie ...
... 20-21, 2013; in Mauritius in March 6-7, 2014; and in Bangkok, Thailand in March 17-18, 2015), a SCORsponsored workshop (in Bremen, Germany in September 12-13, 2014) and also national planning efforts in India, Australia, Germany, the United States and the United Kingdom. These meetings included scie ...
Pacific Ocean

The Pacific Ocean is the largest of the Earth's oceanic divisions. It extends from the Arctic Ocean in the north to the Southern Ocean (or, depending on definition, to Antarctica) in the south and is bounded by Asia and Australia in the west and the Americas in the east.At 165.25 million square kilometers (63.8 million square miles) in area, this largest division of the World Ocean—and, in turn, the hydrosphere—covers about 46% of the Earth's water surface and about one-third of its total surface area, making it larger than all of the Earth's land area combined. The equator subdivides it into the North Pacific Ocean and South Pacific Ocean, with two exceptions: the Galápagos and Gilbert Islands, while straddling the equator, are deemed wholly within the South Pacific. The Mariana Trench in the western North Pacific is the deepest point in the world, reaching a depth of 10,911 metres (35,797 ft).The eastern Pacific Ocean was first sighted by Europeans in the early 16th century when Spanish explorer Vasco Núñez de Balboa crossed the Isthmus of Panama in 1513 and discovered the great ""southern sea"" which he named Mar del Sur. The ocean's current name was coined by Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan during the Spanish circumnavigation of the world in 1521, as he encountered favourable winds on reaching the ocean. He therefore called it Mar Pacifico in Portuguese, meaning ""peaceful sea"".