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Sci ----
1. Six characteristics of living things:
(think, blink, have cells, sense and respond to stimuli, have DNA, sleep, reproduce, use energy, grow)
2. Percent of water in most organisms:
(10, 30, 50; 70 or more)
3. Most chemical reactions involved in metabolism require
(water, medicine, sugar)
4. Complex carbohydrates made by plants are (sugars, starches) which have energy for later use.
Thee examples would be (fruit, potato, pasta, honey, juice, fiber)
5. Simple carbohydrates manufactured by plants are (sugars, starches) which give quick energy.
Thee examples would be (fruit, potato, pasta, honey, juice, fiber)
6. Cells use which 5 choices for energy and energy storage:
(fats, sugars, proteins, oils, carbohydrates, lipids, vitamins, minerals)
7. Check which four statements are true about proteins:
They make up horns, hair and nails
They are found in spider webs
They are a quick source of energy
They repair tissues
They are made up of amino acids
They are made up of fatty acids and glycerol
They cushion our bones and organs
8. The four basic needs of most living things are:
(food, air, sleep, migration, habitat, juice, water)
9. Stimuli are changes in the environment that organisms respond to. Five examples of stimuli would be:
(hunger, running away, cold and heat, sleep, an alarm, light and darkness, sound and noise)
10. Which two of the examples above are responses to stimuli:
11. The five building blocks of cells are:
(protein, water, carbohydrates, lipids, ATP, nucleic acids, nucleus, cytoplasm)
12. Name the building block of the cell responsible for each of the following:
Enzymes make chemical reactions happen
Provide a quick source of energy for the cell
Store energy and make up cell membranes
Energy-carrying molecules in cells that provide fuel for cell activities
The blueprints of life that contain information to make proteins