Download Comparing Plant and Animal Cells Lab

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Name:__________________________________________Date: ______________________Period:_______
Comparing Plant and Animal Cells Lab
Part I: Onion Cells (plant)
1. How many layers thick does the onion epidermis appear to be? (use your fine adjustment knob for
looking for the layers) _____________________________
2. What is the general shape of a typical cell? ______________________________
3. Label the following structures in the drawings above: nucleus, cytoplasm & cell wall
Part II: Elodea Cells (plant)
4. Are the chloroplasts moving or stationary?_______________________________________________
5. In what ways are the cells of onion epidermis and Elodea similar?____________________________
6. In what ways are the cells of onion epidermis and Elodea DIFFERENT? _______________________
7. There were many chloroplasts in the Elodea cell, but what about the onion cell? Did you see
them?____________ EXPLAIN why or why not _________________________________________
8. Label the following structures in the drawings above: nucleus, cell wall, cytoplasm & chloroplasts
Part III: Animal Cells
9. Label the cell membrane, nucleus, and cytoplasm in the cells you drew above.
10. Inside the mouth, these cells are joined together in a sheet. Why are they scattered here? _________
Part IV: Compare plant and animal cells