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Psychological Disorders
Psychopathology - patterns of thinking, feeling, & behaving that
are maladaptive, disruptive, or uncomfortable for those who are
affected or for those with whom they come in contact
impaired functioning - difficulty in fulfilling appropriate &
expected family, social, & work-related roles
biopsychosocial model - a view of mental disorders as caused by
a combination of interacting biological, psychological, &
sociocultural factors
neurobiological model - a modern name for the medical model,
in which psychological disorders are seen as reflecting
disturbances in the anatomy & chemistry of the brain & in other
biological processes
psychological model - a view in which mental disorder is seen as
arising from psychological processes
sociocultural model - a way of looking at mental disorders in
relation to gender, age, ethnicity, & other social & cultural factors
anxiety di sorder - a condition in which intense feelings of
apprehension are long-st&ing & disruptive
phobia -an anxiety disorder involving strong, irrational fear of an
object or situation that does not objectively justify such a reaction
specific phobia - an anxiety disorder involving fear & avoidance
of heights, animals, & other specific stimuli & situations
post-traumatic stress disorder - a pattern of adverse reactions
following a traumatic & threatening event
social phobia - an anxiety disorder involving strong, irrational
fears relating to social situations
agoraphobia - an anxiety disorder involving strong fear of being
alone or away from the security of home
generalized anxiety disorder - a condition that involves
relatively mild but long-lasting anxiety that is focused on any
particular object or situation; also called free-floating anxiety
panic disorder - an anxiety disorder involving sudden panic
panic attacks - attacks marked by intense heart palpitations,
pressure or pain in the chest, dizziness or unsteadiness, sweating,
& a feeling of faintness
obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) - an anxiety disorder
involving repetitive thoughts & urges to perform certain rituals
obsessions - persistent, upsetting, & unwanted thoughts
compulsions - ritualistic, repetitive behaviors
somatoform disorders - psychological problems in which there
are symptoms of a physical disorder without a physical cause
conversion disorder - a somatoform disorder in which a person
displays blindness, deafness, or other symptoms of sensory or
motor failure without a physical cause
hypochondriasis - a somatoform disorder involving strong,
unjustified fear of physical illness
somatization disorder - somatoform disorders in which there are
numerous physical complaints without verifiable physical illness
pain disorder - a somatoform disorder marked by complaints of
severe pain with no physical cause
dissociative disorders - rare conditions that involve sudden &
usually temporary disruptions in a person's memory,
consciousness, or identity
dissociative fugue - a dissociative disorder involving sudden loss
of memory & the assumption of a new identity in a new locale
dissociative amnesia - a dissociative disorder marked by a
sudden loss of memory
dissociative identity disorder (DID) - a dissociative disorder in
which a person reports having more than one identity; also called
multiple personality disorder
mood disorder - conditions in which a person experiences
extreme moods, such as depression or mania; also called affective
major depressive disorder - a mood disorder in which a person
feels sad & hopeless for weeks or months
delusions - false beliefs, such as those experienced by people
suffering from schizophrenia or extreme depression
mania - an elated, very active emotional state
bipolar I disorder - a mood disorder in which a person alternates
between deep depression & mania; also called manic depression
bipolar II disorder - a mood disorder in which a person
alternates between major depressive episodes & hypomania
seasonal affective disorder (SAD) - during months of shorter
daylight, patients experience severe depression, accompanied by
irritability & excessive sleeping
schizophrenia - a severe & disabling pattern of disturbed thinking
emotion, perception, & behavior
hallucinations - a symptom of disorder in which people perceive
voices or other stimuli when there are no stimuli present
positive symptoms - schizophrenic symptoms such as
disorganized thoughts, hallucinations, & delusions
negative symptoms - schizophrenic symptoms such as absence of
pleasure, lack of speech, & flat effect
paranoid schizophrenia - a form of schizophrenia characterized
by delusions (of persecution or grandeur or jealousy); symptoms
may include anger & anxiety & aloofness & doubts about gender
identity; unlike other types of schizophrenia the patients are
usually presentable & (if delusions are not acted on) may function
in an apparently normal manner
disorganized schizophrenia - a form of schizophrenia
characterized by severe disintegration of personality including
erratic speech & childish mannerisms & bizarre behavior; usually
becomes evident during puberty; the most common diagnostic
category in mental institutions
catatonic schizophrenia - a form of schizophrenia characterized
by a tendency to remain in a fixed stuporous state for long
periods; the catatonia may give way to short periods of extreme
undifferentiated schizophrenia - a form of schizophrenia
characterized by having positive & negative symptoms of
schizophrenia but do not meet the specific criteria for the
paranoid, disorganized, or catatonic subtypes
residual schizophrenia - a form of schizophrenia manifested by
individuals with symptoms of schizophrenia who, after a
psychotic schizophrenic episode, are no longer psychotic
personality disorders - long-st&ing, inflexible ways of behaving
that create a variety of problems
paranoid personality disorder - a personality disorder
characterized by suspiciousness & distrust of others, all of whom
are assumed to be hostile
obsessive-compulsive personality disorder - a personality
disorder characterized by preoccupation with orderliness,
perfection, & control
histrionic personality disorder - a personality disorder
characterized by excessive emotionality & preoccupation with
being the center of attention; emotional shallowness; overly
dramatic behavior
narcissistic personality disorder - a personality disorder
characterized by exaggerated ideas of self-importance &
achievements; preoccupation with fantasies of success; arrogance
borderline personality disorder - a personality disorder
characterized by lack of stability in interpersonal relationships,
self-image, & emotion; impulsivity; angry outbursts; intense fear
of abandonment; recurring suicidal gestures
antisocial personality disorder - a personality disorder
characterized by shameless disregard for, & violation of, other
people's rights
attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) - patients
diagnosed with this disorder are impulsive & unable to
concentrate on an activity as well as other children their age can
substance-related disorders - the use of psychoactive drugs for
months or years in ways that harm the user or others
DSM-IV - Diagnostic & Statistical Manual; resource for
diagnosing disorders, uses a 5 axis system
Philippe Pinel - In 1795 Pinel assumed the responsibility for the
mental patients at l'Hôpital de la Salpêtrière, where he continued
his policy of nonrestraint & brought about many significant & farreaching reforms in the care & treatment of mental patients.
Humane treatment under the watchful eye of trained &
compassionate personnel in the institution made possible the
recovery of many otherwise doomed patients. Pinel also
introduced the practice of keeping case histories, which proved a
valuable source of information in later efforts to understand
Diathesis-stress approach - Disorders are a result of predisposed,
bioloogical factors triggered by the environment.
Resistance - a psychoanalytic method that blocks from
consciousness of anxiety-laden material
Interpretations - a psychoanalytic method that uses
suggestions of underlying wishes, feelings, & conflicts
Transference - psychoanalytic method that lets patient
transfer emotions linked with other relationships to analyst
Psychodynamic therapy - therapy that explores childhood
experiences; a psychoanalytic method
Client-centered therapy - humanistic therapy that focuses
on the person's conscious self-perceptions rather than on the
therapist's own interpretation; developed by Carl Rogers
Nondirective therapy - therapists listens without judging
or interpreting; refrains from directing the client
Active listening - echoing, restating, & seeking clarification
of what person expresses & acknowledging their feelings
Behavior therapy - therapy that applies learning principles
to the elimination of unwanted behaviors
Counterconditioning - conditions new responses to stimuli
that trigger unwanted behaviors
Exposure therapy - a behavioral therapy that exposes
people to what they normally avoid
Systematic desensitization - associates a pleasant relaxed
state with gradually increasing anxiety-triggering stimuli;
commonly used to treat phobias
Aversive conditioning - tries to replace a positive response
to a harmful stimulus with negative response; opposite of
systematic desensitization
Token economy - rewards desired behavior by giving the
patient a token which can be exchanged for various
privileges or treats
Cognitive therapy - therapy that teaches people new, more
adaptive ways of thinking & acting
Cognitive-behavior therapy - popular integrated therapy
that combines cognitive therapy with behavior therapy
Family therapy - attempts to guide family members toward
positive relationships & improved communication
Meta-analysis - procedure for statistically combining the
results of many different studies as if they had come from
one huge study with thousands of participants
Eye movement desensitization & reprocessing - anxious
thoughts disappear as one's eyes darted about; developed by
Francine Shapiro; EMDR
Light exposure therapy - therapy that involves a timed
daily dose of intense light; used for SAD
Psychopharmacology - study of drug effects on mind &
Antipsychotic drugs - certain drugs, used for other medical
purposes, calmed psychotic patients
Antianxiety drugs - drugs that depress central nervous
system activity; reduce symptoms without resolving
underlying problems
Antidepressant drugs - drugs that increase the availability
of neurotransmitters norepinephrine or serotonin, which
elevate arousal & mood & appear scarce during depression
Selective-serotonin-reuptake-inhibitor drugs - drugs that
slow the synaptic vacuuming up of serotonin
Lithium - an antidepressant drug that is an effective mood
stabilizer for those suffering manic-depressive swings of
bipolar disorder
Electroconvulsive therapy - shock treatment that
manipulates the brain; ECT
Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation- painless
procedure that is performed on wide-awake patients for 2030 minutes for 2-4 weeks; rTMS
Psychosurgery -removes or destroys brain tissue; most
drastic & the least-used biomedical intervention for
changing behavior
Lobotomy - used to calm uncontrollably emotional or
violent patients; cut nerves that connect the frontal lobes to
the emotional-controlling centers of the inner brain;
developed by Egas Moniz
Psychotherapy- emotionally charged, confiding interaction
between trained therapist & someone who suffers from
psychological difficulties; aka psychological therapy
Eclectic approach - depending on the client's problems, it
uses techniques from various forms of therapy
Psychotherapy integration - aim to combine different
methods into a single, coherent system