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Somatoform Disorders
What is a Somatoform Disorder?
• Persistent, recurring complaints of bodily
symptoms that have NO physical or medical
Types of Somatoform Disorders
• Body Dysmorphic Disorder – Exaggerated concern and
preoccupation about minor or imagined defects in
– See CNN video on new biological evidence – 2 min.
– See the Many Faces of Michael Jackson (40 sec.)
• Hypochondriasis – Preoccupation with imagined diseases
based on the person’s misinterpretation of bodily symptoms
or functions.
– The person does suffer and believes they are sick but it is all in
their head.
• Conversion Disorder – Converting a psychological factor
(commonly anxiety) into an actual loss of physical function.
– Can result in sudden blindness, laryngitis, or even paralysis.
Conversion Disorder Glove Anesthesia
(Inability to Feel Your Hand)
A conversion disorder Glove
anesthesia-—the experience of
no sensation in the hand but
continued sensation in all other
parts of the arm, as shown in
(a)-—cannot result from nerve
damage, because no nerves
innervate the hand without
innervating part of the arm.
The actual areas of sensory
loss that would occur if
specific nerves were damaged
are shown in (b). Thus,
whenever glove anesthesia
occurs, it is most likely a
conversion disorder.