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Name: __________________________________Block_______
Passive and Active Transport Internet Assignment
 Use the Google search bar and type in:
 Once you get to the web site, click on the tab at the top that says “Biology Assignment Sheets”
 Scroll down to this assignment and click on “Website # 1”
Part I: Cell Membranes
 Read the top three sections of this web page: “Cell Membranes”, “Flexible Containers”, and “Ingrained
in the Membrane” and then answer the questions below:
1. What are two “functions” of the cell membrane that are referred to in the section “Cell Membrane”?
A. _______________________________________________________________________________
B. _______________________________________________________________________________
2. Which two structures make up MOST of the cell membrane?
A. _________________________________________
B. _________________________________________
3. What is the function of each structure?
A. ________________________________________________________________________________
B. ________________________________________________________________________________
4. Label the picture with these two parts:
5. What is the “Fluid Mosaic Model”?
6. Label the diagram of the phospholipid molecule below with the following terms:
hydrophilic head, hydrophobic tail
Part II: Passive Transport
 Look at the top of the web page and click the “Function” button.
 Look at the menu on the right hand side of the web page towards the top, and click “Passive
7. How are passive transport and active transport different from each other?
8. What are two types of passive transport where molecules are moving “freely”?
9. What type of diffusion would a glucose molecule use to get into the cell?
10. What structures must the glucose molecule pass through?
11. Why does glucose have to be “facilitated” in its diffusion through the membrane?
12. What is “facilitated diffusion”?
13. Does “facilitated diffusion” require energy to be expended?
14. Do oxygen molecules need to use “facilitated diffusion” in order to diffuse into the cell? Why or Why
15. What is Osmosis?
16. Is Osmosis a passive or active process?
17. What happens when a red blood cell is put into pure water?
18. Why does this happen?
19. Is that pure water a hypotonic, hypertonic, or isotonic solution?
20. Fill out the blanks in the pictures below with either hypotonic, isotonic, or hypertonic.
21. Make a sketch showing a membrane as a line, and draw molecules (little circles) in high concentrations
on the right side of the membrane, and then draw other molecules in a low concentration on the left
side of the membrane. Indicate the movement that the molecules would have due to diffusion with an
Part III: Active Transport
 Scroll back to the top of your web page and look at the upper right side menu
 Click on “Active Transport”
22. What is active transport?
23. Which membrane molecules do most of the work in active transport?
24. Membrane proteins are very __________________, meaning that they are designed to move only one
or two types of molecules or ions across the membrane.
25. What does it mean by proteins working against a concentration gradient?
26. Sketch a diagram of active transport, showing the phospholipids and the proteins in the membrane.
Also make sure to draw the various molecules moving from a low concentration to a high
27. In the illustration below, label which type of transport is shown: facilitated diffusion or active transport.
Part IV: Passive and Active Transport Summary
 Go back to the class website on Weebly, and click on “Web site # 3”
 When you get to the Youtube video, put the “subtitles” on (click on the “cc” button) so that you can
read the information as the southern lady is talking.
28. What is the name of the energy source that powers active transport?
29. What was a real life example of Active Transport from the video?
30. Can glucose use the same membrane protein as iodine to get into the cell? Why or Why Not?
31. How do extra-large particles enter the cell?
32. Does the cell use energy to perform phagocytosis and pinocytosis?
33. What is phagocytosis and pinocytosis?
34. What is the difference between endocytosis and exocytosis?