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Chapter 5
Presentation:Fajr Harris
Presenter:Daniel Rodriguez
What is Learning?
Learning: Relatively permanent change in
behavior , that is brought about by experience
Behaviorism: The theory of learning focuses solely
on observable behaviors
Types of Learning
Classical Conditioning
Operant Conditioning
Social Observational Learning
Cognitive Factors In Learning
A type of learning in which a neutral
stimulus comes to bring about a response
after it is paired with a stimulus that naturally
brings about that response .
Ivan Pavlov
+ was a Russian psychologist
+ Developed the principles for classical conditioning
+ Known for his famous experiment Pavlov’s Dogs
Pavlov’s Dogs Experiment
Key Terms
Neutral Stimulus- a stimulus that before conditioning, does not naturally bring about the
response of interest: Bell
Unconditioned Stimulus (UCS) - a stimulus that naturally brings about a particular
response without having been learned :Food
Unconditioned Response (UCR)- a response that is natural and needs no training:
Conditioned Stimulus(CS)- a once neutral stimulus that has been paired with an
unconditioned stimulus(Food) to bring about a response formerly caused only by the
unconditioned stimulus: Bell
Conditioned Response(CR) - a response that,after conditioning, follows a previously
neutral stimulus : Salivation
Applying Conditioning Principles to
Human Behavior
Behaviorist, John B.
Watson and his
student, Rosalie
Rayner applied
classical conditioning
through “The Little
Albert Experiment” .
Effects of Classical Conditioning
+ Phobias- Little Albert was afraid of rats and other
animals and things associated with it
+ Post Traumatic Stress Disorder- sometimes soldiers /
veterans have bad memories and may associate loud
sounds or people with scenarios that occurred during
war which can trigger depression, hallucinations,
outburst etc.
+ Drug Addiction- some addicts may associate
places/people/objects with drugs and the happy
feelings that came with the use. Seeing a trigger can
cause a craving for the drug
A basic phenomenon of learning that occurs when a previously conditioned response
decreases in frequency and eventually disappears
The Process
2.First Extinction Period
4.Spontaneous Recovery
Two or more different
produce a similar
Ex. Little Albert feared white
rats and associated his fear
with objects and animals
that reminded him ie.
monkey, Santa Claus mask,
Two or more different
stimulus produce a different
Ex. Red light means stop
Green Light means go
Yellow means slow down
Thorndike’s Law of Effect
A law developed by Edward L. Thorndike that states, "responses that produce a satisfying effect in a
particular situation become more likely to occur again in that situation, and responses that produce a
discomforting effect become less likely to occur again in that situation."
Learning in which a voluntary
response is strengthened or
weakened ,depending on its
favorable or unfavorable
Big Bang Theory- Operant
➔ B.F Skinner thought that people’s personalities are formed from response
tendencies and that consequences shape those responses:
➔ Skinner’s Box : is an apparatus used to study animal behavior , was a
variation of Thorndike’s Puzzle Box
Key Words
Reinforcement- the process by which a stimulus increases the probability that a
preceded behavior will be repeated
Reinforcer-any stimulus that increases that increases the probability that a
preceding behavior will occur again
Positive Reinforcer-a stimulus added to the environment that brings about an
increase in a preceding response
Negative Reinforcer-an unpleasant stimulus whose removal leads to an increase
in the probability that a preceding response will be repeated in the future
Punishment-a stimulus that decreases the probability that a previous behavior
will occur again, there is positive and negative punishment
Shaping- the process of teaching a complex behavior by rewarding closer and
closer approximations of the desired behavior
Safe Driving (Goal Behavior)
Positive Reinforcement: Receive Gas Card
Negative Reinforcement: The Seatbelt
Positive Punishment: Speeding Ticket
Negative Punishment: Taking away a license
Making Curfew(Goal Behavior)
Positive Reinforcement- Receive Praise
from parent
Negative Reinforcement- extending the
curfew next time
Positive Punishment- Parent Yelling
Negative Punishment- Taking away the
Factors in
Cognitive Learning Theory
The approach to the study of learning that focuses
on the thought process that underlie learning.
Types of Learning
1. Latent Learning
2. Observational Learning
Learning in which a new behavior is acquired but is not
demonstrated until some incentive is provided for displaying it
The rats that were never rewarded food made the most errors. The rats that were
awarded food made the least. Rats that were awarded food after 11th day had an
immediate reduction in errors made.
Social Observational Learning
Learning by observing the behavior of another
person or model.
Albert Bandura- examined the principles of
observational learning ( known as Social Learning
Social Observational Learning
This occurs when an observer changes after
viewing the behavior of a model
+ Steps for Observational learning
+ Attention
+ Memory
+ Imitation
+ Motivation
The Bobo Doll Experiment
1. The children wanted to
behave like the model.
2. Picked up actions and
3. They wanted to be the
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