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Department of Sociology and Human Geography
The University of Oslo
[email protected]
[email protected]
Ph.D. 1995.
M.S. 1990.
B.A. 1985.
Geography, Pennsylvania State University.
Dissertation: Deforestation and Climate Change in the Selva Lacandona
of Chiapas, Mexico.
Land Resources, University of Wisconsin, Madison.
Thesis: An Evaluation of the Uncertainties in Using General Circulation
Models to Assess the Impacts of Global Warming: The Case of Mexico.
International Relations, College of William and Mary in Virginia.
Professor. 2005-present. Department of Sociology and Human Geography, University of Oslo
Associate Professor. 2005-Sept. 2005. Department of Sociology and Human Geography, Univ. of
Associate Professor (Førsteamanuensis II) (20%). 2000-2005. Department of Sociology and
Human Geography, University of Oslo.
Senior Research Fellow. 1997–2005. Center for International Climate and Environment Research
– Oslo (CICERO). Promoted to “Forsker I” in 2003.
Consultant. 1997. North American Commission for Environmental Cooperation (NACEC).
Project Coordinator: State of the Environment report for North America. 1996-1997. North
American Commission for Environmental Cooperation (NACEC), Montreal, Canada.
Research Assistant. 1991. Department of Geography. Pennsylvania State University, USA.
Teaching Assistant. 1990. Department of Geography. Pennsylvania State University, USA.
Research Assistant. 1988. Institute for Environmental Studies. University of Wisconsin, USA.
Illustrations Assistant. 1986-1987. National Geographic Society. Washington, DC, USA.
Scientific Committee member for Future Earth, 2013-2015.
Scientific Committee member for the DFG/ICSU/ISSC Young Scientist International Networking
Conference on Integrated Science, 2012 to present.
Transdisciplinary Advisory Board member, EU Joint Programming Initiative – JPI Climate
Change, 2012-.
Lead Author, Chapter 20, Climate-Resilient Pathways: Adaptation, Mitigation, and Sustainable
Development, IPCC Fifth Assessment Report.
Member of the Core Writing Team, the Synthesis Report (SYR), IPCC Fifth Assessment Report.
Coordinating Lead Author, Chapter 8, Towards a Sustainable Future, IPCC Special Report on
Managing the Risks of Extreme Events and Disasters to Advance Climate Change Adaptation, in
International Scientific Board member, European Climate Change Adaptation Conference 2013,
18-20 March, 2013.
Lead Author, IPCC Fourth Assessment Report, Chapter 17, Assessment of Adaptation Practices,
Options, Constraints, and Capacity. Contributing author to Chapter 5, Food, Fibre and Forestry
and Fisheries, and Chapter 7, Industry, Settlement and Society.
Co-chair of workshop at Aspen Global Change Institute, Climate Sensitivity on Decadal to
Century Timescales: Implications for Civilization, May 20-25, 2012.
Board Member, Department of Sociology and Human Geography, University of Oslo, 20122014.
Member, Transition Team for the 10-year Initiative on Earth System Science for Global
Sustainability, ICSU and ISSC. 2011-2013. Co-Chair of Working Group on “Research Vision”.
Chair, Working Group: “Towards a Revolution in Education and Capacity Building”, European
Science Foundation Forward Look: RESCUE. 2009-2011.
Scientific Steering Committee, Global Environmental Change and Human Security (GECHS)
project of the International Human Dimensions Programme (IHDP) on Global Environmental
Change, 2001 – 2010. (Chair of Scientific Steering Committee from 2005-2010)
Editorial Board: Resilience: International Policies, Practices and Discourses, Annals of the
Association of American Geographers, Global Environmental Change: Human and Policy
Dimensions; Ecology and Society: A Journal of Integrative Science for Resilience and
Sustainability; The Anthropocene Review; Journal of Extreme Events.
Leadership Group, CGIAR-ESSP Climate Change Challenge Program: Climate Change,
Agriculture and Food Security.
International Scientific Planning Committee (ISPC) for the Sixth Open Meeting of the Human
Dimensions of Global Environmental Change Research Community, October 2005.
Global Change Committee, Research Council of Norway, 2005-present.
Program Steering Committee, NORKLIMA program, the Research Council of Norway, 20042006.
Program Planning Committee for START/IIASA Advanced Institute on Vulnerability, 2003-2004
Program Steering Committee, KlimaEffekt program, the Research Council of Norway, 20022003
Scientific Chair, IHDP Capacity Building Workshop on Globalization, Global Environmental
Change, and Food Systems: Intersections and Interactions (October 24 – November 6, 2004)
Inderberg, Tor Håkon, Siri Eriksen, Karen O’Brien and Linda Sygna, (in preparation). Climate Change
Adaptation and Development: Transforming Paradigms and Practices. Earthscan.
O’Brien, K.L. and E. Selboe (eds). (in preparation). The Adaptive Challenge of Climate Change.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
O’Brien, K.L., L. Sygna and J. Wolf (eds.) 2013. A Changing Environment for Human Security:
Transformative Approaches to Research, Policy and Action. London: Earthscan.
O’ Brien, K.L., A. St. Clair, and B. Kristoffersen (eds). 2010. Climate Change, Ethics, and Human
Security. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Matthews, R. A., J. Barnett, B. McDonald and K. L. O'Brien (eds.). 2010. Global Environmental Change
and Human Security. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Adger, N., I. Lorenzoni, and K. O’Brien (eds). 2009. Adapting to Climate Change: Thresholds, Values,
Governance. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Leichenko, R.M. and K.L. O’Brien. 2008 Environmental Change and Globalization: Double Exposures.
New York: Oxford University Press.
O’Brien, K.L. and H.C. Vogel, editors. 2003. Coping with Climate Variability: The Use of Seasonal
Climate Forecasts in Southern Africa. Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing.
O’Brien, K.L. 1998. Sacrificing the Forest: Environmental and Social Struggles in Chiapas. Boulder:
Westview Press.
Journal Articles (past 10 years)
O’Brien, K. and Barnett, J. 2013. Global Environmental Change and Human Security. Annual Review of
Environment and Resources. (Published online)
Adger, W. N., Barnett, J., Brown, K., Marshall, N. and O'Brien, K. (2013). Cultural dimensions of climate
change impacts and adaptation. Nature Climate Change, 3: 112–117.
O’Brien, K. (2013). Global Environmental Change (3): Closing the Gap between Knowledge and Action.
Progress in Human Geography, 37(4): 587-596
O’Brien, K., Reams, J., Caspari, A., Dugmore, A., Faghihimani, M., Fazey, I., Hackmann, H., ManuelNavarrete, D., Marks, J., Miller, R., Raivio, K., Romero-Lankao, P., Virji, H., Vogel, C., and
Winiwarter V. (2013). You Say you want a Revolution? Transforming Education and Capacity
Building in Response to Global Change. Environmental Science & Policy, 28: 48–59.
O’Brien, K. (2012). Global Environmental Change (2): From Adaptation to Deliberate Transformation.
Progress in Human Geography, 36(5): 667-676.
Solecki, W., Leichenko, R. and O’Brien. K. (2011). Climate change adaptation strategies and disaster risk
reduction in cities: connections, contentions, and synergies. Current Opinion in Environmental
Sustainability, 3(3): 135-141.
Adger, W.N., Brown, K., Nelson, D.R., Berkes, F., Eakin, H., Folke, C., Galvin, K., Gunderson, L.,
Goulden, M., O’Brien, K., Ruitenbeek, J., and Tompkins, E.L. (2011). Resilience implications of
policy responses to climate change. WIREs Climate Change, 2(5): Sept/Oct 2011.
Eriksen, S. Aldunce, P., Bahinipati, C., Martins, R. Molefe, J. Nhemachena, C., O’Brien, K., Olorunfemi,
F. Park, J., and Ulsrud, K. (2011). When not every response to climate change is a good one:
Identifying principles for sustainable adaptation. Climate and Development, 3: 7-20.
O’Brien, K. (2010). Responding to Environmental Change: A New Age for Human Geography? Progress
in Human Geography: 1-10. doi:10.1177/0309132510377573.
Leichenko, R., O’Brien, K. and Solecki, W. (2010). Climate Change and the Global Financial Crisis: A
Case of Double Exposure. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 100(4): 963-972.
O’Brien, K. and Hochachka, G. (2010). Integral Adaptation to Climate Change. Journal of Integral
Theory and Practice, 5(1): 89–102.
O’Brien, K. and Wolf, J. (2010). A Values-based Approach to Vulnerability and Adaptation to Climate
Change. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change, 1: 232-242.
O’Brien, K., Hayward, B. and Berkes, F. (2009). Rethinking Social Contracts: Building Resilience in a
Changing Climate. Ecology & Society, 14 (2): 12.[online].
O’Brien, K., Quinlan, T. and Ziervogel, G. (2009). Vulnerability Interventions in the Context of Multiple
Stressors: Lessons from the Southern Africa Vulnerability Initiative (SAVI). Environmental Science
and Policy, 12(1): 23-32.
Eriksen, S.E.H. and O’Brien, K.L. (2007). Vulnerability, Poverty and the Need for Sustainable
Adaptation Measures. Climate Policy, 7: 337-352.
Klein, R.J.T., Eriksen, S.E.H., Næss, L.O., Hammill, A. Robledo, C., O'Brien, K.L. and Tanner, T.M.
(2007). Portfolio Screening to Support the Mainstreaming of Adaptation to Climate Change into
Development Assistance. Climatic Change, 84(1): 1573-1480.
O’Brien, K.L., Eriksen, S., Nygaard, L. and Schjolden, A. (2007). Why Different Interpretations of
Vulnerability Matter in Climate Change Discourses. Climate Policy, 7: 73-88.
Dessai, S., O’Brien, K.L. and Hulme, M. (2007). Editorial: On Uncertainty and Climate Change. Global
Environmental Change, 17: 1-3.
Vogel, C.H. and O’Brien, K. (2006). Who can Eat Information? Examining the Effectiveness of Seasonal
Climate Forecasts and Regional Climate-risk Management Strategies. Climate Research, 33: 111-122.
Bohle, H. G. and K. O’Brien, K. (2006). The Discourse on Human Security: Implications and Relevance
for Climate Change Research – a Review Article. Die Erde, 137(3): 155-163.
O’Brien, K. and Leichenko, R. (2006). Climate Change, Equity and Human Security. Die Erde, 137(3):
O’Brien, K.L., Eriksen, S., Sygna, L. and Næss, L.O. (2006). Questioning Complacency: Climate Change
Impacts, Vulnerability and Adaptation in Norway. Ambio, 35 (2): 50-56.
O’Brien, K.L. (2006). Editorial: Are we Missing the Point? Global Environmental Change as an Issue of
Human Security. Global Environmental Change, 16: 1-3.
O’Brien, K., Leichenko, R., Kelkar, U., Venema, H., Aandahl, G., Tompkins, H., Javed, A., Bhadwal, S.,
Barg, S., Nygaard, L. and West, J. (2004). Mapping Vulnerability to Multiple Stressors: Climate
Change and Economic Globalization in India.” Global Environmental Change, 14(4): 303-313.
O’Brien, K.L., Sygna, L. and Haugen, J.E. (2004). Resilient of Vulnerable? A Multi-Scale Assessment of
Climate Impacts and Vulnerability in Norway. Climatic Change, 64: 193-225.
O’Brien, K. and Leichenko, R. (2003). Winners and Losers in the Context of Global Change. Annals of
the Association of American Geographers, 93(1): 99-113.
Book Chapters (last 10 years)
O'Brien, K., L. Sygna and J. Wolf (2013). A Changing Environment for Human Security. In L. Sygna, K.
O'Brien and J. Wolf (ed.) A Changing Environment for Human Security - Transformative Approaches
to Research, Policy and Action. Routledge, pp. 1 - 25.
Wolf, J., K. O'Brien and L. Sygna (2013). The Future Is Now: Human Security is a Choice, In L. Sygna,
K. O'Brien and J. Wolf (eds) A Changing Environment for Human Security - Transformative
Approaches to Research, Policy and Action. Routledge, pp. 452 - 459.
Leichenko, R. M. K. O'Brien and W. Solecki, W. (2013). Climate change and the global financial crisis:
Stresses, synergies, and challenges for human security, In L.Sygna, K. O'Brien and J. Wolf (ed.) A
Changing Environment for Human Security - Transformative Approaches to Research, Policy and
Action. Routledge, pp. 117 - 125.
O'Brien, K. (2013). The Courage to Change: Adaptation from the Inside-Out, In S. Moser and M.
Boykoff (ed.) Successful Adaptation to Climate Change: Linking Science and Practice in a Rapidly
Changing World. Routledge, pp. 306 - 320.
O’Brien, K., M. Pelling, A. Patwardhan, S. Hallegatte, A. Maskrey, T. Oki, U. Oswald-Spring, T.
Wilbanks, and P.Z. Yanda. 2012. Toward a Sustainable and Resilient Future. In C.B. Field, V. Barros,
T.F. Stocker, D. Qin, D.J. Dokken, K.L. Ebi, M.D. Mastrandrea, K.J. Mach, G.-K. Plattner, S.K. Allen,
M. Tignor, and P.M. Midgley (eds) 2012. Managing the Risks of Extreme Events and Disasters to
Advance Climate Change Adaptation, a Special Report of Working Groups I and II of the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK,
and New York, NY, USA, pp. 437-486.
O’Brien, K. 2010. Responding to Global Environmental Change: Social Sciences of the World Unite! In
World Social Science Report 2010; Knowledge Divides. Paris: UNESCP and ISSC, pp. 11-12.
Hayward, B. and K. L. O’Brien. 2010. Security of What, for Whom? Rethinking Social Contracts in a
Changing Climate. In K. O’Brien, A.L. St. Clair and B. Kristoffersen (editors), Climate Change,
Ethics, and Human Security. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 199-214.
O’Brien, K.L., A.L. St Clair and B. Kristoffersen. 2010. The Framing of Climate Change: Why it Matters.
In K. O’Brien, A.L. St. Clair and B. Kristoffersen (eds) Climate Change, Ethics, and Human Security.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 3-22.
O’Brien, K.L., A.L. St Clair and B. Kristoffersen. 2010. Towards a New Science on Climate Change. In
K. O’Brien, A.L. St. Clair and B. Kristoffersen (eds) Climate Change, Ethics, and Human Security.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 215-227.
O’Brien, K.L. and R.M. Leichenko. 2010. Global Environmental Change, Equity, and Human Security. In
R. A. Matthew, J. Barnett, B. McDonald and K. L. O'Brien (eds) Global Environmental Change and
Human Security. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, Chapter 8.
Barnett, J., R. Matthew and K. O’Brien. 2010. Introduction: Global Environmental Change and Human
Security. In R. Matthew et al. (eds) Global Environmental Change and Human Security. Cambridge,
MA: MIT Press, Chapter 1.
Barnett, J., R. Matthew and K. O’Brien. 2010. Charting the Next Generation of Global Environmental
Change and Human Security Research. In R. Matthew et al. (eds) Global Environmental Change and
Human Security. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, Chapter 15.
O’Brien, K. 2010. Responding to Climate Change: The Need for an Integral Approach. In S. EsbjørnHargens (ed.) Integral Theory in Action: Applied, Theoretical, and Critical Perspectives on the AQAL
Model. New York: SUNY Press, pp. 65-78.
O'Brien, K. 2009. Do Values Subjectively Define the Limits to Climate Change Adaptation? In W.N.
Adger, I. Lorenzoni and K. O'Brien (eds) Adapting to Climate Change: Thresholds, Values,
Governance. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 164-180.
Adger, W. N., I. Lorenzoni and K. O’Brien. 2009. Adaptation Now. In W.N. Adger, I. Lorenzoni and K.
O'Brien (eds) Adapting to Climate Change: Thresholds, Values, Governance. Cambridge, UK:
Cambridge University Press, pp. 1-22.
Leichenko, R.M. and K.L. O’Brien. 2009. Mapping Double Exposure to Climate Change and Trade
Liberalization as an Awareness Raising Tool. In A. G. Patt, D. Schröter, R. J. T. Klein and A. C. de la
Vega-Leinert (eds) Assessing Vulnerability to Global Environmental Change: Making Research Useful
for Adaptation Decision Making and Policy. London: Earthscan Publications, Chapter 8.
Barnett, J., R.A. Matthew and K. O’Brien. 2008. Global Environmental Change and Human Security. In
H.G. Brauch et al. (eds) Globalization and Environmental Challenges: Reconceptualizing Security in
the 21st Century, Berlin: Springer.
Leichenko, R.M. and K. O’Brien. 2007. Framing Climate Change as an Issue of Equity and Human
Security. In Climatic Change and Variation: A Primer for Teachers. Manhattan, KS: Kansas State
University Press.
Adger, W.N., S. Agrawala, M.M.Q. Mirza, C. Conde, K. O’Brien, J. Pulhin, R. Pulwarty, B. Smit and K.
Takahashi. 2007: Assessment of adaptation practices, options, constraints and capacity. In M.L. Parry,
O.F. Canziani, J.P. Palutikof, P.J. van der Linden and C.E. Hanson (eds) Climate change 2007:
impacts, adaptation and vulnerability. Contribution of Working Group II to the Fourth Assessment
Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge,
UK, pp. 717-743.
Leichenko, R. and K. O’Brien. 2006. Climate Change Adaptation: Is a Winners and Losers Framework
Appropriate? In N. Adger et al. (eds) Fairness in Adaptation to Climate Change. Cambridge: MIT
Press, pp. 97-114.
O’Brien, K.L. and R.M. Leichenko. 2004. Expert Box 5.2: The Vulnerability of Indian Farmers to
Environmental, Economic and Institutional Change. In W. Steffen et al. (eds) Global Change and the
Earth System: A Planet under Pressure. Berlin: Springer Verlag.
Research Reports and Conference Proceedings (last 10 years)
O´Brien, K. and L. Sygna. 2013. Responding to Climate Change: The Three Spheres of Transformation.
Proceedings of Transformation in a Changing Climate, 19-21 June 2013, Oslo, Norway. University of
O’Brien, K.L., S. Mittet, E. Bakkeslett, S. Eriksen, I. Hansen-Bauer, G. Hovelsrud, T.H. Inderberg, C.
Ruud, I-L. Saglie and L. Sygna. 2012. Klimatilpasning. Hva betyr det for meg? Oslo: Unipub
O’Brien et al. 2008. Disaster Risk Reduction, Climate Change Adaptation and Human Security. A
Commissioned Report for the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. GECHS Report 2008:3.
University of Oslo, Norway.
Ulsrud, Kirsten, Linda Sygna and Karen O’Brien. 2008. More than Rain: Identifying Sustainable
Pathways for Climate Adaptation and Poverty Reduction. Oslo: The Development Fund.
O’Brien, K.L. and R.M. Leichenko. 2007. Human Security, Vulnerability, and Sustainable Adaptation.
Background Paper commissioned for the Human Development Report 2007/2008: Fighting Climate
Change: Human Solidarity in a Divided World. New York: UNDP.
Eriksen, S.E.H., O’Brien, K.L. and L. Rosentrater. 2007. Climate Change in Eastern and Southern Africa:
Impacts, Vulnerability and Adaptation. Report prepared for the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Oslo: GECHS Report 2.
Eriksen, S.E.H, Klein, R.J.T. Ulsrud, K. Næss, L.O. and K. O’Brien. 2007. Climate Change Adaptation
and Poverty Reduction: Key Interactions and Critical Measures. Report prepared for the Norwegian
Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad). Oslo: GECHS Report 1.
O’Brien, K.L. and R.M. Leichenko (eds). 2005. Global Environmental Change, Globalization, and Food
Systems: Intersections and Interactions. IHDP/IAI 2004 Global Environmental Change Institute,
Nicoya, Costa Rica, Oct. 21 – Nov. 6, 2004. IHDP Proceedings No. 7.
O’Brien, K.L. and R.M. Leichenko. 2005. Introduction: Scientific Workshop and the Science-Policy
Forum on Global Environmental Change, Globalization and Food Systems. In Science-Policy Forum
Proceedings of the 2004 IHDP-IAI Workshop on Global Environmental Change, Globalization and
Food Systems. Inter-American Institute, International Human Dimensions Programme on Global
Environmental Change and Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA), pp. 9-14.
Sygna, L., O’Brien, K., Eriksen, S. and Næss, L.O. 2004. Climate Change in Norway: Analysis of
Economic and Social Impacts and Adaptations. CICERO Report 2004:12.
García-Godos, J., McNeill, D., O’Brien, K. and Næss, L.O. 2004. Seasonal Forecasts and Community
Responses: Summary of Experiences in Peru and Ecuador. Report to the World Bank
O’Brien, K.L., Eriksen, S., Schjolden, A. and Nygaard, L. 2004. What’s in a Word? Conflicting
Interpretations of Vulnerability in Climate Change Research. CICERO Working Paper 2004-04. Oslo:
O’Brien, K.L., Tompkins, H.L., Eriksen, S. and Prestrud, P. 2004. Climate Vulnerability in the Barents
Sea Ecoregion: A Multi-Stressor Approach. CICERO Report 2004:07.
Contributions to Other Reports
IPCC Fifth Assessment Report: Lead author on Chapter 20 (Climate-resilient Pathways: Adaptation,
Mitigation, and Sustainable Development), Lead author on the Synthesis Report.
IPCC Special Report Managing the Risks of Extreme Events and Disasters to Advance Climate Change
Adaptation (SREX): Coordinating lead author on Chapter 8 (Toward a Sustainable and Resilient
IPCC Fourth Assessment Report: Lead author on Chapter 17 (Assessments of Adaptation Practices,
Options, Constraints and Capacity); Contributing author on Chapter 5 (Food, Fiber and Forest
Products) and Chapter 7 (Industry, Settlement and Society).
Commission for Environmental Cooperation. 2001. The North American Mosaic: A State of the
Environment Report. CEC: Montreal, Canada.
UNEP. 1999. Global Environment Outlook 2000. London: Earthscan. (North America chapter).
“The Adaptive Challenge of Climate Change” Presentation at the Nordic Adaptation Conference,
Helsinki, Finland, 29-31 August 2012.
“Climate Change, Poverty and the Millennium Development Goals” Presentation at panel discussion
sponsored by CROP, Bergen, August 22, 2012.
“Climate adaptation in a larger picture”, Presentation at the book launch of the book “Klimatilpasning.
Hva betyr det for meg?” Litteraturhuset, Oslo, 5 June, 2013.
“Changing the script on climate change: Transformative views on humanity's role”, Walter Orr Roberts
Public Lecture, Aspen Global Change Institute, 22 May 2012.
“Ethical Transformation in Response to Climate Change”, presentation at the National Center for
Atmospheric Research (NCAR), Boulder, USA, 18 May 2012.
“Ekstremvær - hva kan vi gjøre? ” Lunch Presentation at the Climate and Pollution Agency (Klif), 12
March 2012.
Book commentary on Gudmund Hernes book Hot Topic – Cold Comfort”, Presentation at Institute for
Labour and Social Research (Fafo), 7 March 2012.
“Human Dimensions of Climate, Global Health and Sustainable Development” Presentation for the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 7 March 2012.
“Future Earth: Research for Global Sustainability.” Presented at ESF/COST RESCUE Press Event,
Brussels, 16 February 2012.
“Facing the grand challenges of global change, who will lead?” Presentation at Leadership seminar,
University of Oslo, 7 February 2012.
“From adaptation to deliberate transformation”, Presentation at NTNU Department of Geography, 11
January 2012.
“Toward a Sustainable and Resilient Future” Presentation at launch of the IPCC Special Report on
Managing the Risks of Extreme Events and Disasters to Advance Climate Change Adaptation,
University of Oslo, 24 January 2012.
Panel Discussion on “Wild Weather” at Climate One, The Commonwealth Club HQ, San Francisco, 13
December 2011 (
Interviews in connections with the approval of the IPCC SREX Report, Climate and Pollution Agency
(Klif), 18 November 2011 (
“A Sustainable Future? The Growing Need for Transformation” Presentation at the Research Council of
Norway, 20 September 2011.
“Responding to Global Change: The Social Science of Transformation” Presentation at launch of the
World Social Science Report, Research Council of Norway, 4 May 2011.
“Climate Change Adaptation: Current thinking in an International Context.” Plenary presentation at the
Baltcica Conference: Coping with Climate Change. Bergen, Norway, 11 May 2011.
“Climate Change: There is more to adaptation than meets the eye”. Paper presented at the Annual
Meeting of the American Association of Geographers, Seattle, Washington. 14 April 2011.
“Climate Change: There is more to adaptation than meets the eye”. Lecture at the University of Bergen,
24 March 2011.
“Climate Change: What is Going on? Lecture for Hovseter Ungdomsskole 10th Graders, 2 March 2011.
“Climate Change: Is the Future already Decided?” Lecture at Berg Vidergåendeskole, 28 January 2011.
“A Sustainable Future? Lessons on Managing Change.” Plenary presentation at the Norwegian
Geographical Society meeting, Oslo, 21-22 January, 2011.
“Climate Change Adaptation as a Social and Human Process.” Paper presented at the Norwegian
Geographical Society meeting, Oslo, 21-22 January, 2011.
“Towards a New Science of Climate Change” Presentation at Conference of Norwegian Development
Researchers, Oslo, Norway, 26 November 2010.
“An Integral Analysis of Climate Change Adaptation in Norway: Results from the PLAN Project”
NORCLAD Conference, Stockholm, Sweden, 10 November 2010.
“Climate Change in the Nordic Region: Who is vulnerable?” Presentation at CARAVAN Workshop,
Stockholm Sweden, 9 November 2010.
“Climate Change: There is More to Adaptation than Meets the Eye” Lecture at Nordic PhD Course on
Climate Change Adaptation, 6 November 2010.
“Shifting Perspectives on the Challenges of Climate Change” Presentation at Partnerforum, University of
Oslo, 12 November 2010.
“The Human Dimensions of Climate Change: Is it Time to go Deeper?” Invited Lecture, University of
Technology of Troyes, France, 7 October 2010.
“Climate Change and Sustainable Adaptation” Presentation to visiting delegation from Cuba, 13
September 2010.
“Integral Responses to Climate Change” Presentation at Integral Forum, Oslo, Norway 31 August 2010.
“Integral Adaptation to Climate Change” Presentation at the Integral Theory Conference, Concord
California, 31 July 2010.
“Towards a Revolution in Education and Capacity Building” Presentation at RESCUE workshop, Ispra,
Italy, 16 June 2010.
“Human Security in a Changing Climate: The Decade that Matters” Sixth International Lecture in
Development Geography at University of Bonn, Germany, 7 June 2010.
“Climate Change: Can we really adapt?” Presentation at the Architectural College, Oslo, Norway 12
January 2010.
“Assessing the Literatures: Key issues in the SREX” SREX Workshop in Bangkok, Thailand, 7 January
“Discourses and Framings of Climate Change: What Literatures Do We Need to Review? SREX
Workshop in Bangkok, Thailand, 7 January 2010.
“Climate Change Adaptation: A North-South Perspective” Presentation on Climate Cruise 2009, 12
December 2009.
“An Integral Approach to Climate Change” Presentation at Norwegian Bureau of Statistics, 25 November
“ The PLAN project on climate adaptation: Where do values fit in?“ PLAN Workshop on Climate Change
Adaptation in Nordic Countries, Linköping University, 5 September 2009.
“Reimagining Culture for a Sustainable Future: Commentary” Presented at Oslo Sustainability Summit, 3
September 2009.
“Why Frameworks Matter in Climate Change Research” Presentation at Bergen Summer School Research
Course, 26 June 2009.
“An Integral Approach to Climate Change” Presentation at GECHS Synthesis Conference, Oslo, Norway
23 June 2009.
“The PLAN Project in Norway” Presentation for MISTRA, Stockholm Environment Institute, Sweden. 5
June 2009.
“Hvorfor trenger vi et nytt rammeverk for klimaforskning? Presentation at NFR Conference, Mot en ny
global orden – en forskningspolitisk konferanse, Holmen Fjordhotell, 3 June 2009.
“Environmental Change and Globalization: Double Exposures” Presentation at Open Meeting of the
Human Dimensions Community, Bonn, Germany, 26 April 2009.
“Climate Change Adaptation and Sustainability: Are we heading down the wrong road?” Presenttion at
Open Meeting of the Human Dimensions Community, Bonn, Germany, 29 April 2009.
“Global Environmental Change and Human Security: An Integral Perspective” Presentation at Open
Meeting of the Human Dimensions Community, Bonn, Germany, 30 April 2009.
“Climate Change Adaptation: A North-South Perspective” Presented with Coleen Vogel at the Norwegian
Pollution Authority, 26 March 2009.
“The Social, Institutional, and Human Context: A Missing Chapter of the IPCC Fourth Assessment
Report?” Presentation at the IPCC Working Group II Scoping Meeting on Possible Special Report on
‘Extreme Events and Disasters: Managing the Risks’, Oslo, Norway, 23-26 March 2009.
“The Human Dimensions of Climate Change: Is it Time to go Deeper?” Invited lecture at McGill
University, Montreal, Canada, 18 February 2009.
“Climate Change Adaptation: New Perspectives on Tenure, Rights and Governance,” Presentation at
UNGC workshop on Land Governance and Emerging Development Agendas, Oslo, Norway, 24-25
November 2008.
“Climate Change: The Bad News and the Good News,” Presentation at B-Open Seminar, ‘Hot House:
Human Art and Ecology,’ Bergen, Norway 21 November 2008.
“The Role of Values in Adapting to Climate Change.” Invited presentation at Social Sciences and the
Humanities Facing the Climate Change Challenges, Paris, France, 22-23 September 2008.
“The Human Dimensions of Climate Change: Alternative Views of the Problem – and the Solutions.”
Invited presentation at the Defense Research Institute, Kjeller, Norway, 12 September 2008.
“More than Rain: Identifying Sustainable Pathways for Climate Adaptation and Poverty Reduction.”
Presentation at workshop organized by Development Fund, 9 September 2008.
“Climate Change and Food Security: What's Missing from the IPCC Assessments?” Invited presentation
at workshop on ”Matvaresikkerhet - hvilke effekter får klimaendringer og handelspolitikk”, Research
Council of Norway, 3 September 2008.
“Climate Change Responses: The Need for an Integral Approach.” Paper presented at the First Biennial
Integral Theory Conference, Concord, CA, 7-11 August 2008.
“Climate Change, Globalization and Water Scarcity.” Paper presented at Water Tribune on Climate
Change and Water Extremes, Expo Zaragoza 2008 on Water and Sustainable Development, Zaragoza,
Spain, 21-23 July 2008.
“The Real Response Challenge.” Presentation at ‘Tipping Point – Oslo’ climate-art event, 23-24 June
“Bad News or Good News? Climate Change Impacts and Societal Responses.” Presentation at the Faculty
of Social Sciences Administration Sommerfest, 13 June 2008.
“Klimatilpasning i Norge - Hva innebærer det for samfunnet?” Presentation at the Norklima Users Forum
on Tilpasning til Klimaendringer – fra forskning til handling. 15 May 2008.
“Climate Change Adaptation, Poverty Reduction and Sustainability: Is an Integral Approach the
Answer?” Paper presented at Integral Without Borders, Istanbul, 22-26 April 2008.
“Rethinking Social Contracts: Building Resilience in a Changing Climate.” Paper Presented at Resilience
2008: Resilience, Adaptation and Transformation in Turbulent Times. Stockholm, Sweden, 14-17 April
“Climate Change Adaptation, Poverty Reduction and Sustainability.” Paper presented at the Poverty and
Development Seminar Series, Centre for Development and the Environment (SUM), March 12, 2008.
“Climate Change and Changing Values in Norway: Are there limits to adaptation? “Paper presented at
conference on Living With Climate Change: Are there Limits to Adaptation. Royal Geographical
Society, London, 7-8 February 2008.
“Rethinking Social Contracts: Building Resilience in a Changing Climate,” presented at Resilience 2008:
Resilience, Adaptation and Transformation in Turbulent Times, Stockholm, Sweden, 15 April 2008.
“Climate Change and the Right to Food: the Nature and Scale of the Links and Challenges,” presented at
World Food Day Opening Symposium, Oslo, Norway, 10 December 2007.
“Samfunnsutfordringer som følge av endrede klimaforhold” presented at meeting on Samfunn i endring kulturarvens betydning. Lillehammer, Norway, 30 October 2007.
“Global Environmental Change and Human Security: Lessons from the Southern Africa Vulnerability
Initiative (SAVI).” Presented at Celebration of Norway-South Africa Research Collaboration: A
Decade of Transformation. Oslo, Norway, 23 October 2007.
“Climate Change, Agricultural Production, and Food Security” presented at Development Fund/WWF
conference on “Climate Change and the South”, Oslo, Norway, 18 September 2007.
“Shifting the Discourse: Climate Change an Environmental Issue versus Climate Change as a Human
Security Issue,” presented at ESF Workshop on Shifting the Discourse: Climate Change as an Issue of
Human Security, Oslo, Norway, 21-23 June 2007.
“Double Exposure: Vulnerability to Global Environmental Change in an Era of Globalization, presented
at workshop on Environmental Change and Human Security: Recognizing and Acting on Hazard
Impacts, Pell Center, Newport, Rhode Island, 4-7 June 2007.
“What can we expect? Recent findings from the IPCC Fourth Assessment Report,” presented at the
Research and Policy Workshop on Climate Change, Humanitarian Disasters and International
Development: Linking vulnerability, risk reduction and response capacity, Oslo, 27 April 2007.
“Reflections on Human Security and Climate Change,” invited lecture presented at IHDP-IGBP Scientific
Committee Meeting, Angro dos Reis, Brazil, 16 March 2007.
“Effects of climate change for agriculture in the south,” presented at the Development Fund, Oslo, 13
February 2007.
“Reconceptualizing Human Security in the Context of Climate Change,” Paper presented at Blind Spots
of Global Climate Governance, Heinrich Böll Foundation, Berlin, 16 February 2007.
“Climate Change Adaptation in Norway: The PLAN Project.” Paper presented at the NORKLIMA
Research Conference, Lillehammer, 6-7 February 2007.
“Adaptation Research in Norway,” presented at the Workshop on Climate Adaptation in Nordic
Countries, Oslo, 18-19 December 2006.
“Tools for Supporting Risk Assessment: Perspectives from Norway,” presented at Dialogue on Tools for
Adaptation to Climate Change, Toronto, Canada, 4-7 December 2006.
“Global Environmental Change and Human Security” Panel Discussion on IHDP Research, organized by
the Climate Change Research Group at the Royal Geographic Society, London, 31 August 2006.
“Double Exposure: Disaster Vulnerability under Globalization and Global Environmental Change,”
presented at the MaGrann Conference on ‘The Future of Disasters in Globalizing World’, Rutgers
University, 21-22 April 2006.
“Frontiers in Human Dimensions Research on Global Environmental Change,” presented at the Annual
Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Chicago, 8 March 2006.
“Social Science Perspectives on Climate Change,” presented at the seminar on social science research in
NORKLIMA, Norwegian Research Council, Oslo, 2 February 2006.
Double Exposure: Global Environmental Change in an Era of Globalization. Presentation at the Sixth
Open Meeting of the Human Dimensions Research Community, Bonn, Germany, October 9-13, 2005.
Global Environmental Change, Equity, and Human Security: An Overview. Presentation at the Sixth
Open Meeting of the Human Dimensions Research Community, Bonn, Germany, October 9-13, 2005.
The Global Environmental Change and Human Security (GECHS) Project. Plenary presentation at the
Sixth Open Meeting of the Human Dimensions Research Community, Bonn, Germany, October 9-13,
What in the World are we Doing? Presentation to the Norwegian Geographical Society, Sept. 27, 2005.
Human Security, Equity, and Climate Change. GECHS Workshop on Human Security and Climate
Change, Oslo, Norway, June 21-23, 2005.
Integrating Gender Analysis into Vulnerability Assessment, International Workshop on Community Risk
Assessment, Cape Town, May 2005.