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2. What would be a fair contribution for New Zealand?
What do you think the nature of New Zealands emissions and economy means for the level of
target that we set?
A fair contribution would be New Zealand taking a lead role with a target of 100% of 1990s
We are a first world country with a stable economy and can afford to set an ambitious target. We
have the 11th highest emissions per capita globally. For a country of our size this is shameful. We
have a moral duty to do what we can to reduce this not only for ourselves but for the entire planet.
If we value New Zealand's clean, green image we should be prepared to show leadership in this area.
It is an investment in our future.
NZ's economy is vulnerable to the impacts of climate change as are most other countries. It would
be a false economy to water down the target because of economic cost when the cost of climate
change disasters is huge and getting bigger every year.
3. How will our contribution affect New Zealanders?
What level of cost is approriate for NZ to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions. For example, what
do you think would be a reasonable impact on annual household consumption.
The appropriate level of cost is whatever it takes to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to 100%
of 1990 levels. Climate change is here and it will get worse. The average global temperature is
increasing. Extreme weather events are becoming more frequent and more extreme each year.
You seem to think there is a choice here. There isn't. We have been shitting in our own nest and
now its time to clean it up! We can't avoid short term pain if we want long term survival.
4. Of the opportunities for NZ to reduce its emissions which do you think are the most likely to
occur, or be the most important for New Zealand.
We need to tackle the Agriculture Sector. They make up half of NZs greenhouse gas emissions.
They have been sheltered from fronting up to the issue by this Government. This government has
promoted an increase in dairying knowing full well that cows are a major polluter and
contributer to greenhouse gases.
We need to plant more forests, lots more!
We should retire our coal fired power stations and leave the remainder of the coal in the ground.
We should halt all Oil Exploration.
Electricity generation should be from renewables.
Solar power and hot water heating in homes should be encouraged
Move towards electric vehicles.
Promotion of cycling and the building of cycle ways.
Divest public money from companies who are polluting the planet.
5. Summary
How should New Zealand take into account the future uncertanties of technology and costs when
setting a target.
Technology does have an important part to play. However our ability to reduce our emissions
should not be solely dependent on technology. For example if we haven't got the technology to
reduce the amount of methane produced by cows we can reduce the amount of methane by
reducing the number of cows! There are many things that can and need to be done to reduce our
emissions. We need them all.
If we fail to stop the increase in average global temperature and reduce it, the earth will become
uninhabitable. Costs will mean nothing and technology won't save us. There is no planet 'b' and
billions of years of evolution will be extinguished.
6. Other comments.
Is there any further information you wish the Government to consider. Please explain.
The Government is part of the problem. They and Act are the parties of climate change deniers.
They have been dragging their feet on climate change, protecting businesses and farmers from the
costs of mitigating for climate change. This is too important to be left to those who don't
believe and whose over riding concern in making more money.
We need cross party support to bring together those with expertise in environmental issues and
knowledge in Climate Change.
With a greenhouse gas emissions target of 100% 1990 emissions amount we need every one on the
same page and buy in from a range of political parties.
Parliament and the public need to be brought up to date with our failure to reduce our
emissions so far and what we need to do to reduce our emissions in the future.
The benefits of setting an ambitious target far out way the short term pain to bring our country
and world back into balance. Thank you.
Mother Earth is Sick! Very Sick.
Just like you and I Mother Earth cannot sustain life if her temperature gets too high. We must get
her temperature down whatever the cost.
We know what we have to do.
Stop polluting the environment!
Human activity has us now in the middle of the sixth Mass Extinction event. Around half the
species on earth have become extinct because of human activity. Will we be next?
We are witnessing extreme weather events becoming more frequent and more intense because the
global average temperature is increasing. It will get worse before it gets better, if it gets better at all.
Will you help save Mother Earth, our home, the only home we have!?
There is no planet B.
Reduction Target
It has taken millions of years for life on earth to evolve yet all that could be undone by human
activity over the next 50 years. For the second time in my life I now fear for the fate of Mother
Earth. We stepped back from the brink of nuclear annilation in the 1990s. The official Doomsday
Clock for 2015 sits at 23:57, the highest it's been since the height of the cold war in 1984. Now is
the time for immediate action to mitigate against certain disaster. Apathy is not an option! Half
measures won't cut the mustard. We need to be ambitious and bold and unrelenting in getting our
greenhouse emissions down.
By 2050 we should have achieved our target, to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions by 100% of
our 1990 levels. Thereafter we should be working towards reducing our greenhouse gas emissions
even further to pre Industrial Revolution levels.
I hope you will give this submission serious consideration.
Thank you.
Warren Williams.
Submission on Climate Change Contribution Consultation
I want New Zealand to call for a global zero carbon target, and
wa the
he talk
a by committing
o mi ting to a pathway
pa wa towards
wa ds zero
ro CO2
emissions by 2050 or earlier (alongside reductions in other
gre nho e gases).
g se )
s need
nee to
o be
b backed up with
w t a credible
c dbe
In order to meet our targets we need a credible national strategy for
ho we
e can
c n achieve
chi v them.
he . Without
Wit ou a clear
ea pathway,
t a , targets
ar t are
ar justt
empty numbers. Despite existing targets for 2020 and 2050, New
Ze la d’ emissions
m sio have
ha e continued
c nt
ed to
t rise.. Official
Offic l projections
o ct on say
they will continue rising under current policies. Our international
re ta io can’t
n’t survive
s v v that
ha much
uc longer
lo er - we
e need
ne d real
a results.
r s ts.
I want to see a real action plan that adds up.
We need a climate change law to keep
go e nment on
n track.
tr c
K Climate
im e Change
C nge Act
A t provides
s a model
m de for
fo government
commitment and accountability that New Zealand should adopt. This
A puts
ut national
at on l emissions
mi s on targets
a ge s in domestic
do est law
w (which
( hic is
i not
ot the
case in New Zealand) and requires every government to produce
cr dible plans
pl ns to
t meet
e t these.
t s . This
T s will
w l show
ho other countries
c unt ie we
e are
serious. The Act also sets up an independent Climate Commission to
is in power
ad ise government
go e nme t on its
it policies
po ie and
nd hold
ho whoever
w oe
accountable. This makes the issue of climate change less politicised by
ha in an
a authoritative
a ho it t
pe ent voice
o e in the
he debate.
de at .
I want a New Zealand climate law that holds the government
a count bl for reducing
ducing emissions,
e iss ons, and
nd an
n independent
Climate Comission.
We need political parties to work together.
This issue needs cooperation across the political spectrum and efforts
t engage
ll New
e Zealanders
e la
rs in the
he solutions.
s lutio . Climate
a e policy
po y can’t
c n’ go
on being a political football with major policy flip-flops every time
t re s a change
ng in government.
go rnm nt We
e need
ee stable
st ble climate
a e policy
po y that
t at
Submission on Climate Change Contribution Consultation
steers us clearly towards a zero carbon society. This will allow
busine ses to
o make
m k good
o long-term
l ng-t rm decisions
de is ons and
nd New
Ne Zealand
Ze la
benefit by attracting investment in low carbon industries and
inno t n.
I want the Government to establish a cross-party climate
wo i
up and
n ongoing
gra m to
t engage
meaningfully with New Zealanders on climate change
s lut ns.
We can’t
a ’t wait.
w t
A exciting
e c ing zero
z ro carbon
c rbo future
ur is waiting
a ti
fo us if we
e choose
c o e it.
it We
need to start building it today. Previous generations didn’t understand
avit of the
ob m and didn’t
didn t have
ha e the
t e technologies
te hno og s to
t solve
o v it,,
but the current generation in charge has neither excuse. Delaying
ac io makes
ke itt harder
r to
t meet
ee our
ur targets
t rge s and
nd lumps
mps more
o costs
ost onto
young people to deal with in the future. There are many beneficial
ac io s the
e could
t ke now
no together
o t r with
w h businesses
us ness s and
communities to kick-start the transition.
I want
wa to see
e meaningful
e ningful policy
licy changes
c nges that
ha will
wil start
rt cutting
New Zealand's emissions, during this term of government.
Further comments:
The Government has to take Climate Change issues more seriously.
Whil we
e are
ar a small
m ll nation
at on we
w need
ed to
t be playing
ying our
ur part
pa t to
t reduce
green house gas emissions. The fact that we recently reduced our
em s io s target
t rg t while
t r countries
co nt s were
e increasing
re sing theirs
h rs was
shameful. Any initiatives we take will need to make up the deficiet of
ina t n by setting
s t ing higher
high r targets
a gets so
s that
h t we
w can
n have
ave a chance
cha ce of
keeping the average global temperature chance under 2degrees by