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What is a mental
What is the DSM IV?
2 major classifications
of disorders?
Anxiety disorders?
Mood disorders?
Symptoms of
Types of schizophrenia?
Causes of
Somatoform disorders?
Causes of somatoform
Dissociative Disorders
Personality disorders?
Anorexia and bulimia?
Behavior, thoughts judged to be atypical, disturbing, maladaptive and unjustifiable. Culture,
community affect whether something is a “disorder”.
The Diagnostic Statistical Manual (version 4) is the book that psychologists and psychiatrists
use to define (list symptoms) of disorders. Insurance companies won’t cover treatment if not
in the DSM. Version 1 said homosexuality was a disorder.
Neurotic disorders - a psychological disorder that is usually distressing but that allows one to
think rationally and function socially
psychotic disorder - a psychological disorder in which a person loses contact with reality,
experiencing irrational ideas and distorted perceptions
a contemporary perspective which assumes that biological, psychological, and
sociocultural factors combine and interact to produce psychological disorders.
- characterized by distressing, persistent anxiety or maladaptive behaviors that reduce
anxiety. Ex: generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder (caused by agoraphobia), phobias,
Major depressive disorder (unipolar depression), bipolar depression (mainic episodes followed
by depressive ones), Seasonal affective disorder (SAD), disthymic depression (mild
depression for 2 years straight.)
a group of severe disorders characterized by disorganized and delusional thinking, disturbed
perceptions, and inappropriate emotions and actions. It is a split from reality.
Delusions – false beliefs, disturbed perceptions (hallucinations, usually auditory), inappropriate
emotions and actions (flat effect, catatonia)
Paranoid – preoccupation with delusions or hallucinations
Catatonic – immobility, parrot-like repeating of others’ speech or movements
Disorganized – disorganized speech or behavior, flat or inappropriate emotion
Undifferentiated: many and varied symptoms
1. excess of dopamine in brain. 2. large ventricles in brain. 3. genetics 4. stress, family
a group of disorders in which there are symptoms of a physical disorder without physical
cause. Ex: conversion disorder - a disorder in which a person displays blindness, deafness, or
other symptoms of sensory or motor failure without a physical cause. previously called
hysteria Hypochondriasis - a disorder characterized by excessive preoccupation with health
concerns and unjustified fear of physical illness
1. Personality Factors - histrionic, neurotic individuals
2. Cognitive Factors - misinterpretation of bodily sensations
3. The Sick Role - avoid confronting reality, getting attention from others
disorders in which conscious awareness becomes separated (dissociated) from previous
memories, thoughts, and feelings. ex: Dissociative Amnesia - a disorder marked by a sudden
loss of memory. Dissociative Fugue - a sudden loss of memory and the assumption of a new
identity in a new locale (think fugitive) Dissociative Identity Disorder - a rare disorder in
which a person exhibits two or more distinct and alternating personalities. Formerly called
multiple personality disorder
Antisocial p.d. – lack of a conscience (serial killer) kids setting animals on fire
Paranoid p.d. – everyone is out to get you. Really!
Histrionic p.d. – you will get upset if everyone is not paying attention to you.
Borderline p.d. I hate you. Leave me alone. You bastard, why did you leave me?
Narcissistic pd – I’m better than you in every way.
Anorexia – characterized by starving yourself until skinny.
Bulimia – binging and purging
Both are characterized by poor body self image