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BIOL 153L General Biology II Lab
Black Hills State University
Exam 1 Study Guide
The Compound Light Microscope & Its Use
Parts and components (i.e., microscope parts/components listed in Lab Exercise #1)
Proper handling and use of microscope to avoid damage
Calculations for determining magnification
Cross section vs. longitudinal section vs. whole mount
Dry mount vs. wet mount
Dissecting scope vs. compound light microscope
History related to microscope development
Photosynthetic Organisms
Heterotroph vs. autotroph vs. mixotroph
Tree of Life as inferred from molecular genetic data
• placement of plants, animals, fungi, protists, archae, bacteria on the Tree of Life
• placement of photosynthesis on the Tree of life
Chloroplasts as the drivers of photosynthesis
• wild, free-living relatives of the chloroplast
• primary origin of chloroplast as an endosymbiont
• secondary "capture" and origins of chloroplasts in photosynthetic protists
Unicellular vs. multicellular organisms
• definitions
• 'gray areas' (colonies of unicellular organisms)
• examples
Cyanobacteria ("blue-green algae")
• placement on the Tree of Life and constituent chlorophyll pigments
• toxic “algae” blooms
• the genus Anabaena: round shape, filamentous colonies, heterocysts
• the genus Spirulina: spiral shape, use as food additive
Protists (eukaryotic 'junk drawer' on Tree of Life)
Flagellate protists
• the genus Euglena: shape, movement, eye spot, flagella
Dinoflagellates (unicelluar protists that are often photosynthetic)
• the genus Peridinium: shape, movement, multiple flagella
• the genus Pfiesteria: natural history and medical/economic significance
Diatoms (unicellular protist algae)
• miscellaneous diatoms: shapes, use in water assessment
• rock snot (aka Didymos): appearance, impacts, cause of spread
Brown Algae (multicellular protist algae)
• the genus Dictyota: color, shape
• sodium alginate and kombu
Red Algae (protist algae group that is closely related to Green Algae)
• the genus Rhodymenia: color, shape, size
• carrageenan, agar, and nori
Green Algae (part of the Green Plants group)
• the genus Chlamydomonas: shape, eyespot, chloroplast, flagella
• the genus Volvox: shape, colony, juvenile spheroids
• the genus Spirogyra: shape, filamentous growth, spiral chloroplast
• the genus Ulva: size, shape
Vascular Plants (part of the Green Plants group)
• general adaptations to life on land
• the genus Cabomba: shape, source of air bubbles
Non-photosynthetic Fungi (majority of Kingdom Fungi)
• hyphae, mycelia, absorptive heterotrophs
• Zycomycetes: genus Rhizopus (bread molds), spores, sporangia, hyphae
• Ascomycetes: genus Penicillium (conidia) and Peziza (hymenium and asci)
• Basidiomycetes: genus Coprinus, cap, stalk, gills, ring, basidia, hyphae
Lichens (photosynthetic part of Kingdom Fungi)
• symbiosis of cyanobacteria/green algae + fungi (be able to identify on microscope slide)
• crustose vs. fructicose vs. foliose forms; thallus
• scientific study of lichens
Transpiration and Photosynthesis
Movement of water in land plants (roots, vascular system, stem, leaves)
Transpiration: definition, steps in the process, larger physiological significance
Loss of water vs. accessibility of carbon dioxide for photosynthesis and defense
Stomata: location on plant, structure (guard cells, pore, epidermis), function in transpiration
Trichomes: location on plant, possible functions related to transpiration
"Tricks" plants use to reduce water loss—and their downsides in wet environments
The genus Hedera: native and introduced ranges and environments; polyploidy within genus
Leaf peels: method of making peels; structures observed on peels
Potential impact of polyploidy on stomata size/density
Results of Hedera stomatal size and density (i.e., are 2x and 4x plants different?)
Stomatal conductance: definition, approaches for measurement, interpreting/graphing results
Key concepts for the biochemistry of photosynthesis and respiration
• light vs. dark reactions
• consumption/production of carbon dioxide and production/consumption of oxygen
• roles of ATP, NADPH, and starch molecules
Utility of aquatic environments in studying photosynthesis and respiration
The genus Hedera (ivy): shape and structure; placement on Tree of Life
Function of leaf disks
• justification for vacuum infiltration; reasons that disks float or sink
• result of adding baking soda to solution
• result of exposing disks to light
Mitosis & Meiosis
Stages of mitosis and what happens in each (interphase, prophase, metaphase, etc.)
Terminology: chromosome, chromatid, centromere, synapsis, tetrad, reduction, cytokinesis, etc.
Stages of meiosis and what happens in each
Timing of and recognizing the following events during meiosis I & II
• doubling of DNA and formation of sister chromatids
• formation of tetrads; formation of chiasma
• occurrence of crossover/recombination
• reduction (number of chromosomes in each cell halved)
• line up of chromosomes in center of cell
• separation of homologous chromosomes
• separation of sister chromatids
• cytokinesis
• dividing cell parts achieve haploid state
• independent assortment
Key differences between meiosis I & II
Key differences between mitosis and meiosis
Location(s) where mitosis and meiosis occur in living organisms
Number of daughter cells produced following mitosis and meiosis
Unique daughter cells produced in meiosis and its dependence on recombination
Connection of events in meiosis to Mendelian genetics
Mendelian Genetics
Basic concepts: genotype, phenotype, allele, heterozygotic, dominant, recessive
Principle of independent assortment
Conventions in writing out genotypes and phenotypes
Punnett squares and how to use them
Monohybrid vs. dihybrid crosses: definitions and expected phenotypic ratios
Simplifying observed ratios to compare to expected ratios
Approaches for comparing observed vs. expected phenotype ratios
Advanced concepts: recombination, gene linkage, gametic phase (cis vs. trans)
Consequences of linkage and gametic phase (cis vs. trans arrangement) for Mendelian ratios
Gene Expression
"Central Dogma of Molecular Biology"
Terminology: DNA, RNA, transcription, translation, mRNA, tRNA, ribosomes, sense strand, antisense
strand, codon, anticodon, amino acid, polypeptide, protein
Locations of DNA replication, transcription, and translation in the cell
Role of ribosomes in gene expression and their location in the cell
Matching of base pairs in double-stranded DNA and RNA molecules
Base pair types found in DNA vs. RNA
Genetics Problems
1. If a plant is heterozygous for stem size (L = long stem allele, l = short stem allele) and for fruit color
(W = white fruit allele, w = purple fruit allele), what is its genotype?
2. If the plant above had the genotype LLww, what is its phenotype? How about LlWw?
3. Two plants have the genotype BbGg, where B = big flower allele, b = little flower allele; G = green
leaf allele, g = maroon leaf allele
• Assuming that the flower size and leaf color genes are NOT linked together on a chromosome,
what types of gametes could each plant make?
• Assuming flower size and leaf color genes ARE linked, that the alleles have a cis arrangement, and
that no crossover between the two genes occur—what types of gametes are produced?
• If instead the alleles have a trans arrangement and there is no crossover between the two linked
genes, what types of gametes are produced?
• If the alleles have a cis arrangement and there are crossovers between sister chromatids (only) in a
cell undergoing meiosis, what types of gametes are produced?
• If the alleles have a cis arrangement and there is one (and only one) crossover between linked
genes on adjacent non-sister chromatids during meiosis, what types of gametes are produced?
4. Make a Punnett Square for the monohybrid cross involving parents with the genotype Bb. What is
the expected phenotypic and genotypic ratio for this cross?
5. Make a Punnett Square for a dihybrid cross involving parents with the genotype BbGg. What is the
expected phenotypic ratio for this cross?
6. Make a Punnett Square for the linked gene scenarios listed under #3 above. What are the expected
phenotypic ratios for these crosses?
7. Consider the aforementioned crosses of plants with the genotype BbGg (see #2 above). Given no
prior knowledge about the location of the flower size and leaf color genes on the chromosome, use the
following possible results from the dihybrid cross to predict whether the two genes are linked (and if so,
whether the alleles are associated in cis or trans arrangements). (Circle the best answers.)
Case 1: 108 (big, green) : 36 (big, maroon) : 36 (little, green) : 12 (little, maroon)
[linked] or [unlinked]
if linked: [cis] or [trans]
and [recombination] or [no recombination]
Case 2: 144 (big, green) : 0 (big, maroon) : 0 (little, green) : 48 (little, maroon)
[linked] or [unlinked]
if linked: [cis] or [trans]
and [recombination] or [no recombination]
Cross 3: 96 (big, green) : 48 (big, maroon) : 48 (little, green) : 0 (little, maroon)
[linked] or [unlinked]
if linked: [cis] or [trans]
and [recombination] or [no recombination]
Cross 4: 139 (big, green) : 6 (big, maroon) : 4 (little, green) : 43 (little, maroon)
[linked] or [unlinked]
if linked: [cis] or [trans]
and [recombination] or [no recombination]
8. Transcribe the following antisense strand of DNA into mRNA: TAC GAG ATA CGA TAC
9. What tRNA anticodons would attach to the aforementioned mRNA strand?