Download Division :Chlorophyta Order 7 :Dasycladales Family

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Division : Chlorophyta
Order 7 : Dasycladales
Family : Polyphysaceae
Genus : Acetabularia
 is a genus of green algae, Typically found in subtropical
waters, it is a single-celled organism, but gigantic in size
and complex in form making it an excellent model
organism for studying cell biology .
 it is 0.5 to 10 cm tall and has three anatomical parts: a
bottom rhizoid that resembles a set of short roots; a long
stalk in the middle; and a top umbrella of branches that
may fuse into a cap .
 Acetabularia are among the largest single-celled
organisms, having also a remarkably large nucleus. During
sexual reproduction, the nucleus undergoes multiple
rounds of mitosis, forming many daughter nuclei all
within one nuclear membrane. These nuclei undergo
meiosis and are transported to the tips of the branches,
the sporangia, where they are released as gametes.
Division :Chlorophyta
Class: Bryopsidophyceae
Order : Bryopsidales
Family : Bryopsidaceae
Genus : Bryopsis
Broypsis forms soft, feathery clumps attached to basalt rocks
and rubble on shallow reef flats, in seas with low wave
action .
Thallus filamentous, bushy, to 10 cm high. Fronds featherlike, 8 - 15 mm wide, pinnately branched; lateral branches of
uniform length, constricted at base where joined to main
axes. Branchlets in two opposite rows on upper half of
branch . Rhizoidal system is fibrous. Color is glossy dark
green, often with light blue iridescence .
Vegetative pennae function as the gametangia. Plants are
dioecious, with male plants becoming yellowish-green and
female plants turning dark green .
Bryopsis species are potentially invasive. the genus produces
chemical defenses that are toxic to most herbivorous
organisms and easily reproduces vegetatively from the
smallest fragments. Therefore, if environmental conditions
occur that support fast growth of this species, it may
become more competitive and possibly dominant .