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From Ice Age to Nice Age
The Okotoks Big Rock was once under two miles of ice that melted 10,000 years ago.
Climate Change Policy Information for Albertans
A “Plain Language” Document
Au- September 2015
Climate Changes. Why?
We are
Anyone familiar with history knows that climate changes throughout time. Hannibal
crossed the Alps on elephants in Roman Times. People suffered disastrous famines in the era of
the revolution in the Little Ice Age, popularized in the musical “Les Miz.’. Those are just two examples.
Over the past 100 years it has become evident that human beings, with their industrial manufacturing, and their powerful equipment used to build dams or cities, farm or drain wetlands, are affecting
the earth and land use. The related industrial emissions of greenhouse gases were deemed to be
affecting earth’s climate.
Global climate model simulations forecast that Anthropogenic (human-caused) Global Warming (AGW) may cause ‘catastrophic’ global warming. Most world governments ratified the United
Nation's Kyoto Accord of 1997, hoping to reduce global warming by reducing greenhouse gas
However, the projected catastrophic temperatures that the UN’s climate panel—the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) predicted have not happened. In fact, there was a natural
slow-down and global warming went into hiatus before the Kyoto Accord was ever ratified,
despite a rise in CO2 concentration. (now 18 years and 8 months of barely perceptible
The world has spent $US 2.2 Trillion on renewable energy from 2004 through 2014 trying to reduce
emissions, but carbon dioxide concentration has risen. Temperatures have not. That means the
hypothesis is unproven and climate models are flawed. They should not be used for setting climate
change policy.
Friends of Science Society includes earth, atmospheric, solar scientists and engineers who
have been volunteering time to critically review climate science for over 13 years. Our science
review shows that the sun is the main direct and indirect driver of climate change.
We are concerned that a new Little Ice Age is coming and we are unprepared for cooling.
The sunspot activity is very low. Climate change “warming” fears have scared taxpayers and
voters in the UK and EU into accepting very expensive renewable energy plans and carbon taxes/
trades, that have pushed hard-working people into heat-or-eat poverty. Jobs have been lost. Power
prices have gone up 37% (2005-2013). The environment was not helped one bit. We must learn
from their experience. Please review our findings with an open mind.
From Ice Age to Nice Age
Climate Change Policy Information for Albertans
Paris Climate Change Talks in December
Five Alberta Government
Climate Policy Principles
Experts Respond with Evidence
Red Flags on Going “Green”
Climate Changes—Naturally
Be Prepared.
Warming? Or Cooling.
Evidence A Few Realities
“Our government intends to take real action, but we will not do
so until we have the right evidence-based framework for doing so and not until we have heard from Albertans .”
We present the Evidence over Ideology.
Disclaimer: Images of various researchers, scientists,
guest speakers and references to their work in this
document does not imply their agreement with all aspects
of Friends of Science Society’s
position on these matters.
Paris Climate Talks December 2015
Canada withdrew from the Kyoto Accord in 2011 in order to
avoid being forced to pay some ~$14 billion in penalties.
This year in Paris, attempts will be made to make a legally-binding
arrangement that will punish the modern Western world, while allowing developing nations to expand their use of fossil fuels at will, with
no pollution controls. Is that fair or sensible? If the environment is the
concern, shouldn’t modern emissions and pollution management be
the goal for all nations?
Canada’s sacrifice to meet climate targets will be useless in the
grand scale of things.
According to Canadian energy economist Robert Lyman, the stated
climate targets of the G-7 will require the entire closure of oil and gas
development in Canada—this will lead to massive job loss and a
cascading collapse of our economy. On a personal level, if you enjoy flying to exotic places to escape the cold, you would not be allowed to do that anymore. “Snowbirds would be nobirds.” Power
generation would become extremely costly.
“But wouldn’t we be helping to save the planet?”
No. Canada’s and Alberta’s contribution to greenhouse gases is
miniscule; if we shut down our energy and resources industries, our
tremendous sacrifice would be swept away by the growth in fossil
fuel use in developing nations.
Canada pulled out of Kyoto in 2011
Friends of Science Society scientific advisors were part of a debate
on Kyoto in 2002 with members of the Pembina Institute.
Our advisors, Dr. Tim Patterson and Dr. Sallie Baliunas, were featured in our documentary “Climate Catastrophe Cancelled.”
They argued a view we shared in the 2002 APEGA debate. That
Kyoto was not based on good science, the AGW theory was
flawed, natural influences like the sun drive climate more than CO2,
and that Kyoto would damage Canada’s economy. Every one of our
points has proven accurate.
Michelle Stirling
In 2011, Canada pulled out of Kyoto to avoid having to pay $14 bil- A 2015 Video review of the 2002
lion in crushing penalties.
Video review by Friends of Science Communications Manager:
Paris Climate Talks December 2015
“What about global warming?”
Global warming has stagnated for over 18 years now—pausing
naturally before Kyoto was ever ratified! Friends of Science
Society’s scientific team and advisers have reviewed hundreds of
peer-reviewed papers showing that climate changes are driven directly and indirectly by changes in solar activity.
“But isn’t there a consensus on global warming?”
The only “consensus” is that humans have some impact on climate,
but the scope and causes are subject to vigorous debate by scientists. The evidence shows that the hypothesis of global warming due
to greenhouse gases has been wildly overstated. It is reported that
the “climate change industry” is worth $1.5 TRILLION dollars worldwide; That’s $1,500,000,000 - said as one million, five hundred thousand million dollars - a big business of vested interests.
So far there has been no benefit to the environment and no reduction in greenhouse gases overall.
Canada and Alberta should not sacrifice its sovereignty and
economy in Paris. We should ask the hard questions - why isn’t
anything being done about the real problem - pollution?
The UN's Climate Change Panel:
Activist and Untrustworthy
Canadian investigative journalist Donna Laframboise wrote
a devastating expose on the corrupt practices of the IPCC entitled: “The Delinquent Teenager…” showing that green activists
are deeply embedded at the IPCC. Her book has been described as: "…(it) shines a hard light on the rotten heart of the
IPCC" by Richard Tol. Tol is a Professor of the Economics of
Climate Change and a convening lead author of the IPCC. He
has been very critical of IPCC “apocalyptic” hype.
Donna was guest speaker for Friends of Science in 2012; her
presentation and power point are here:
journalist and
What is “Climate Change?”
In the days of the development of the Kyoto Accord, “climate change”
was called “global warming” and defined as being human-caused.
Since 2007, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
has defined it as:
Climate change in IPCC usage refers to a change in the state of the climate that can be identified (e.g. using statistical tests) by changes in the
mean and/or the variability of its properties, and that persists for an extended period, typically decades or longer. It refers to any change in climate over time, whether due to natural variability or as a result of
human activity. [emphasis added]
This usage differs from that in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), where climate change refers to a
change of climate that is attributed directly or indirectly to human activity
that alters the composition of the global atmosphere and that is in addition to natural climate variability observed over comparable time periods
Climate Change 2007: Synthesis Report
“Policymakers should wait 2 to 4 years “
Dr. Ross McKitrick spoke in Calgary in 2013 on the exaggerated
“Social Costs of Carbon” (the basis for carbon taxes). Read “McKitrick
on Climate Change: The Pause In Global Warming -The Flaws in Climate Models.” Carbon taxes are based on temperature predictions that
are several times higher than actual observed temperatures, meaning
the Social Costs of Carbon are skewed far too high.http://
Dr. Ross McKitrick
Watch “McKitrick on Climate Change”
video clips to see how policy makers are
misled by precise-sounding numbers
that are not based on reality.
U of Guelph
IPCC expert reviewer
“Taken by Storm”
Natural and Human Factors Change Climate
Natural Variability—Any of these may exhibit rogue,
unpredictable events, small or cataclysmic
Human Activities
Solar cycles and variability in Total Solar Irradiance, UV Land disturbance—agriculture, building of cities,
output, X-rays, variations in the solar wind, Coronal Mass building of dams
Ejections (that affect the ionosphere), orbital variations
of the sun and major planets
Ocean current changes; seasonal and orbital tidal chang- Deforestation—especially in developing nations
es (i.e. King tides, storm surges); changes to thermohawhere the method is to use uncontrolled fires to strip
line conveyor (deep ocean warm-to-cold cyclical current) the land of forests, often resulting in peat fires that
burn for years; human-caused wildfires and those
going ‘pyro-Cb—pyrocumulonimbus or fire cloud.
Atmospheric oscillations move in cycles over periods of
decades (ENSO, PDO, AMO, ITCV, NAO)
Black carbon (soot) - deposits of black carbon on
arctic areas increase light absorption (heating) and
reduce “albedo” (reflectance from otherwise white
snow—cooling), leading to regional warming
Volcanic eruptions and volumes/types of gas/ash
Urban Heat Island effect— large cities generate and
retain their own ‘heat bubble’ which affects local and
regional temperatures and atmospheric conditions
Geomagnetic changes/tectonic plate movements
Greenhouse gas emissions
Naturally occurring wildfires, especially those that are
Water system diversions—draining wetlands, diverting water systems, dam reservoirs
“...the sun, not variations in carbon dioxide…”
Dr. Timothy Patterson, professor of geology at Carleton University said in his 2011
Senate Testimony:
“...the sun, not variations in carbon dioxide, the gas most targeted by Canada’s national climate change campaigns, appears to be the most important driver of climate change.”
Friends of Science Society agree with this position.
“Solar scientists predict that, by later in this decade, the sun will be starting into its weakest
solar cycle of the past two centuries, likely leading to unusually cool conditions on Earth,
which may persist for decades. Beginning to plan for adaptation to such a cool period should
be a priority for governments. It is global cooling, not warming, that is the major climate threat
to the world, especially in high latitude countries such as Canada.”
Climate Change—
Greatest Challenge or the Nature of Things?
Climate change is often said to be one of the greatest challenges to
ever face our planet, our society and our economy.
Historically, climate changes have been far more dramatic and deadly,
especially during global cooling periods like the Little Ice Age (13501850). We have always been challenged by climate, and have adapted.
Human adaptations to climate change that we take for granted include
insulated houses, central heating, air conditioning, paved roads, cars,
reliable, affordable power generation and mass food production.
Despite claims that individual weather events, like the Calgary flood, are
evidence of ‘climate change’ the only trends seen world-wide are more
frequent, deeper cold-snaps in Europe, and snow or cold events in otherwise tropical places or seasonal warm periods. These are more consistent with global cooling than warming. In fact, eight of Calgary’s worst
floods were prior to 1933, with two early floods in the late 1800’s two to
three times greater than the 2013 flood. None-the-less, people still continued to build on flood plains.
“Weather” is what happens today; “Climate” is defined by weather patterns over decades.
Extreme weather:
an integral part of the Earth’s climate
Dr. Madhav Khandekar, former research scientist of Environment
Canada, studied the evidence to see if there is any trend to extreme
“global warming” weather.
“The reality of climate change is that there have been increasing cold
weather extremes in recent years, which have been totally ignored by the
IPCC and its adherents. Chapter 2 of the IPCC WGI (AR5) entitled:
‘Observations: atmosphere and surface’, makes no mention of cold
weather extremes of recent years. There have, however, been news reports of hundreds of deaths due to extreme cold weather in central and
eastern Europe, northern India and parts of South America in the last six
GHGs and CO2
Will stopping Alberta’s greenhouse gas (GHGs) emissions help
stop climate change?
Canada’s contribution to global emissions is nominal (1.8%) especially since we are a northern country with extremes of cold, a modern
industrialized nation and the second largest in the world, meaning we
have vast transportation needs. Further, our energy, resources and
forestry products serve the world; most are used offshore by other
Canada has reduced carbon (soot) pollution 44% since 1985 and
most other emissions as well. (see We should
expect other nations to follow our lead.
Furthermore, scientists like Hans von Storch of Germany and Judith
Curry of the USA are stating that carbon dioxide’s assumed impact
on warming has been overstated. Some say by as much as three
These experts see that climate is more influenced by natural forces
like the sun’s many variable factors, ocean currents and cosmic and
orbital factors. Many qualified dissenting scientists like Roy Spencer,
Judith Curry, Henrik Svensmark, Willie Soon, Ivanka Charvatova
show numerous factors affect climate, not just CO2. Even Svante Arrhenius, the “grandfather” of the “hothouse” changed his mind in a
little-known 1906 paper, and decided carbon dioxide warming would
be nominal, pleasant and beneficial.
There are no indications that CO2 can cause
significant temperature rise
Professor Emeritus Dick Thoenes of Eindhoven University in
The Netherlands:
“My conclusion is that it is impossible that a significant climate
change can take place due to rising CO2-emissions. This means
then that all measures to reduce CO2-emissions are useless. This
would have enormous financial consequences for society.”
The Hague, 4th June 2015
Read the report:
Oil sands or other sources?
Alberta is a major contributor to the Canadian economy, consequently in economic growth areas, we see a rise in emissions. Alberta has steadily reduced pollutants (a more important factor) and
emissions while increasing economic benefits. No other developing
nation will have to meet the emissions reductions standards expected of Canada at the Paris talks—that is nonsensical.
People point to coal-fired power plants without realizing that 75% of
power generation in Alberta is used by industry; industry creates
jobs and is attracted to places where there is high quality (no dips/
surges), reliable, affordable power supply. Affordable power comes
from coal and Alberta has lots of high-quality coal that can be surface-mined. Reclaimed coal mines become beautiful, awardwinning parks and recreation areas.
Alberta’s air quality standards are some of the highest in the
world—and Alberta industry has reduced pollution which should be
the more important factor discussed in Paris.
See for yourself at:
Phase-out coal is
not supported by the evidence.
Hospitals and health services require
affordable power—as does industry
and citizens. Alberta has lots of high
quality, coal, excellent air quality
standards and reliable power. Moving off coal would double prices, cost
>$11 billion to replace coal with natural gas, and push people into heat-or
-eat poverty, as is the case in Europe
and the UK.
Read “Burning Questions”
See the video:
Norm Kalmanovitch,
P. Geoph.
Project Lead on
“Burning Questions”
Climate Target Implications—For You
Many people think that climate change policies will affect big emitters like
oil sands, coal-fired power plants and industry, but not themselves or their
own lifestyle.
You will be directly affected. Every human activity is associated with
emissions and pollution—whether here or elsewhere that products are
produced. However, for the most part, replacing your fridge with a new
‘energy-saver’ is wasteful and never recovers the energy used in making
the new product.
This is not about putting on a sweater or turning down the thermostat at home. The Paris climate talks have the potential of destroying
Canada’s economy, in a legally binding agreement that gives up Canada’s national powers to choose how to develop our resources, to an
unaccountable UN bureaucracy charged with implementing any agreement .
Snowbirds would be No birds.
“...possibly destructive to Canada’s economy..”
Canada represents a small share of global anthropogenic emissions. Even
if Canada and other OECD countries were to meet the extraordinarily stringent emission reduction targets, global emissions would still grow above
2010 levels. While meeting the targets would prove very costly, indeed possibly destructive to Canada’s economy, the IPCC goal would not come even Robert Lyman
close to being met. Canada’s sacrifice, in effect, would be largely a symbolEnergy Economist
ic gesture. Canadians should judge carefully how great a cost they wish to
37 years experience
bear for symbolism.
Doing this would shrink Canada's 'carbon footprint', relative to
its economy and population, to levels today seen only in poverty
-stricken countries like Haiti, Afghanistan, North Korea and
Carbon Trading or Cap-n-Trade?
Some people say different options like carbon trading or cap-andtrade will reduce emissions.
There is no evidence to support this claim. If anything, the opposite is
true. After spending $1.9 trillion (from 1997 to 2012) on climate change
reduction initiatives world-wide there has been no reduction in carbon
dioxide emissions or greenhouse gases, despite the European Trading
System and the UN Clean Device Mechanism. In 2013, INTERPOL
assessed carbon trading world-wide as a $176 Billion market, in 2015
climate change consulting was assessed as a $1.5 Trillion a year business. Neither have had actual beneficial effect reducing emissions or
pollution. The only wide-spread effect has been the creation of millions
of people in heat-or-eat poverty, skyrocketing power prices, and job loss
due to industry moving offshore.
Albertans want to avoid these devastating consequences.
Global warming has stagnated naturally for the past 18 years and 8
months (to Sept. 2015), despite a very significant rise in carbon dioxide
from human sources. The hypothesis of Anthropogenic Global Warming
has been overstated or is wrong. Natural forces appear to be more influential.
"To Heat or Eat: Europe's Climate Policy Fiasco"
In May of 2013, Dr. Benny Peiser spoke to an audience in Calgary,
explaining that extreme EU Climate Targets had driven millions into
‘heat-or-eat’ poverty, as power prices rose so high, lower and middle
class families were driven to choosing between heating their homes
or buying food. These policies included carbon trading or cap-ntrade—intended to make the ‘polluter pay’ - but in fact, the
‘consumer pays more’ - every time.
Dr. Peiser’s power point and video presentation:
Dr. Benny Peiser
Executive Director
Global Warming Policy Foundation
UN is Founded on Equal Sovereignty
Why then, should we accept unequal treatment?
The US Energy Information Authority graphs below show that western industrialized nations (OECD) have capped the growth of fossil
fuel use. Western nations continue to improve pollution and emissions reduction management.
However, the pending Paris Climate talks will allow developing nations, like Indian and China, to expand their use of fossil fuels without restriction, and with no pollution management requirements.
Furthermore, developing nations want countries like Canada to
fund a US$100 Billion a year “Green Climate Fund” that they can
spend anyway they want, with no restriction, though it is supposed
to be for climate change mitigation. Developing nations will emit
far more than we do, and we will pay a penalty, though we emit
A legally-binding agreement in Paris would effectively hold us ransom to unaccountable demands. This would seem to contradict the
fundamental principles of fairness and equitable sovereignty of the
UN itself.
Robert Lyman, energy economist, discusses the Green Climate
Fund in “Who Cuts? Who Pays?”
Red Flags on Going “Green”
Alberta Wind Farm Transmission Lines Cost
You ~$2 Billion For ~4% Power
Alberta taxpayers are paying for the ~$2 billion dollar tab for
transmission lines to southern wind farms. To put that in costbenefit perspective, the new Shepard natural gas plant cost
investors $1.4 Billion and can produce up to 800 MW of power,
24/7 365 days a year on demand.
In addition, for wind power to work on the existing power gird,
it costs taxpayers about $1 million per Megawatt to integrate
wind on the grid. Alberta has 1,113 Mw installed wind capacity
on the grid.
For this we get ~4% power...but only when the wind blows, just
Alberta Education invested $6 million into wind farms in the
2013-2014 budget. Why? Unclear.
Original proposal pg 10:
In 2014 Alberta Education’s purpose-built wind farm went into
construction, financed by ~21 of the 40 school boards using
taxpayer’s education dollars to become market competitors.
The power purchasing contracts are for 20 years. The claims
was to keep prices down—at a time when power prices are at
an all time low.
Except for solar, wind is the most expensive form of power generation and the least reliable.
No. It’s not ‘free’ power for you.
But carbon traders can make billions from the Renewable Energy Certificates that wind and solar generate - money that ultimately comes out of taxpayer’s pockets.
Alberta Biomass Costs You
Some proponents of alternative energy assume biomass
from cattle dung will be a cheap alternative. Here’s how the
costs break down in one Alberta example: $3.5 million dollar CCEMC grant. The 315KW plant cost over $7 million or
over $20 million per MegaWatt (compared to about one or
two million per MW for a gas plant, financed by investors,
offering 800 MW of on-demand power.)
There were $500,000 in direct grants.
Extrapolate that over 50,000 farms in Alberta. If 20,000 are
large farms and also wanted this kind of deal, it would cost
Albertans $150 BILLION. Not to mention, if a biomass producer feeds into the grid, they presently get paid a 6 cent/
KWh FIT (Feed-in Tariff).
Field of Expensive Dreams—
They built it. No one came.
And no one hears about this.
A ~$30 Million dollar taxpayer funded biofuels business
goes under in Alberta; 52 local news articles on the startup, not one story on the bankruptcy.
The Calgary LRT Does Not
Ride the Wind
Wind Supplies only ~4% power in Alberta
A complex wind purchasing deal was instituted for the
City of Calgary (1% of all power) and for the C-Train
(called “Ride the Wind”) - where the public were told they
were riding a train powered by wind, and therefore not
emitting greenhouse gases. In fact it is simply a carbon
offset scheme.
Today wind power only supplies ~4% of Alberta’s power
in total. The LRT /C-Train runs around the clock. “Ride
the Wind! may result in higher costs over 10 years
compared to using electricity from conventional
sources.“ Adding more wind to the grid drove up consumer distribution costs for power in Alberta, due to more
transmission lines (~$2 Billion) and the need to add more
natural gas peaking plants that can quickly add power to
the grid, to deal with wind’s sudden surges and drops.
Natural gas costs are double the input price of coal.
Renewable Energy “simply won’t work”
Google Engineers on Renewable Energy
:...horrifyingly expensive …”
No benefit to the environment, wasteful use of resources for limited
energy return
EXCERPT: “Whenever somebody with a decent grasp of
maths and physics looks into the idea of a fully renewablespowered civilised future for the human race with a reasonably
open mind, they normally come to the conclusion that it simply
isn't feasible. Merely generating the relatively small proportion
of our energy that we consume today in the form of electricity
is already an insuperably difficult task for renewables: generating huge amounts more on top to carry out the tasks we do
today using fossil-fuelled heat isn't even vaguely plausible.
Even if one were to electrify all of transport, industry, heating
and so on, so much renewable generation and balancing/
storage equipment would be needed to power it that astronomical new requirements for steel, concrete, copper, glass,
carbon fibre, neodymium, shipping and haulage etc etc would
appear. All these things are made using mammoth amounts
of energy: far from achieving massive energy savings, which
most plans for a renewables future rely on implicitly, we would
wind up needing far more energy, which would mean even
more vast renewables farms - and even more materials and
energy to make and maintain them and so on. The scale of
the building would be like nothing ever attempted by the human race.
In reality, well before any such stage was reached, energy
would become horrifyingly expensive - which means that everything would become horrifyingly expensive (even the present well-under-one-per-cent renewables level in the UK has
pushed up utility bills very considerably). This in turn means
that everyone would become miserably poor and economic
growth would cease (the more honest hardline greens admit
this openly). That, however, means that such expensive luxuries as welfare states and pensioners, proper healthcare
(watch out for that pandemic), reasonable public services, affordable manufactured goods and transport, decent personal
hygiene, space programmes (watch out for the meteor!) etc
etc would all have to go - none of those things are sustainable
without economic growth.”
Blue line shows how power
prices spiked 37% over par
with the US in 2008 in the EU
and UK after introducing stringent climate targets and renewable energy wind and solar
The Sun drives climate change.
It’s the Sun.
The IPCC does a limited review of the direct and indirect solar influences on climate; the IPCC’s mandate is to study human-causes of
climate change, not all causes. The Sun creates a ‘bubble’ of a magnetic field (heliosphere) that protects our solar system from incoming
cosmic rays, but this heliosphere varies as the sun’s magnetic field
‘flips’ in ~11 year cycles, allowing more or less cosmic rays to enter
earth’s atmosphere. This affects cloud formation which affects climate
as do other cyclical factors. Many solar physicists, like astrophysicist
Dr. Nir Shaviv of Hebrew University in Jerusalem, see solar cycles as
more influential in climate change than human industrial emissions.
Dr. Shaviv’s work is highlighted in a chapter of “The Neglected Sun.”
This is one of many solar and natural cycles affecting climate.
Layman’s overview of solar effects on climate by Dr. Shaviv:
Dr. Shaviv’s full scientific presentation of June 2, 2015 at Calgary’s
Red and White Club:
Climate Models and Uncertainty
Trying to model a cloud is about as easy
as trying to hold one in your hands.
- David Orrell, Apollo’s Arrow
Climate scientists use complex mathematical formulas run on
high capacity computers to ‘model’ (simulate) forecasts of what
future temperatures might be, based on various data and assumptions.
Climate is a dynamic environment with many forces that are not
well-understood. Read our Climate Science Essay. Less technical information is also available on our website, categorized by
subject and technical difficulty.
Model predictions have been much higher than actual temperatures as shown in the graph above.
Climate Policies are not based on Evidence or Reality
Governments around the world have set their climate policies
based on these exaggerated models,. “Social Costs of Carbon” the basis of carbon taxes—are based on the models, not real temperatures. As well, the Social Benefits of Carbon are not calculated in the Social Costs of Carbon. Climate change is the only area
of modern life where there is no realistic cost-benefit analysis.
Read the article about the above graph. Some margins of error in
the modelled predictions of climate trends are in the 600% range.
Paris Climate Change Talks
Do Nothing about Pollution
As indicated by the bright red hot spot below, the Paris Climate
Change talks in December 2015 will take place in Europe, one of
the more polluted areas of the world.
To get to this meeting, ~50,000 people intent on saving the planet will fly, drive or take the boat/train to Paris—emitting mega
tonnes of carbon dioxide and real pollution.
In the context of the world, Alberta’s contribution to GHG emissions is small and our success in reducing real pollution is world
class. Why shouldn’t that expertise and technology be our contribution to the world’s climate and pollution issue? Accepting
crushing carbon penalties on Canada—a country founded on energy and resources which are exported and used by the rest of
the world – is hypocritical.
Likewise, except for Russia, we are the only modern industrialized country uniquely challenged by such vast distances and extremes of temperature.
World air pollution as seen by the European Space Agency 2004.
“Does Paris have worse air pollution than Beijing?”
Eiffel Tower obscured by smog. BBC reported Mar.
18, 2014 that: “On Friday, pollution levels hit 180 microgrammes of PM10 particulates per cubic metre,
more than double the safe limit of 80.”
Paris Climate Change Talks
Make a lot of Emissions-Do they Care?
The preceding COP-20 conference in Lima, Peru had the largest carbon
footprint ever.
“At more than 50,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide, the negotiations' burden on global warming will be about 1 1/2 times the norm,” said Jorge Alvarez, project coordinator for the U.N. Development Program, according to
The Associated Press.
Paris, France (metro) would fit into Alberta 38 times. It has a population of
some 2.2 million, about half that of Alberta. Yet according to Wolfram it puts
out 416.6 million tCO2e per year (metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent)
while Alberta, population ~4 million, producing oil, gas, oil sands, forestry
products, coal, mineral resources, and diverse agricultural products used by
countries around the world, puts out just ~300 million tCO2e. International
merchandise exports rose 91% between 2004-2014.
Despite our massive output of resources, energy and manufactured products, Calgary was deemed to have the best air quality in the world. Edmonton was deemed to be the 3rd best city to live in Canada, while Canada as
a country has the 3rd best air quality in the world.
Total SA, a French oil and gas major, is an investor in the Alberta oil sands.
Clearly other countries benefit from Alberta’s emissions. Yet we will be penalized for them. We have the cleanest air—yet we are condemned as a
‘dirty polluter.’
Canadian GHG Emissions by Province
Paris tCO2e emissions
Source: Wolfram
Evidence—A few Realities
Image source:
The world uses about 3 cubic miles of oil-equivalent energy
every year—one of those cubic miles is oil alone.
To suggest that we can go “100% renewables” is naïve and
dangerous. Due to Canada’s weather extremes and our
short days and dark winter nights, our vast distances and
resource industries, a stable, reliable, affordable source of
power is essential.
The US Energy Information Administration (EIA) graph below
shows that conventional fuels drive most of the economy
(liquid fuels are mostly petroleum based). However, the
“Renewables” category in the chart below is misleading,
clumping together massive hydro resources with wind and
solar—which, as shown in the sidebar of US consumption,
contribute very little.
Major energy sources and
percent share of total U.S.
electricity generation in 2014:
Coal = 39%
Natural gas = 27%
Nuclear = 19%
Hydropower = 6%
Other renewables = 7%
Biomass = 1.7%
Geothermal = 0.4%
Solar = 0.4%
Wind = 4.4%
Petroleum = 1%
Other gases < 1%
Preliminary data.
Fig. 2 :
US Consumption:
Source: US EIA March 2015
Canada faces unique challenges in size, population
density, geographic scope and climate extremes
Should Alberta be “Green” like Denmark?
Denmark is not so green. It gets one third of its power from coal, one third
from wind and imports the rest from offshore nuclear.
"In 2013, Denmark generated 34.6 billion kWh of electricity gross, 14.3
billion kWh of this from coal, 3.5 billion kWh from gas, 4.8 billion kWh from
biofuels/waste and 11.1 billion kWh from wind. These figures however are
misleading since Denmark is neither unified electrically nor isolated – East
Denmark (Zeeland) and West Denmark (Jutland & Funen) are connected
only by a 500 MWe link and each is part of a major grid system. In 2013,
about 10.4 billion kWh was exported and 11.5 billion kWh imported. In
2012 those figures were 10.7 and 15.9 respectively, with about 7 billion
kWh (net) exported to Germany, and net imports from Norway and Sweden were about 4.8 billion kWh and 7.5 billion kWh, respectively.
(Norway’s power is 95% from hydro.) Generating capacity is 13 GWe, including 8.9 GWe fossil fuel and 4.2 GWe wind."
By comparison, Alberta’s power market looks comparable or better.
We are completely self-sufficient and do not have to rely on nuclearpowered neighbours to support our industry or economy (though we
do have interties to BC and Saskatchewan). Certainly our power prices
are much better. The Alberta Electric System Operator generation outlook
for installed capacity in megawatts is shown below.
Should Alberta Phase-out Coal ?
The cost to phase-out coal to natural gas >$11 Billion.
Plus taxpayers would pay billions more in compensation to the coal
industry because it already has scheduled phase-out legislation with
the federal government .
Presently Alberta has no electrical utility debt.
The rationale for demanding an early phase-out of coal-fired power
plants is that it would improve health and save $300 million in health
costs. These claims seem to be a front for pushing wind and solar.
In addition to >$11 billion transition cost to build natural gas plants,
plus billions in compensation to industry, the input costs for power
would double because natural gas is about double the cost of coal.
Industry uses 75% of Alberta’s electrical power; as in Ontario, it would
may mean the end of many businesses and jobs If power prices rise.
Another claim is that ‘renewables’ like wind and solar would be
‘cleaner’ sources of power—’for health.’ Studies show not only are
these the most expensive forms of power generation, they cause the
same or more CO2 emissions because natural gas plants must ramp
up and down to meet the sudden wind/solar power variations, causing
more emissions—almost the same as coal.
Putting Coal-fired Power Plant Fine Particulate
Matter Emissions in Perspective
“Burning Questions” video comparing impact of wildfires versus coal-fired power plants.
Sources of PM2.5 Emissions in Canada
The Cost of “Green” Wind & Solar by European State
and Ratio of Watts per Person
Germany and Denmark
have the most installed
wind and solar—often said
to be ‘free’ energy—and the
highest power prices in the
EU—almost triple that of
the USA.
Big Carbon - Vested Interests of Pension Fund
Investors Need Carbon Trading to Save Them
On March 25, 2013, the Wall Street Journal reported on commentary by Joseph
Dear, who was then the financial officer of the sixth largest pension fund in the
world, Calpers.
Dear was quoted as saying that Calpers had invested since 2007 in clean energy
and technology and had “an annualized return of minus 9.7% to date on $460 million.” He called clean-tech “a noble way to lose money” and that clean-tech had an
“L” for “loser” investment curve, meaning there was never a profitable return.
Dear also indicated that the only way to fix this was if there was a large increase in
the price of carbon, saying “... somebody has to step in and either raise the
price of carbon or lower the cost of the alternatives.”
Most institutional investors (i.e. union pension funds) have put a lot of money in
“clean” energy/renewables because the UN Principles for Responsible Investing
require them to invest according to environmental, social and governance goals
(ESG) and to ‘comply or explain.’ Most have complied by investing in clean tech.
Combined, institutional investors (pension funds) hold more than US$95 trillion in
investment capital.
Imagine how much investment capital might be at stake on “L for loser” clean-tech,
that will only bear a profit if you taxpayers pick up the tab through higher carbon
prices (which always flow down to the consumer and taxpayer).
Likewise, Big Bank, Big Oil, Big Investment
Firm, Big Accounting all have a stake in “Big
Carbon” now. Big Oil wants a price, just so it
can go on with business as opposed to uncertainty. Big Accounting makes money advising emissions-heavy clients on trading
credits. Big Banks have investments on both
sides and in Green Bonds.
But what about you, the taxpayer?
A CO2 molecule
What to Take to Paris?
Policy makers should wait 2 to 4 years before implementing any new
climate policies. New information and new adjustments to climate models
will give better information. Also, if cooling trends continue, a “Little Ice
Age” might be on the horizon. Public policies should be ready for either
warming or cooling. Cooling periods have generally been the most deadly
for humankind and the most difficult for governments. A full documentary
on how life was in the Little Ice Age is frightening and instructive. https://
Climate change is less important than pollution emissions management and reclamation. We cannot claim any ‘green’ moral high ground
for putting up a wind farm if it means the people of Baotou, China are dying
due to toxic waste from the rare earth minerals used in making turbine
magnets. We, as a world, cannot ask the Western OECD nations to reduce emissions from well-managed industry—while allowing and encouraging developing non-OECD nations to pollute at will.
Instead of cutting emissions in Canada, let our emissions management knowledge and industrial manufacturing be our contribution to
reducing global pollution.
Regarding the “Green Climate Fund” - developing nations should be
aware that forcing Canada to shut down industry, will mean we won’t have
an economy, so Canada will stop being the third most generous country in
the world, next to the US and Myanmar. We won’t be able to send our Canadian Armed Forces Disaster Relief team anywhere (DART), the ~$24
Billion in remittances from our Temporary Foreign Workers would stop; our
annual Canada Food Grains Bank contributions would be needed at home;
our billions of dollars in foreign aid would grind to a halt; our tourism industry would be shut down—there would be no snowbirds and no flow of tourist dollars overseas in those warm countries.
What to Take to Paris? Cont..
A Canada without a vibrant economy would be forever unable to continue
its generous foreign aid and disaster relief programs. It would seem that
the present voluntary contributions are far more beneficial to developing nations
and crisis situations than the “Green Climate Fund” would ever be. Much of the
money voluntarily donated by Canadians goes directly to those who need it
most—money into a legally mandated national “Green Climate Fund,” with no set
objectives or accountability might disappear into unknown pockets and never
reach those who need it most.
Carbon taxes and carbon trading have not reduced any volume of carbon
dioxide or polluting emissions. These programs should be phased out and
taxpayers relieved of this hidden burden.
Climate warms and cools. We should be prepared for both—as a nation and
as a world. Cold kills. We are not prepared for imminent cooling, predicted by the
lowest sunspot activity in 100 years.
Exit clause - Interpol’s “Guide to Carbon Trading Crime” shows that corruption
and the infiltration of organized crime is rife in climate matters. This could be exacerbated, especially since senior people associated with the UNFCCC are said
to have links to carbon trading.
End clause - The entire exercise of the Conference of the Parties-21 (COP-21)
is premised on the hypothesis that humans are causing global warming to a potentially catastrophic degree through fossil fuel use. Current evidence indicates
that the hypothesis is flawed - perhaps wrong. One has to wonder, if the environment is at stake, why will COP21 “ be one of the largest international conferences ever held in the country (France). The conference is expected to attract
close to 50,000 participants including 25,000 official delegates from government, intergovernmental organisations, UN agencies, NGOs and civil society.” Are they serious? Seems like these people are willing to travel anywhere in
order to “save the planet.” What’s their carbon footprint? If the evidence of the
coming years does not support the hypothesis, there should be a provision to
eliminate this aspect of international climate change legislation according to new
Maintenance of Canadian Sovereignty over all. The existential threats that
environmental groups have presented about climate change have terrified people into a willingness to do anything to save the planet for their children. In the
process, as witnessed in the UK, millions of pensioners have been reduced to
abject poverty and premature deaths due to skyrocketing energy prices. Across
the EU a generation of youth face joblessness. Meanwhile nothing beneficial has
been done for the environment and nations have foregone important sovereign
protections for their own people. This must not happen to Canada. We are
blessed with rich resources, innovative scientists and technicians who have improved air quality greatly since the 1970’s. To be environmentally responsible,
you need a healthy economy. We are the third most generous country in the
world; we can only continue to be so if we have a vibrant economy.
Friends of Science Society is a non-profit society made up of volunteers from a broad spectrum of
the sciences, who examine the evidence vis a vis climate change ideology. Friends of Science
has spent a decade reviewing a broad spectrum of literature on climate change and have concluded the sun is the main driver of climate change, not carbon dioxide (CO2). Friends of Science
welcomes earth, atmospheric and solar scientists, engineers and citizens who challenge the alleged consensus on climate change.
Friends of Science Society
P.O. Box 23167, Mission P.O.
Calgary, Alberta
Canada T2S 3B1
Toll-free Telephone: 1-888-789-9597
E-mail: contact(at)friendsofscience(dot)org
Cover ice image: Rick Jones (via tumblr—original source unknown)
Big Rock Wikipedia : Coaxial at en.wikipedia [GFDL ( or CC BY
3.0 (], from Wikimedia Commons
Solar and Space Physics: A Science for a Technological Society: An Overview ( 2014 ) Illustration of direct/indirect
solar influence pg. 18