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AP Study Guide for Chapter 7- Learning
65 MC
Know the definitions of the following: Learning (relatively permanent change in behavior due to experience.)
Associative learning (A type of learning principle based on the assumption that ideas and experiences reinforce
one another and can be linked to enhance the learning process- Pavlov.) Acquisition (initial stage of the learning
or conditioning process. In this stage, some response is being associated with some stimulus to the point where
we can say the organism (person, animal, etc.) has "acquired" the response. During this stage the response is
strengthened (reinforced) so that it is truly "learned".) Extinction (reduction of some response that the organism
currently or previously produced) Spontaneous recovery (reappearance, after a pause, of an extinguished
conditioned response) Generalization (conditioned response starts occurring in response to the presentation of
other, similar stimuli, not just the conditioned stimulus.) Discrimination (an ability to distinguish between a
conditioned stimulus and other, similar stimuli that don't signal an unconditioned stimulus.) Operant
Conditioning (form of learning is behavior said to be influenced by its consequences) Law of Effect ((states that
behaviors that lead to satisfying outcomes are more likely to be repeated than behaviors that lead to unwanted
outcomes. Ex. Cat in puzzle box), Successive approximations (Part of shaping, term that refers to gradually
molding or training an organism to perform a specific response by reinforcing any responses that come close to
the desired response) Shaping (gradually molding or training an organism to perform a specific
response/behavior by reinforcing any responses that are similar to the desired response.) Reinforcer (an event
that increases the frequency of the behavior that it follows), Positive Reinforcer (stimulus that when presented
after a response, strengthens the response) Negative Reinforcer (any stimulus that when removed after a
response, strengthens the response) Partial Reinforcement (ex slot machines) Fixed Ratio (schedule of
reinforcement in which a response is reinforced only after a specified number of response have been made),
Fixed Interval (must wait for a specific amount of time and then make the operant response in order to receive
reinforcement.) Variable Interval (reinforcement is given to a response after specific amount of time has passed
(an unpredictable amount of time), but this amount of time is on a changing/variable schedule.) Variable Ratio
(reinforcement is given after an unpredictable (variable) number of responses are made by the organism.)
Negative Punishment (Any stimulus that represses a behavior. In this case, something is removed to decrease
the behavior. It is important to note that punishment is not the same as negative reinforcement.) cognitive map
(mental representation of the layout of one's environment.) Extrinsic Motivation( desire to perform a behavior
due to promised rewards or threats of punishments) Intrinsic Motivation (trying to perform the behavior for its
own sake) Shaping (gradually molding or training an organism to perform a specific response (behavior) by
reinforcing any responses that are similar to the desired response.) Observational learning (The process of
acquiring information by observing others. Learning to tie your shoe by observing another individual perform
the task would be an example of observational learning.) learning associations ( conditioning is the process of
learning associations) Higher order conditioning (classical conditioning term that refers to a situation in which a
stimulus that was previously neutral (e.g., a light) is paired with a conditioned stimulus (e.g., a tone that has
been conditioning with food to produce salivating) to produce the same conditioned response as the conditioned
stimulus.) Modeling (form of learning where individuals ascertain how to act or perform by observing another
definitions of the following:
Associative Learning
Spontaneous Recovery
Operant Conditioning
Law of Effect
Successive approximations
Positive Reinforcer
Negative Reinforcer
Partial reinforcement
Fixed Ratio
Fixed interval
Variable interval
Variable Ratio
Negative Punishment
Cognitive Map
Extrinsic Motivation
Observational Learning
Mirror Neurons
Learning associations
Higher Order Conditioning
Examples of: Associative learning, classical conditioning, observational learning, Extinction, Generalization,
Spontaneous Recovery, discrimination, , Negative/Positive reinforcers, Fixed Ratio, Partial reinforcement,
Schedules of Reinforcements- Fixed Ratio, Fixed Interval, Variable Interval, Variable Ratio, Negative
Punishment, Cognitive Maps, Extrinsic/Intrinsic Motivation, Shaping, Mirror Neurons,
People to Know: Skinner (Skinner box-operant chamber; containing a bar or key that an animal can manipulate
to obtain a reward), Skinner/Thorndike (Law of Effect), Bandura (Observational Learning/ Bobo the clown
experiment) , Watson(behaviorist), Pavlov (first experiments with associative learning, know his experiments
with salivary conditioning of dogs) Little Albert Experiment
Random: What does the Cognitive Perspective (school of psychology) emphasize the classical conditioning
depends on an organism’s expectation that a US will follow a CS. (the thunder lightning example)
Portions to classical Conditioning (in examples): US(naturally causes it to happen- Pavlov: presentation of the
food), UR(naturally occurring response, Pavlov: salivation), CS(Pavlov: tone that causes the dog to salivated be
cause it has been associated with the presentation of the food), CR( Pavlov:salivation trigged by the sound of
the tone)