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Learning Unit Study Guide
Directions: Using your notes, handouts, & Chapter 6 (pg. 127-147) in your textbook, complete the
following study guide. Use this as a tool to help you focus your studying. Also, be able to apply the
principles on this sheet to real world situations.
Classical Conditioning
1. Define the following responses and stimuli and explain how they relate to Pavlov’s dog experiment.
CR –
CS –
2. What is another word for conditioned and unconditioned that helps us remember what they are?
3. What is acquisition and what steps need to be followed to ensure that acquisition occurs?
4. What is extinction and how does it occur?
5. Explain how spontaneous recovery works.
6. What is generalization and give an example of how it works.
7. What is discrimination as it is applied to classical conditioning?
8. What is taste aversion and how does it differ from other forms of classical conditioning?
9. Be able to analyze a situation and identify the UCS, UCR, CS, and CR before, during and after the
event. Review your handouts that we did as homework and in class.
10. How can classical conditioning be used to treat phobias today? (2 methods in applications of classical
conditioning on pg. 133-135)
Operant Conditioning
1. Explain the major difference between operant conditioning and classical conditioning.
2. The method in which you reward responses that are ever closer to the final desired behavior and
ignore all other response is called?
3. Explain the difference between the following:
Positive Reinforcement –
Negative Reinforcement –
Positive Punishment –
Negative Punishment -
4. What is the difference between a primary and a secondary reinforcer? Give an example of each.
5. Which reinforcement schedule will produce fast learning? Continuous or Partial
6. Which reinforcement schedule will have the greater resistance to extinction? Continuous or Partial
7. Explain the four types of partial reinforcement and be able to name an example for each.
Fixed – ratio schedules –
Variable-ratio schedule –
Fixed-interval schedules –
Variable-interval schedules –
8. Be able to read a situation and identify if the reinforcement is positive, negative or punishment and
whether this will increase, decrease or have no effect on behavior. (see handout)
Latent & Observational Learning
1. What is latent learning and who is the psychologist associated with it?
2. What is modeling?
3. What did Bandura’s Bobo doll experience teach us?
4. Name one negative and one positive application of observation learning.
5. Why is it to our advantage that we are able to learn through observation?
6. Don’t forget to know the following names and what they are known for.
James Watson –
Ivan Pavlov –
B.F. Skinner –
E.C. Tolman –
Albert Bandura -