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Whey isolate chocolate
If you’re looking for a high absorption protein to help you build muscle, recover faster, and prevent muscle breakdown, nothing works better than Whey Protein Isolate.
XBRAIN® Whey Protein Isolate
Worlds finest
With XBRAIN® Whey Protein Isolate, you get all of the powerful benefits of Whey Protein Isolate in a formula that ­ for the first time ever ­ is 100%
natural, gluten­free, non­GMO and contains absolutely zero artificial sweeteners and fillers, making XBRAIN® Whey Protein Isolate truly the World’s
Finest Whey Protein Isolate.
£ 32.99
Only the Finest Quality
Unlike other whey isolates, XBRAIN® Whey Protein Isolate formula, XBRAIN®WheyIsolate is 100% natural, gluten­free, and contains no GMOs. Even
better, it is free from artificial sweeteners and Fillers, and guaranteed to pack over 20,7 grams of REAL Whey Isolate protein in every serving. That
means no added taurine, no added glycine, and no Filler aminos to artificially inflate the true protein content. XBRAIN® Whey Isolate is manufactured
by using cold processing and cross­flow microfiltration technology, allowing for many essential nutrients and immune factors to remain intact, along with
all those muscle­supporting amino acids. Many other proteins use a less efficient, high heat process, destroying much of what protein should contain.
Importance of Grass­Fed Cows
The whey protein you buy is only as good as the milk it started with. Cows have an entirely different digestive system than we do. They are ruminants
and must graze continuously. They have evolved over millions of years to digest grass and humus. Humus is grass that has died and fallen to the
ground to provide nutrients and create a stable mat for newly growing grass. Grass contains cellulose which is difficult to digest even for an herbivore. So, they chew the grass and then it goes to their first stomach compartment called the rumen. This compartment contains a salty solution and bacteria
that aids in breaking down the grass material by way of fermentation. Cows have to regurgitate this partially digested material called cud and chew on
it some more and swallow it again. Once the material is broken down well enough it passes to the true stomach where further digestion occurs. This
fermentation process is important to keeping a cow healthy and produce high­quality protein milk. It evolved around the digestion of grass. In many countries, commercial farming has eliminated pasture feeding because of its expense. It is cheaper to keep cows in feedlots feeding them
corn, hay, barley, soybeans and fat. To digest these materials requires an acidic gut which places an unhealthy load on the cows stomach and liver. Confinement to feedlots and an inappropriate diet bring about infection and the need to use antibiotics. Most of the cows survive around 4 years
before liver damage takes its toll and they are sacrificed for their meat. This not only means the production of inferior milk and beef but generates sick
cows. These products are lacking in omega­3 fatty acids, vitamin Bs, essential amino acids and minerals.
The 9 reasons to choose grass­fed products
When buying a whey protein product it is important to make sure the product is sourced from grass­fed cows. Listed below are 9 reasons why the
whey protein you buy should come from grass­fed cows.
Feedlot cows are given antibiotics to fight off infection due to an improper diet and unhealthy living conditions. This leads to creating resistant bacteria
which in turn poses a threat to humans. Grass­fed cows consume their natural foods (grass and humus) which keeps them healthy, no antibiotics
2.Growth Hormone
Growth hormone is intended to make cows bigger faster and produce more milk all of which makes them susceptible to disease and making inferior
products. These hormones and other chemicals are passed on to you when you consume these products. Grass­fed cows are hormone­free making
high­quality milk and meat products.
Feedlot cows are deficient in minerals such as calcium, phosphorous, magnesium and potassium. Grass­fed cows contain all of the minerals in an
appropriate amount.
4.Amino Acids
Conventionally raised cows are lacking in essential amino acids producing a poor quality milk. Grass­fed cows contain all 9 essential amino acids and
more. This helps to build lean muscle. Recall that branched­chain amino acids drive the mTOR pathway for protein synthesis.
5.Conjugated Linoleic Acid
Grass­fed cows contain 3 to 5 times more CLA (conjugated linoleic acid) than conventionally raised cows. Research demonstrates that CLA combats
cancer, cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, osteoporosis, high cholesterol, inflammation and is good for weight management. CLA is an
essential fatty acid so it must be taken in the diet. The best sources of CLA come from grass­fed cows.
Conventionally raised cows consume genetically modified corn and soy. They have been genetically engineered with pesticide genes that produce
toxic materials that you ingest. Grass­fed cows consume a natural diet of grass which is not a GMO.
7.Toxic Metals
Cheaper whey proteins are often exposed to harsh solvents during processing which uses high heat to separate out the proteins. Taking in whey that
has been processed this way can lead to heavy metal poisoning. If the manufacturer is using high quality grass­fed dairy, they should be using a
responsible method for processing the whey.
8.Overall Health
High­quality whey protein from grass­fed cows goes beyond building lean muscle. It is important for nutrient absorption, detoxification and maintaining
healthy intestinal flora. 9.Taste
Grass­fed whey has superior taste and texture.
To Sum it Up
Whey is one of two protein groups found in cow's milk which constitutes 20 percent and casein is the other protein group which makes up about 80
percent of the protein content. Whey as a group of proteins is the fraction that separates out during cheese making. This fraction is purified to different
concentrations depending on the end­product desired and varies in protein, lactose, immunoglobulins, minerals and fat content. Of all protein sources,
whey has the highest digestibility and bioavailability It contains the full spectrum of essential amino acids including branched­chain amino acids
(BCAA). Leucine, a BCAA, is important for stimulating the mTOR pathway and initiating protein synthesis and cellular uptake of amino acids. It plays a
critical role in muscle building and glucose metabolism. Whey contains a fair amount of the amino acid cysteine which is important for making
glutathione. Glutathione is a cofactor to many peroxidase enzymes and is a powerful antioxidant and detoxifier.
Grass­fed whey like XBrain Whey Protein is far superior to processed whey. Grass­fed whey starts with the highest quality milk with limited
processing. This supplies the correct ratio of nutrients to supply all your needs. Grass­fed whey contains more glycomacropeptides, alpha­
lactalbumen, immunoglobulins and lactoferrin.
Suggested Reading:
Whey Protein­5975;year=2011;volume=1;issue=2;spage=69;epage=77;aulast=Gangurde
International Society of Sports Nutrition position stand: protein and exercise
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Bishop, R. (n.d.). Dairy Proteins.Wisconsin Center for Dairy Research and the Wisconsin Milk Marketing Board,. Retrieved March 31, 2013,
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Frestedt JL, Zenk JL, Kuskowski MA, Ward LS, Bastian ED. A whey­protein supplement increases fat loss and spares lean muscle in obese
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L­leucine availability regulates phosphatidylinositol 3­kinase, p70 S6 kinase and glycogen synthase kinase­3 activity in L6 muscle cells:
evidence for the involvement of the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) pathway in the L­leucine­induced up­regulation of system A
amino acid transport.