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Robert Hooke
English natural philosopher
“By the help of microscopes,
there is nothing so small, as to
escape our inquiry; hence there
is new visible world discovered
to the understanding.”
•  The first person too see a cell under
a microscope
•  The first to describe the unit life to be
called a cell
•  He Invented the compound
•  He became a scientist in the year
1655 when he was only 20 years old
•  When Robert Hooke was 27 years
old he was appointed Curator of
Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek
Dutch microbiologist
“In the year of 1657 I
discovered a very small
living creature in rain water”
•  He did pioneering work in the field of
•  The first human to observe microorganisms in
pond water – he called these animacules
•  Used samples and measurements to estimate
numbers of microorganisms in units of water
•  He contributed towards the establishment
of microbiology as a scientific discipline
•  Made more than 500 optical lenses
•  Created at least 25 single-lens microscopes,
of differing types, of which only nine have
•  His scientific research was of remarkably high
Robert Brown
(1773 - 1858)
- Scottish botanist
Discovered the nucleus in plant cells
Developed an alternative plant
classification system
Worked as a naturalist for an expedition
to the sea that lasted four years
Collected over 4000 samples of plants
and at least 1700 of them were new
Established the botanical department in
the British Museum which was notable
for being the first nationally owned
collection of such material
Discovered the continuous motion of
minute partials, later named the
Brownian Motion
‘These motions were such as to
satisfy me, after frequently repeated
observation, that they arose neither
from currents in the fluid, nor from
its gradual evaporation, but
belonged to the particle itself.”
~ Summary of Brownian motion
Matthias Schleiden (1804-1881)
German botanist
“New cells must
have propagated
from the nuclei of
old cells”
•  Along with Robert Hooke, Matthias was
the co-founder of the cell theory which
states that the basic units of living
organisms structure are all cells.
•  Matthias was a professor at universities
of Jena
•  He concluded that all plants were made
of cells
•  Matthias concluded (as seen in the
quote below) that all cells come from
another cell before them
•  He also discovered that the nucleus is
the core element of a cell
Theodor Schwann (1810-1882)
German physiologist
•  Defined the cell as the basic unit of not
only plant but also animal structure
•  His discovery linked the cells in plants
and animals
•  Coined the term metabolism
•  Discovered Schwann cells in the
peripheral nervous system
•  Discovered and studied pepsin
(digestive enzyme)
•  Discovered the striated muscle in the
upper esophagus
Quote: “The cause of nutrition and growth resides not
in the organism as a whole but in the separate elementary parts – the cells.“
Carl Nägeli (1817-1891)
Swiss botanist
•  His main studies included things like pollination and
cell division
•  He studied a lot on genetics, and started the further
work on genetics with his studies
•  He made a lot of improvements on the work of
•  He and a co-worker were the first scientists to work
on the cell wall
•  He graduated from the University of Freiburg
•  He is heavily known for his work on chromosomes
•  No quotes were available for Carl Nägeli
Rudolf Virchow (1821 – 1902)
- German physician, anthropologist, pathologist, prehistorian,
writer, editor and politician
Virchow’s key achievements:
•  Proposed that all cells result from the
division of existing cells
•  Known as the ‘father of pathology’ –
medical field concerned with diseases
•  Virchow believed that diseases result
from changes in specific groups of
•  Discovered extra white blood cells in
cancer patients, named the condition a
blood disease and called it Leukämie
“Science in itself is nothing,
for it exists only in the human
beings who are its bearers.”