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Chapter 16 Review
Any deviation from the average or from the
majority would characterize which
approach to defining and identifying
psychological disorders?
What is abnormality?
This is used to categorize mental illness.
What is the DSM-V?
An approach to defining abnormality in
which people are able to get along in the
real world.
What is adjustment?
According to Abraham Maslow, this is the
process of striving toward ideal
functioning. The problem is, it is difficult
to tell if a person is doing a good job of
this or not.
What is self-actualization?
Repeated performance of a coping
What is a compulsion?
An intense and irrational fear of a
particular object or situation.
What is a phobia?
Uncontrollable pattern of thoughts.
What is an obsession?
A condition in which a person experiences
sudden and unexplainable attacks of
intense anxiety.
What is panic disorder?
A person with this disorder experiences an
original traumatic event in the form of
dreams or flashbacks.
What is PTSD?
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
A person who is extremely afraid of
darkness suffers from
a. A specific phobia
b. a social phobia
c. Agoraphobia
d. Panic attacks
A) A specific phobia.
Physical symptoms of this disorder include
muscular tension, an inability to relax, a
furrowed brow, and a strained face.
What is general anxiety disorder
This is a reaction to vague or imagined
What is anxiety?
Symptoms of this disorder include
breathing difficulties, faintness or
dizziness, nausea, and chest pains.
What is panic disorder?
Which of the following is NOT suspected of
causing generalized anxiety disorder?
a. Environmental factors
b. Role of learning
c. Heredity
d. Brain tumors
Answer: D
Brain tumors
This disorder is characterized by physical
symptoms for which there is no apparent
physical cause.
What is somatoform disorder?
Dissociative amnesia most often results
a. Physical brain damage
b. A traumatic event
c. Drug abuse
d. Normal forgetting
Answer: B
A traumatic event
Which group is most likely to experience
a. Women
b. The elderly
c. Young adults
d. Children
Answer: C
Young Adults
This disorder is characterized by confused
and disconnected thoughts, emotions,
and perceptions.
What is schizophrenia?
Perceptions that have no direct external
What are hallucinations?
False beliefs a person maintains in the face
of contrary evidence.
What are delusions?
When an individual alternates between
feelings of euphoria and depression they
likely would be diagnosed with this
What is bipolar disorder?
A person with this psychological disorder
experiences feelings of worthlessness
and diminished pleasure in many
What is major depressive disorder.
Mood disorders tend to run in families.
True or False?
 True
Those with ________schizophrenia have
delusions of persecution or grandeur.
 Paranoid
Some victims of schizophrenia lapse into a
zombie-like state of apparent apathy,
while others who exhibit ________, may
remain motionless for hours.
When a person’s mood alternates between
depression and the hyperactive state of
_________, a __________disorder is
Mania; bipolar
Compared to men, women are less
vulnerable to major depression.
True or False?
False. Women are more vulnerable.
Twin and adoptive studies do not support
the contention that heredity plays a role
in schizophrenia.
True or False?
False. Twin and adoptive studies support
the contention that heredity plays a role
in schizophrenia.