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Learning Objectives, test #2 BIO105
Mark S. Wilson
Topic: Cell Structure and Function
After attending lecture, studying their notes, and reading the textbook, a student should
be able to:
-distinguish between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells
- explain why there are upper and lower limits to cell size
- explain the Central Dogma which describes the relationships between DNA, RNA and
- describe the structure and function of the nucleus, and briefly explain how the nucleus is
involved in protein synthesis in the cytoplasm
- describe the structure and function of a ribosome
- list the components of the endomembrane system, describe their structures and
functions and summarize the relationships between them
- explain the role of peroxisomes in eukaryotic cells
- describe the structure of a mitochondrion and explain why compartmentalization is
important in its functioning
- describe the structure of a chloroplast, identifying the three structural compartments,
and explain why compartmentalization is important in its functioning
- describe the structure and functions of the cytoskeleton
- describe the structure and function of microtubules, microfilaments and intermediate
- describe the structure of the extracellular matrix of animal cells
Topic: Membrane structure / function
After attending lecture, studying their notes, and reading the textbook, a student should
be able to:
- describe the function of the plasma membrane
- describe the fluidity of the cell membrane and explain how membrane fluidity is
influenced by membrane composition
- explain the role of hydrophobic interactions in membrane structure / function
- describe the different ways that proteins are oriented in the cell membrane
- describe factors that affect selective permeability of cell membranes
- define diffusion; explain what causes it and why it is a spontaneous process
- explain why a concentration gradient across a membrane has potential energy
- explain what an electrochemical gradient is and why it has potential energy
- explain how transport proteins are similar to enzymes
- describe a model for facilitated difusion
- explain how active transport differs from diffusion
- explain how the potential energy of a transmembrane solute gradient can be harvested
by a cell and used to transport substances across the membrane
Cell Signaling
After attending lecture, reviewing their notes, and studying the text, a student should be
able to:
Describe the basic model of signal reception, transduction, and cellular response (Figure
11.5, 7th ed.). For example, use this model to explain how the reception of an
extracellular signal might result in changes to the transcription of a gene in the nucleus
(Fig 11.14, 7th ed.)
Describe the receptor:ligand complex, and how this allows for specificity of response to a
particular signal.
Describe how the three main types of membrane receptors function, and compare and
contrast these three receptors (G-protein coupled receptors, receptor tyrosine kinases, and
ligand-gated ion channels).
Describe the role of protein phosphorylation and dephosphorylation in regulating the
activity of proteins.
Describe what a phosphorylation cascade is, and how phosphorylation cascades allow the
cell to amplify and regulate the cell's response to a signal.
ligand, kinase, phosphatase
G-protein, G-protein coupled receptor
receptor tyrosine kinases
ligand-gated ion channnel
phosphorylation cascade
After attending lecture, reviewing lecture notes and reading the text, you should be able
- Distinguish between exergonic and endergonic reactions
- understand the basis of oxidation-reduction reactions, and the terminology that relates to
oxidation -reduction reactions
- Describe the energy profile of a chemical reaction, including activation energy, free
energy change, and transition state
- Explain the relationships between free energy changes, stability, capacity to do work,
- Describe the function of enzymes in biological systems, and explain the relationship
between enzyme structure and enzyme specificity - explain how enzymes lower the energy of activation of reactions
- explain how competitive inhibitors and noncompetitive inhibitors control enzyme
-explain what is meant by allosteric regulation of an enzyme
- explain what is meant by feedback inhibition of an enzyme.
Topic: Respiration
After attending lecture, studying their notes, and reading the textbook, a student should
be able to:
- describe energy flow through the biosphere
- describe the summary equation for respiration
- distinguish between substrate-level and oxidative phosphorylation
- explain how the exergonic oxidation of glucose is coupled to the endergonic synthesis
of ATP
- define oxidation and reduction
- explain the role of NAD+ in respiration
- write a summary equation for glycolysis and describe where it occurs in the cell
- describe where pyruvate is oxidized to acetyl-CoA, what moleculas are produced and
how it links glycolysis to the Krebs cycle
- describe the location, molecules in and molecules out for the Krebs cycle
- describe the process of chemiosmosis and how membrane structure is related to
function in the process of chemiosmosis
- explain how fermentation differs from aerobic respiration
Topic: Photosynthesis
After attending lecture, studying their notes, and reading the textbook, a student should
be able to:
- describe the location and structure of the chloroplast
- explain how chloroplast structure is related to function
- write a summary equation for photosynthesis
- describe the relationship between an absorption spectrum and a photosynthetic action
- explain why the action spectrum of photosynthesis is different than the absorption
spectrum for
- list the wavelengths of light that are most effective for photosynthesis
- describe the structure and function of a photosystem
- trace electron flow from water through photosystems 1 and 2
- compare cyclic and noncyclic electron flow and explain the relationship between these
components of the light reaction
- compare and contrast mitochondrial and chloroplast structures, particularly with
reference to the compartments that have high and low proton concentrations
- describe what happens during the Calvin cycle
- explain the role of CO2, NADPH and ATP in the Calvin cycle
- describe photorespiration
- describe a photosynthetic adaptation that minimizes photorespiration
Topic: The Cell cycle and Mitosis
After attending lecture, studying their notes, and reading the textbook, a student should
be able to:
- describe the structural organization of the genome
- describe the structure of a chromosome
- describe how chromosome number changes throughout the human life cycle
- indicate where in the human body meiosis and mitosis occur, and which cells are
haploid and which cells are diploid
- list the phases of the cell cycle and describe what happens during each phase
- list the phases of mitosis and describe what is happening during each phase
- be able to draw a diagram of the chromosomes in metaphase and anaphase of mitosis
- describe the spindle apparatus and its role in mitosis
- describe the roles of checkpoints, cyclin, cyclin-dependent kinases, and MPF in the cell
cycle-control system
- explain how abnormal division of cancerous cells differs from normal cell division