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Genetics is the science of heredity* and variation. It is the scientific discipline that deals with the differences and similarities among related individuals. All animals have a predetermined genotype that they
inherit from their parents. However, an animal’s genotype can be manipulated by breeding and more advanced scientific techniques (for example, genetic engineering and cloning). For many years, managers of
agricultural systems have manipulated the genetic makeup of animals to improve productivity and increase
efficiency. Successful manipulation of the genetic composition of animals requires an understanding of
some fundamental principles of genetics.
A famous monk named Gregor Mendel is recognized as the father of genetics. Mendel was not scientifically trained, and he developed his theories in the 1850s and 1860s without any knowledge of cell biology
or the science of inheritance. In later years, genes, chromosomes, and DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) were
discovered and people began to understand how and why Mendel’s theories worked.
Mendel proposed three principles to describe the transfer of genetic material from one generation to the next.
The Principle of Dominance: In a heterozygote, one allele may conceal the presence of another.
The Principle of Segregation: In a heterozygote, two different alleles segregate from each other
during the formation of gametes.
The Principle of Independent Assortment: The alleles of different genes segregate, or assort, independently of each other.
Later studies have shown that there are some important exceptions to Mendel’s third principle regarding
independent assortment but otherwise, these principles are recognized as being the basis of inheritance.
* Underlined words are defined in the Glossary of Terms.
Mendel’s experiments dealt with the relationships between an organism’s genotype and its phenotype. The
genotype is the genetic composition of an organism while the phenotype is the observable characteristics
of that organism. Phenotypic characteristics of animals (called traits) can be measured or observed (e.g.,
coat color, eye color, and height). Two organisms may appear to be similar, but they can have different
genotypes. Similarly, two animals may have the same genotype, but will appear to be different from each
other if they have been exposed to different environmental conditions throughout their lives.
The relationship between phenotype and genotype is expressed as the equation P = G + E where P =
phenotype, G = genotype, and E = environment. If two individuals with identical genotypes are exposed to
the same environmental conditions (e.g., nutrition, climate, and stress levels), their phenotypes (measurable and observable characteristics) should be the same. For example, consider identical twin lambs that
have the same genotype for all the genes that code for growth. Given the same environmental conditions,
both lambs should have identical birth weights, weaning weights, and market weights. To understand
Mendel’s principles and the relationships between phenotype and genotype, it is necessary to understand
what makes up the genetic material of animals and how this is transferred from one generation to the next.
The body is made up of millions of cells that can only be seen by a microscope. Although cells are minute,
they have a very complicated structure with many parts that have specialized roles. For the study of genetics, the most important part of the cell is the nucleus. The nucleus contains chromosomes (see Figure 1 on
page 1) that are dark-staining rod-like or rounded bodies visible under the microscope. They occur in pairs
in body cells, and the number of chromosomes in each cell is constant for individual species, although it
differs among species.
Chromosomes are made up of
tightly coiled strands of DNA.
DNA is a complex molecule composed of deoxyribose, phosphoric
acid, and four bases. Individual
genes are located in a fixed position (known as the loci) on the
strands of DNA (see Figure 2).
A gene is made up of a specific
functional sequence of nucleotides, which code for specific proteins. This means that the information written in the nucleotide sequence of a gene is in a code form.
A specific protein is produced
when the appropriate apparatus of
the cell reads this code. This is the
role of most genes. The collection
of genes that an organism has is
called its genome.
In somatic cells (body cells), chromosomes occur in pairs, known as homologous pairs or homologous chromosomes. As a result, genes also occur in pairs. Somatic cells are referred to as diploid, or 2n. Gametes
(reproductive cells) do not have paired chromosomes and are referred to as haploid, or n (see Figure 3).
Cell Division
Cells must divide and increase in number so that animals can grow. A new cell is formed when one cell
divides. Mitosis and meiosis are the two processes by which cells divide. Mitosis is the type of cell division
in which the genetic material in the parent cell is duplicated and then divides into two separate cells with
identical genetic material. Both cells are therefore diploid cells (2n) with a complete set of chromosomes
identical to those in the parent cell.
Meiosis is the process of cell division that occurs in reproductive cells. In this type of division, the chromosome number is halved from the diploid number (2n) to the haploid number (n). If gametes were diploid
cells, the number of chromosomes per cell would double with each generation. Meiosis ensures that gametes receive only one-half the number of chromosomes that are present in parent cells.
Gametes from one individual join with another gamete from an individual of the opposite sex during the
process of fertilization. All animals originate from a single cell, the female’s ovum or egg, which is fertilized by the male spermatozoa (sperm) and becomes a zygote. The zygote, which develops into a new
animal, will have a full set of chromosomes, with one-half of them coming from the male parent and onehalf coming from the female parent.
When discussing different generations in genetics, the first generation is referred to as the parent or P
generation. Their offspring are referred to as the first filial or F1 generation. When individuals from the F1
generation are mated with each other, their offspring are referred to as the F2 generation.
In animals, chromosomes are paired and therefore genes are also paired. These paired genes code for the
same trait, but they are not identical. They can have different forms, known as alleles. For example, sheep
and cattle can be polled or horned. One gene codes for this trait and the two possible forms (alleles) of the
gene are polled or horned. A capital letter is used to denote the dominant form of the gene (P) and a small
letter is used to denote the recessive form of the gene (p). In this example, the polled allele is dominant and
therefore denoted by P, while the horned allele is recessive and denoted by p.
Genes are paired; therefore an animal can have three different combinations of the two alleles, PP, Pp or
pp. When both genes in a pair take the same form (PP or pp), the animal is referred to as being homozygous
for that trait. An animal with a PP genotype is referred to as homozygous dominant and an animal with the
pp genotype is homozygous recessive. If one gene in the pair is the dominant allele (P) and the other gene
is the recessive allele (p), then the animal is referred to as being heterozygous for that trait and its genotype
is denoted as Pp. If the animal has the combination PP, it will be polled. If it has the combination pp, it will
be horned. If it is a heterozygote, then genotypically it will have both traits but phenotypically it will be
polled because the polled allele (P) is the dominant form of the gene (see Figure 4).
Mendel’s principle of dominance states that in a heterozygote, one allele may conceal the presence of
another. In this example, the polled allele is concealing the horned allele and, therefore, is referred to as the
dominant allele.
When animals reproduce, they only pass on one-half of their genetic material to their offspring because
gametes, or reproductive cells, only have one chromosome from each pair. The offspring will only receive
one of the paired alleles from each parent. This principle explains some of the differences that are observed
in successive generations of animals and can be used to predict the probability of different combinations of
alleles occurring in offspring.
As discussed earlier, three kinds of individuals are possible when discussing a pair of genes: homozygous
dominant (PP), homozygous recessive (pp), and heterozygous (Pp). Considering these three types of individuals, six combinations of the various genotypes are possible: PP x PP (both parents are homozygous
polled), PP x Pp (one homozygous polled parent and one heterozygous polled parent), PP x pp (one homozygous polled and one homozygous horned parent), Pp x Pp (both parents are heterozygous polled), Pp
x pp (one heterozygous polled parent and one homozygous horned parent), and pp x pp (both parents are
homozygous horned).
Predicting the Phenotype of Offspring
A punnett square can be used to determine the probable results in breeding livestock. The male genotype is
normally indicated at the top, and the female genotype is indicated in the vertical margin. When crossing
homozygous dominant parents (PP x PP), all offspring will be homozygous dominant polled individuals.
Each of them can only produce a gamete with the dominant gene for the polled trait. The situation is the
same when crossing homozygous recessive parents (pp x pp). All offspring will be horned. When crossing
a homozygous dominant parent with a homozygous recessive parent (PP x pp), all offspring would be
heterozygous and polled. This cross is illustrated in Figure 5.
When crossing a heterozygous parent with a homozygous dominant parent (Pp x PP), the expected offspring would occur in a 1:1 ratio of homozygous dominant to heterozygous individuals. Phenotypically, all
offspring would be polled. When crossing a heterozygous parent with a homozygous recessive parent (Pp
x pp), offspring would occur in a genotypic ratio of 1:1 for heterozygous to homozygous recessive. About
one-half of the offspring would be polled.
If two heterozygous parents are
crossed (Pp x Pp), one can expect
a phenotypic ratio of 3:1 (polled to
horned) in the offspring. Genotypically, there is a possibility of one
homozygous dominant polled and
one homozygous recessive horned
individual as well as two heterozygous polled offspring. The horned
individual produced from the cross
will not carry a gene for the polled
trait, even though both parents were
polled. This cross is illustrated in
Figure 6.
Considering Multiple Traits
Most commonly, there are multiple traits that need to be considered when mating animals. With two pairs
of heterozygous genes, each affecting a different trait, a phenotypic ratio of 9:3:3:1 would be expected (see
Figure 7). For example, consider cattle that can be horned or polled and white or red faced with horns and
red coloring being the recessive traits. If two heterozygous individuals are mated, the expected offspring
would (phenotypically) include nine polled white faced, three polled colored faced, three horned white
faced, and one horned colored faced offspring.
When considering multiple traits, Mendel hypothesized that genes for different traits are separated and
distributed to gametes independently of one another. Therefore, when considering polled and white faced
traits, Mendel assumed that there was no relationship between how they were distributed to the next generation. Advances in genetics have shown that crossing over can occur between genes for different traits.
However, this is not normal. In most cases, genes do assort independently.
Partial Dominance
Sometimes a heterozygote has a phenotype different from either of its homozygous counterparts. This will
occur when an allele is only partially dominant. Partially dominant alleles for color are seen in several
species of flowers. The homozygous flowers will be red or white and the heterozygous flowers will be
pink. Sheep exhibit incomplete dominance in the trait for eye color. When a pure, brown-eyed sheep is
crossed with a pure, green-eyed sheep, blue-eyed offspring are produced.
Another exception to the normal principle of dominance is codominance. This occurs when a heterozygote exhibits traits found in both associated homozygotes. An example of codominance is the coat color
of roan horses. The two allelic genes involved are R
for red color and W for white color. If the genotype
of a horse is RR, it will be red, and if its genotype is
WW, it will be white. However, if its genotype is
RW, the horse will be roan, or a mixture of red and
white. This is different to partial dominance because
when you look closely, a roan animal actually has
both red and white hairs, rather than pink hairs. Under these circumstances, neither allele is dominant
and neither is recessive, therefore each allele is denoted by a capital letter.
It is possible for more than one gene to control a single
trait. This type of interaction between two nonallelic
genes is referred to as epistasis. When two or more
genes influence a trait, an allele of one of them may
have an overriding effect on the phenotype. When an
allele has such an overriding effect, it is said to be
epistatic to the other genes that are involved.
Comb shape in chickens is an example of an epistatic
relationship. Domestic chickens can have four different types of comb shape: rose, pea, walnut, and single
(see Figure 8).
Comb shape is influenced by two independently assorting genes, R and P, each with two alleles. Wyandotte chickens with rose combs have the genotype RR pp, while Brahma chickens with pea combs have the
genotype rr PP. The F1 hybrids between these two varieties are therefore Rr Pp; phenotypically they have
walnut combs. If those hybrid birds are intercrossed with each other, all four types of combs appear in the
progeny in a ratio of 9:3:3:1 for walnut:rose:pea:single. This is shown in Figure 9
Mutations and Other Chromosomal Abnormalities
Genes have the capability of duplicating themselves. However, sometimes a mistake is made in duplication
and a new gene called a mutation results. This new gene will cause a change in the code sent by the gene to the
protein formation process. Some mutations may cause defects in animals while others may be beneficial.
Mutations are responsible for variations in coat color, size, shape, behavior, and other traits in several species
of animals. The beneficial mutations are helpful to animal breeders in improving domestic animals.
Sometimes changes in chromosome number (nondisjunction), chromosome breakage (translocation or
deletion), and the rearrangement of genes on a chromosome (inversion) can occur during meiosis. These
changes are reflected in the phenotypes of animals. Some of these chromosomal aberrations or changes
will result in abnormalities while others are lethal and result in the death of the animal. Death may occur
shortly after fertilization, during prenatal development, or even after birth.
Sex-Linked Traits
Some traits are said to be sex-linked because they are carried on the X or Y chromosomes, which are
involved in determining the sex of animals. The female mammal has the genotype XX in the sex chromosome pair, while the male has an XY genotype. The X chromosome is larger and longer than the Y chromosome. Therefore, a portion of the X chromosome does not pair with genes on the Y chromosome. Additionally, a certain portion of the Y chromosome does not link with the X chromosome. The traits on this portion
of the Y chromosome are transmitted only from fathers to sons. Sex-linked traits are often recessive and are
covered up in the female mammal by dominant genes.
The expression of certain genes, which are carried on the regular body chromosomes of animals, is also
affected by the sex of the animal. The sex of an animal may determine whether a gene is dominant or
recessive. Scurs in polled European cattle appear to be inherited in this way. Lactation in cattle and egg
laying in poultry may be affected by many genes, but are expressed only in one sex.
In poultry, the male has the genotype XX, while the female has a Xw genotype. An example of a sex-linked
trait in poultry is the barring of Barred Plymouth Rock chickens. If barred hens are mated to nonbarred
males, all the barred chicks from this cross are males, and the nonbarred chicks are females. Traits such as
cock-feathering or hen-feathering are limited in their phenotypic expression to only one sex.
Permanent improvements in domestic animals can be made by genetic selection. The two kinds of genetic
selection are natural and artificial. Natural selection occurs in wild animals while artificial selection is
planned and controlled by humans.
Animals that exhibit desirable traits are selected and mated. Similarly, animals that exhibit undesirable
traits are not allowed to reproduce or are culled from the herd. The goal of selection is to increase the
frequency of animals with optimal levels of performance while culling aims to reduce the frequency of
individuals with poorer performance. Genetic improvement is a slow process and can take several generations to see an improvement in a trait. Artificial insemination and embryo transfer are breeding methods
that are commonly used to decrease the time taken to improve a trait.
Traits are passed from parents to offspring, but some traits are more heritable than other traits. That is, the
genotype of an individual will be expressed more strongly and environment will be less influential for
particular traits (see Table 1). Several genes influence some traits. For example, rate of growth is a trait that
is influenced by appetite, energy expenditure, feed efficiency, and body composition.
Table 1. Heritability of various traits in sheep, swine, and cattle (%).
Weaning weight
Postweaning gain efficiency
Post weaning rate of gain
Feed efficiency
Loin eye area
Breeding systems aim to improve a single trait or multiple traits. Single trait selection is the result of
selection policies aimed at improving one trait in a breeding program with little or no regard for improvement in other (associated) traits. In comparison, multiple trait selection aims to simultaneously improve a
number of traits. Theoretically, multiple trait selection should result in a faster rate of gain toward a specific objective.
Most domestic species now have a recognized system in place that allows breeders to estimate the genetic
merit of individuals. In the United States, cattle, sheep, goat, and swine breeders use expected progeny
differences (EPDs).
EPDs are used to compare animals from the same species and breed. For example, the owners of a breeding
bull will advertise him as having certain expected progeny differences (EPDs). The bull might have a birth
weight EPD of 3.1, a weaning weight EPD of 9.1, and a yearling weight EPD of 12.4. These numbers alone
do not provide the buyer with much information. To use these values effectively, the buyer also needs to
know the breed averages, the accuracy of the EPDs, and who estimated the EPDs. A high EPD is not
necessarily good; it depends on the trait being considered and the breeding objectives of the buyer.
Gregor Mendel’s theories have been used for years to improve herds of animals and to increase the frequency of expression of desirable traits. In recent years, these methods of improvement have been superceded by genetic manipulation. A substantial amount of research has focused on direct manipulation of
genes and DNA.
Gene Transfer
The science of genetic engineering is a promising new field of animal science. Genetic engineering basically refers to transferring a gene from one individual to another. Scientists are able to code genes for
desirable compounds and insert them into other cells, such as microorganisms. These microorganisms
produce these desirable compounds on a large scale. This area of genetic manipulation makes important
contributions to domesticated animals in relation to immunology, vaccines, aging, and cancer.
Researchers have successfully transferred the gene for rabbit hemoglobin into mice embryos. As a result,
the genetically engineered mice are able to manufacture the rabbit hemoglobin. Once a gene is successfully
introduced, it is transmitted to succeeding generations. Research has shown that injections of growth hormones into lactating cows result in significant increases in milk production. Suppose an additional gene or
genes for growth could be introduced into an embryo. The mature cow would then increase production of
milk without hormone injections. The implications for introducing superior production, conformation, and
disease-resistant traits into domestic animals through gene transfer holds considerable promise in the genetic improvement of animals.
Embryonic cloning of animals involves the chemical or surgical splitting of developing embryos shortly
after fertilization and, consequently, developing two identical individuals. The separated embryos are allowed to culture, or grow, to a more advanced embryonic stage before they are implanted into the uterus of
a recipient mother for full development. This procedure has been performed successfully in several species
of animals.
Nuclear Transfer
Nuclear transfer is another method that has a great deal of potential for producing identical high-producing
individuals. It involves the microsurgical collection of cells from the outer layer of a developing embryo
and transferring them into an unfertilized ovum that has had its own nucleus removed. The cells that
develop successfully become identical individuals.
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Nuclear Fusion
Another innovation in genetic engineering, called nuclear fusion, involves the union of nuclei from two
gametes, male or female sex cells. This fusion shows promise for the uniting of nuclei from two outstanding females, two outstanding males, or the normal outstanding male and female combination. The possibility for selecting desired traits at the cellular level holds exciting implications for the genetic improvement
of domestic animals.
Claire Barrett, Student Technician, Department of Animal Science,
Texas A&M University, researched and developed this topic.
Larry Ermis, Curriculum Specialist, Instructional Materials Service,
Texas A&M University, reviewed and edited this topic.
Vickie Marriott, Office Software Associate, Instructional Materials Service,
Texas A&M University, edited and prepared the layout and design for this topic.
Christine Stetter, Artist, Instructional Materials Service,
Texas A&M University, prepared the illustrations for this topic.
Botany Online: Classic Genetics. [Online]. Available:
b_online/e10/10.htm [2001, June].
Mendelian Genetics. [Online]. Available:
[2001, June]
Schraer, W. D. and H. J. Stoltze. Biology, The Study of Life. Prentice-Hall Inc.: USA, 1991.
Snustad, D. P., M. J. Simmons, and J. B. Jenkins. Principles of Genetics. New York: John Wiley and
Sons, Inc., 1997.
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Allele - One of a pair of genes that occupy the same location on homologous chromosomes and affect
the same trait in animals.
Crossing over - Exchange of genes by homologous chromosomes during synapsis of meiosis prior to
formation of the sex cells or gametes.
Diploid - Refers to chromosome pairs (2n) in the body cells; two of each kind of chromosome are in each
body cell as compared with one of each pair (1n) in sex cells.
Dominant - Refers to genes that produce their characteristic phenotype whether its allele is identical or
Epistasis - A form of gene interaction where one gene interferes with the phenotypic expression of
another nonallelic gene or genes.
Fertilization - The process in which a sperm unites with an egg to form a zygote.
Fertilized - To be made pregnant; to be impregnated.
Gametes - The haploid cells that fuse with other haploid cells to form zygotes; the sperm or egg cells.
Genotype - The inheritable information carried by an animal.
Haploid - Refers to the number of chromosomes (1n) in sex cells; sex cells contain only one of each pair
of chromosomes found in body cells.
Heredity - The biological process where genetic factors are transmitted from one generation to the next.
Heterozygote - An organism that is heterozygous for a specific trait.
Heterozygous - Having dissimilar alleles at corresponding chromosomal loci.
Homologous - Having the same relative position and proportion.
Homozygous - Having identical alleles at corresponding chromosomal loci.
Mutation - A change or alteration in form or quality.
Nucleotides - Compounds composed of a nitrogen base, a sugar, and a phosphate.
Ovum - An egg; the female reproductive cell.
Phenotype - The observable properties of an animal.
Polled - To be without horns.
Punnett square - A grid-like method used to display and predict the consequent genotype of progeny
from parents with specific alleles.
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Recessive - Refers to genes that produce their characteristic phenotype only when they are paired with
an identical allele.
Sex-linked - Refers to genes carried on the nonhomologous portion of the X chromosome; allelic genes
that have their locus on the sex chromosomes, usually the X chromosome.
Somatic - Of or pertaining to the body.
Spermatozoa - The male germ cell responsible for fertilizing the female ovum; sperm.
Zygote - A fertilized ovum.
SHORT ANSWER/LISTING: Answer the following questions or statements in the space provided or
on additional paper if necessary.
What is the difference between an animal’s phenotype and genotype?
What is the difference between mitosis and meiosis?
What is a zygote?
What is meant by dominant and recessive genes? Give an example of each.
- 13 -
Explain the difference between homozygous and heterozygous genes.
In swine, the gene for drooping ears (D) is dominant while the gene for erect ears (d) is recessive. If
two crossbred swine with drooping ears that are heterozygous for the trait are mated (Dd x Dd),
what would be the expected outcome?
Number of homozygous drooped ears? _________________________________________
Number of homozygous erect ears? ____________________________________________
Number of heterozygous drooped ears? _________________________________________
In horned Hereford cattle, the white-faced gene is dominant (W) while the horned characteristic is
recessive (p). Angus cattle have the dominant polled trait (P). If two black baldies (Hereford x
Angus) cattle are mated (WwPp x WwPp), what would be the expected outcome?
Number of white-faced, polled offspring? _______________________________________
Number of white-faced, horned offspring? ______________________________________
Number of colored-faced, polled offspring? _____________________________________
Number of colored-faced, horned offspring? _____________________________________
What is epistasis?
What is an EPD, and how can livestock breeders use it to improve their animals?
10. What is the difference between cloning and nuclear transfer?
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MULTIPLE CHOICE: Place the letter of the correct answer in the space provided at the left of each
11. Which of the following statements was not one of Mendel’s theories on the laws of genetic
12. A goat breeder wants to mate two animals that are both heterozygous for coat color (Bb)
and horn shape (Cc). Therefore, the cross will be BbCc x BbCc. BB animals are brown and
bb animals are white, while CC animals have curling horns and cc animals have straight
horns. What is the expected ratio of progeny?
In a heterozygote, one allele may conceal the presence of another.
In a heterozygote, two different alleles segregate from each other during the formation
of gametes.
Gametes have only one-half the genetic material of normal body cells.
The alleles of different genes segregate, or assort, independently of each other.
Nine brown with curling horns, three white with straight horns, three brown with straight
horns, and one white with curling horns.
Nine brown with curling horns, three white with curling horns, three brown with straight
horns, and one white with straight horns.
Nine white with curling horns, three brown with straight horns, three white with curling horns, and one brown with straight horns.
Nine brown with straight horns, three brown with curling horns, three white with straight
horns, and one white with curling horns.
13. Which of the following statements is true?
An example of codominance is when a homozygous brown-eyed sheep is mated with
a homozygous green-eyed sheep to give blue-eyed progeny.
Each allele of genes that exhibit partial dominance is denoted with capital letters.
Roan coloring is an example of codominance.
Epistasis is an interaction between two alleles of a specific gene.
TRUE OR FALSE: Circle the “T” if the statement is true or “F” if it is false.
14. Genes are located in fixed positions on DNA.
15. Meiosis ensures that gametes receive only one-half the number of chromosomes that are
present in parent cells.
16. Genes always have a dominant and a recessive allele for a specific trait.
17. Offspring can receive two alleles from one parent and none from the other.
18. An animal that is homozygous dominant for a specific trait would be denoted as Pp.
19. Some traits are said to be sex-linked because they are associated with the X and Y
20. Genetic selection only occurs when animal breeders control the individuals to be mated
(artificial selection).
- 15 -
A great deal of debate over genetic engineering exists in the scientific world. Using newspapers,
magazines, the Internet, and any other available resources, present one argument for and one argument against genetic engineering being used in agriculture.
When cells divide during the process of mitosis, genetic material (DNA) is copied. Research how
new DNA strands are copied off old DNA strands. Draw a diagram to illustrate how mRNA and
tRNA are involved in the process.
Create a punnett square that considers three traits and determine the expected phenotypic ratio of
the progeny.
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