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2/25/02 Lecture Highlights: Inheritance
Inheritance - Outline
• Human phenotypes
• Genotypes (dominant and recessive)
• How are they inherited?
– Mendel’s law of segregation
– Mendel’s law of independent assortment
Can you roll your tongue?
Clasp your hands together, interlacing your fingers… Which thumb is on top- left or right?
Widow’s peak – dominant trait
Detached earlobes – dominant trait
Attached earlobes – recessive trait
Leonardo DiCaprio and Parker Posey’s phenotypes are detached earlobes/ widow’s peak
Matt Damon’s phenotype is attached earlobes/ widow’s peak
So, phenotype is a description of physical appearance
Genotype is the genetic basis for appearance (and other unseen traits)
What do dominant and recessive mean?
First we need to look at a cell….
• Chromosomes are found in the nucleus
• Human chromosomes are in pairs (we are diploid- see glossary)
• One pair of chromosomes – homologous
• locus – location of a particular gene on a chromosome
• allele – different forms of a gene at a locus
• homozygous - 2 copies, same allele (e.g., blue/blue)
• heterozygous -2 copies, diff. alleles (e.g., red/green)
Let’s say red allele means detached earlobes and green allele means attached
9 Remember… attached earlobes are dominant trait
9 So, the person’s genotype is red/green, BUT – their phenotype is detached earlobes
ƒ green is masked!
This locus codes for hairline (widow’s peak = dominant; straight hairline = recessive)
9 Now let’s say the blue genotype means straight hairline phenotype
9 This person will have straight hairline (results only when both alleles are blue)
dominant allele –one dominant allele present in the genotype = automatically expressed in the phenotype
(masks recessive)
• recessive allele – both copies on homologous chromosomes must be same for recessive to be expressed in
We get 1 set of chromosomes from mom & 1 from dad
• I can roll my tongue (dominant) but my mom can’t (recessive) –
• let’s say now R is the allele for rolling and r is allele for not
• Can my dad roll his tongue?
What’s my mom’s genotype?
What’s my dad’s genotype?
Can my sister tongue roll?
Let’s say dad is heterozygous…(Punnett square)
Mom’s eggs
Possible offspring genotypes (bold)
Bird breeding example…
Gregor Mendel (1822-1884)
• Augustinian monk (Austria)
• Studies on plant hybridization/ inheritance
• Laid foundation for modern genetics
• Results published in 1865
– BUT ignored until 1900
Mendel’s first experiment – pea plants with purple and white flowers
1. Removed stamens from purple flower (prevent self-fertilization)
2. Transferred pollen from white to purple flower
3. plants made seeds
4. planted seeds and observed offspring (F1) phenotypes
5. Bred F1s together
6. observed F2 (“grandchild”) phenotypes
Results: F1 generation all purple; F2 generation ¾ purple, ¼ white (purple dominant, white recessive)
These experiments resulted in Mendel’s principle of segregation
– pairs of alleles segregate (separate) during gamete formation (when eggs and sperm are made);
fusion of gametes at fertilization creates allele pairs again
Mendel looked at many phenotypic traits in pea plants
• Through other crosses- determined yellow dominant to green and round peas dominant to wrinkled
Mendel’s second experiment (dihybrid cross; 2 traits – pea color and pea shape)
• F1 – all yellow, round (dominant traits)
• F2 – not 3:1 ratio, but 9:3:3:1 ratio
o He knew something other than segregation was going on….
• Principle of independent assortment
o Each pair of alleles segregates independently of one another during gamete formation
Glossary of genetics terms:
genotype – genetic type (what genes a person has for a particular trait; usually represented by 2 alleles; for example
genotype Ff)
phenotype – physical appearance (influenced by one or many genes; for example a person with genotype Ff or ff has
freckles, which is their phenotype)
gene – segment of DNA that codes for a particular protein
allele – different forms of a gene
chromosome – tightly wound up DNA that contains many loci (and therefore many genes)
homologous chromosomes – pairs of chromosomes that contain the same genes (inherit one from mom and one from
diploid – 2 copies of chromosomes (and hence the genes on them)
homozygous – 2 copies of the same allele (e.g., FF or ff) on homologous chromosomes
heterozygous – different alleles on homologous chromosomes (e.g., Ff)
Punnett square –determines offspring genotypes by matching up parental genotypes
Genetics Concepts
dominant – if one dominant allele is present in the genotype, it is automatically expressed in the phenotype although
there are 2 copies in diploid organisms; it masks the other allele on the other chromosome); Freckles are
a dominant trait, so if a person has either genotype FF or Ff, they will have the freckle phenotype.
recessive – for a recessive allele to be expressed, it has to be present on both chromosomes. No freckles are
recessive, so a person must have the genotype ff to have no freckles as their phenotype.
codominant – both copies are expressed (e.g., “red” gene on one chromosome and “white” gene on another
chromosome -> genotype = red/white; but phenotype = pink). A plant with codominant flower color
genes would have red flowers if the genotype is RR, white flowers if the genotype is WW and pink
flowers if the genotype is RW