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Bio 203 – Spring 2011
Darwin’s method of historical science-
Darwin’s Theory of Life History on EarthAmount of evidence for this theory (data points)
Is evolution a theory or a fact?
Under what conditions is Darwin’s theory false?
Types of Darwinian selection:
1. Natural selection:
Example2. Sexual selection:
Example*Sexual selection can be thought of as a subset of natural selection
3. Artificial selection:
Example -
Example – Artificially selecting for greater egg production in hens
What steps would you take to select for greater egg production?
Describe the dams and sires chosen and why.
Draw a graph depicting the anticipated change in phenotype after 10
At some point, say after 12 generations, you notice that the population
isn’t getting any more productive. What accounts for this? How could
you remedy it?
More on Selection
Directional selection:
Draw a trait distribution indicating which parts of the distribution are favored
Example –
*Artificial selection is an example of directional selection
*Natural (and sexual) selection are often directional
*All adaptation is created by directional selection
Stabilizing selection:
Draw a trait distribution indicating which parts of the distribution are favored
Example –
Disruptive selection:
Draw a trait distribution indicating which parts of the distribution are favored
Example –
Example – Alternative male mating adaptations in Bluegill Sunfish
How is it that one trait does not go to fixation?
*An example of antagonistic coevolutionary arms race, more?
Yet another way to classify selection – frequency in/dependent selection
Frequency dependent selection:
Frequency independent selection:
Which one accounts for the two male adaptations in the blue gill?
Describe how this occurs.
When does selection favor sneaker males?
More on sexual selection, 3 forms
1. Intrasexual competition:
*Sperm competition is one example
2. Intersexual selection/mate choice:
Female choice, 2 categories-
Premating (Darwinian) female choice:
Cryptic female choice:
*Involves _______ choice, not mate choice
Example – Ejaculate dumping in Red jungle fowl hens.
*All female choice in plants is cryptic
3. Sexual coercion:
-Harassment, intimidation, and rape
*Responsible for branching events in the tree of life
Types of speciation
Allopatric speciation:
Example –
*Isolated populations diverge due to mutation, drift, and selection
Sympatric speciation:
Example – Rhagoletis fruit fly
Describe the chain of events that led to the two species.
Cryptic species:
Mechanisms of speciation without geographical isolationSubspecies:
*Interfertile, hybridize well, partial evolutionary independence
Species concepts describe evolutionary independence
1. Biological species concept:
AdvantageDisadvantage2. Phylogenetic species concept:
3. Morphospecies concept:
Inclusive Fitness, Altruism
Inclusive fitness = Design to make babies + Design to help others with some
of your same genes make babies
*Traits are favored when BENEFIT (to bearer’s RS) > COST (to bearer’s RS)
*Greater investment in high reproductively valuable offspring
Under what benefit/cost conditions does nepotism evolve?
Hamilton’s Rule = Br > C
What are the three hypothesis of the inclusive fitness theory?
Example –
Example -
Altruism adaptation:
1. True altruism:
*Always disfavored by selection, however some exists anyway due to
a. Mutation
b. Evolution of novel errors
Example –
c. Manipulation of individuals
Example –
*There are no known examples of true-altruism adaptation
2. False altruism:
a. Nepotism:
b. Reciprocity:
Direct reciprocity:
Example - within species
Example – between species
Indirect reciprocity:
Examples –
*No evidence that non-human animals employ indirect
*Individuals with good reputations as altruists are favored
Homology, analogy, principle of parsimony, Darwinian selection, natural selection,
sexual selection, artificial selection, directional selection, stabilizing selection, disruptive
selection, antagonistic coevolutionary arms race, frequency independent selection,
frequency dependent selection, intrasexual competition, intersexual competition,
premating female choice, cryptic female choice, allopatric speciation, sympatric
speciation, hybridization, evolutionary independence, biological species concept,
phylogenetic species concept, morphospecies concept, inclusive fitness, Hamilton,
Trivers, Alexander, nepotism, reciprocity, indirect reciprocity, direct reciprocity, true
altruism, false altruism, within species direct reciprocity, between species direct
reciprocity, coefficient of relatedness
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