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Cellular Energy
• What do you call an organism that can make
its own food?
• autotroph
• What kind of organism has no chloroplasts in
its cells? (Has to eat other organisms for
• heterotroph
• Why do we breathe in oxygen?
• So our cells can do cellular respiration
• Where does the carbon dioxide we breathe
out come from?
• Cellular respiration in our cells produces
carbon dioxide as waste.
• What is the relationship between cellular
respiration and photosynthesis?
• They are opposites. The products of one are
the reactants of the other
• What is the term that means without oxygen?
• anaerobic
• What kind of cellular respiration is anaerobic
(uses no oxygen?)
• fermentation
• What are the two types of fermentation?
• Lactic acid fermentation and alcoholic
• Which kind of fermentation makes your
muscles sore?
• Lactic acid fermentation
• Which kind of fermentation is used in
breadmaking, and to make beer and wine?
• Alcoholic fermentation
• Which kind of cellular respiration will your
cells use if you are doing aerobic exercise –
fermentation, or the three step process in the
• mitochondria
• Which kind of respiration produces more ATP’s
– fermentation or the kind that uses oxygen?
• Cellular respiration with oxygen (in
mitochondria) produces much more energy
• How many ATP’s does cellular respiration
produce in total?
• 38 ATP’s
• What is the process of capturing light and
converting it to sugars called?
• photosynthesis
• In what cell organelle does photosynthesis
• chloroplast
• What is the first phase of photosynthesis
• Light dependent reaction
• What is needed for the light dependent
• Water & sunlight
• What pigment captures the light energy in the
• chlorophyll
• In what part of the chloroplast does the light
dependent reaction occur?
• thylakoids
• What do you call a stack of thylakoids?
• A granum (multiple grana)
• What does the light dependent phase (first
phase) of photosynthesis produce?
• Small amount of ATP to power second phase,
oxygen, NADPH for phase 2
• What is phase 2 of photosynthesis called?
• Calvin cycle, or light independent reaction
• In what part of the chloroplast does the light
independent reaction (Calvin cycle) occur?
• stroma
• What is needed for the Calvin cycle that enters
through the stomata of the leaf?
• Carbon dioxide
• In addition to carbon dioxide, what goes into
the Calvin cycle?
• ATP and NADPH from phase 1
• What is the final product of the Calvin cycle?
• glucose
• What is the process of releasing energy from
glucose molecules called?
• Cellular respiration
• What is the first phase of cellular respiration
• glycolysis
• What is the second phase of cellular
respiration called?
• Kreb cycle or citric acid cycle
• What is the third phase of cellular respiration?
• Electron Transport Chain
• What happens during glycolysis?
• Sugars get broken down.
• What is the name of the molecule produced
when glucose is split during glycolysis?
• pyruvate
• In what part of the cell does glycolysis occur?
• cytoplasm
• How many ATP’s does glycolysis produce?
• 2 ATP’s
• Where does the Kreb cycle occur?
• Within the inner membrane of the
mitochondria (mitochondrion – singular)
• What does the Kreb cycle need?
• Pyruvates, from glycolysis
• How many ATP’s does the Kreb cycle produce?
• 2 ATP’s
• Where does the electron transport chain
• Along the outer membrane of the
• How many ATP’s does the electron transport
chain produce?
• 34 ATP’s