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Name: Date of Test: Cell Test Review Key Directions: Define the following terms listed below. Use a separate sheet of paper if you can’t fit them in the space provided. Take this home and study. Organelles-­ structures within the cytoplasm of cells – cell parts Cytoplasm-­ gelatin-­like material inside of cell Vacuoles-­ membrane bound spaces for temporary storage in cells, also the organelle that can cause a plant to wilt if it is not filled Cell wall-­ protects the cells of plants Mitochondria-­ where the energy in food is stored until it is released Nucleus-­ the command center found in most animal and plant cells, contains the DNA, the largest organelle in the cell Cell Membrane-­ protective layer around cells, allows materials in and out of the cell Chloroplast-­ organelle used by plant cells to make their own food Chlorophyll-­the compound in the plant cell that grabs the sunlight and starts the whole process of photosynthesis Hand lens-­(magnifying glass) the lab equipment used to see microorganisms we can see, but not very well Microscope-­ magnifies the images of an object too small to be seen Eukaryotic cell-­type of cell that has a nucleus surrounding DNA Prokaryotic cell-­type of cell that has no nucleus, just free floating DNA Anton van Leeuwenhoek-­ made a simple microscope that could magnify up to 270 times Robert Hooke-­ first to view cells under the microscope, found they looked like rooms called cells Cell Theory-­ all cells are the smallest working units of all living things, all cells come from cells that already exist, all living things are made up of cells What are some examples of eukaryotic cells? Muscle cell, blood cell, nerve cell, amoeba What are some examples of prokaryotic cells? Bacteria Why are cells different shapes and sizes? Because they all perform different jobs/functions What is used during photosynthesis? Sunlight, Water, Carbon Dioxide What is created during photosynthesis? Oxygen, glucose (sugar) Chromosomes are made up of DNA . The four nitrogen bases that make up DNA are: 1. Guanine 2. Cytosine 3. Thymine 4. Adenine Plant cells have a cell wall & chloroplasts while animal cells do not. List the correct levels of organization in living things from smallest to largest: 1. cell 2. tissue 3. organ 4. organ system 5. organism (the whole being) Label the organelles of the animal and plant cell. Mitochondria Flagella Cell Membrane Nucleus Cytoplasm Mitochondria Nucleus Chloroplasts Cell Membrane Cytoplasm Cell Wall Vacuole