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Work Hard. Get Smart.
Cell Biologist: _________________________________ Class: 8__ Date: ______________
Mrs. Bouchard – 8th Grade Science
Rally Coach – Plant Cells and Organelles
1. Label each of the images below as either a plant cell or animal cell.
2. Explain in one sentence: How did you know which was the plant cell?
There are three main differences between plant cells and animal cells.
Answer the TRUE / FALSE questions below to determine what those three differences are!
3. Plant cells have a hard outer cell wall, but animal cells do not.
4. Animal cells have a nucleus, but plant cells do not.
5. Animal cells have mitochondria, but plant cells do not.
6. Plant cells have green chloroplasts, but animal cells do not.
7. Animal cells have many small vacuoles,
but plant cells have one large vacuole to store water.
8. Plant cells do not have cell membranes,
because they have cell walls instead.
9. Label the two chloroplasts on the
diagram of the cell to the right.
10. Label the cell wall on the
diagram of the cell to the right.
Work Hard. Get Smart.
11. What does the cell wall do for a plant cell? ________________________________________
12. What does a chloroplast do for a plant cell? _______________________________________
13. What if a plant cell did not have chloroplasts? Would it be able to survive? Explain!
14. What if a plant cell did not have a cell wall? Would it be able to survive? Explain!
Remember our analogies? For example, the nucleus is like the central office of a factory, because
just like the central office makes decisions, the nucleus controls what the cell does.
15. What is a good analogy for the chloroplast? (Start, “The chloroplast is like …”)
16. What is a good analogy for the cell wall? (Start, “The chloroplast is like …”)
You’re done!
Raise your hand for Mrs. Bouchard
to check your work!