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Molecular mechanisms involved
in colorectal cancer initiation
and progression
Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the third most common type of cancer
and the second cause of death by cancer in the Western world.
Elena Sancho
CRC results in around 650,000 deaths worldwide per year. Most
sporadic CRCs arise from adenomas that initially are benign and
occur frequently: approximately 50% of the Western population develops an adenoma by the age of
70. However, the development of a full-blown malignant colorectal tumour is a progressive process
that often takes several years. During this period, the progression of the disease appears to follow a
precise series of molecular events, requiring the accumulation of mutations in proto-oncogenes and
tumour suppressor genes in these initially benign lesions. Access to specimens of CRC at different stages
of the malignancy has allowed the analysis of the molecular alterations most frequently associated
with each step of the disease (reviewed in Sancho et al, 2004). The aim of the research performed in
our laboratory is to decipher the molecular instructions that underlie the signalling pathways that are
altered in CRC and that are responsible for the initiation and progression of the disease.
WNT signalling and the initiation of CRC
Around 70% of sporadic colorectal tumours show biallelic inactivation of the APC gene (Adenomatous
polyposis Coli). A high percentage of remaining tumours show activating mutations in beta-catenin or
axin. These molecules are components of the Wnt
signalling pathway. Activating mutations of the Wntsignalling pathway are the only known genetic alterations present in early premalignant lesions in the intestine, such as aberrant crypt foci and small adenomas. In various animal models, activating mutations
in this pathway effectively initiate tumorogenesis in
the intestine in a process characterised by the formation of dysplastic crypts and adenomas similar to
those found in humans. Therefore, it is widely accepted that constitutive activation of Wnt signalling
caused by mutations in components of the pathway
Figure 1. Genetic alterations frequently associated with CRC progression.
2007 S cie ntif ic Re po r t O nco lo gy Pro gramme
is responsible for the initiation of CRC (reviewed in
Sancho et al, 2004; Figure 1).
Mutations in Wnt signalling components that lead to
CRC result in the stabilization and accumulation of
beta-catenin in the nucleus, and, as a result, in increased transcriptional activation mediated by the
beta-catenin/TCF complex. Therefore, the transactivation of beta-catenin/TCF target genes represents
a primary transforming event in CRC. A few years ago
we identified the genetic programme driven by betacatenin and TCF in CRC cells. Our studies indicated
that beta-catenin/TCF target genes are expressed not
only in tumours but also in normal non-transformed
intestinal progenitors cells at the bottom of crypts
(van de Wetering et al, 2002; see Figures 2 and 3).
Our results, together with those obtained from several animal models in which Wnt signalling had been
genetically manipulated (Pinto et al, 2003; Korineck
et al, 1998), implied that the stem cell and progenitor compartments were controlled by Wnt signalling.
These findings led us to propose that in CRC the first
step towards malignancy consists of the acquisition of
a crypt progenitor-like phenotype (van de Wetering
et al, 2002). Our hypothesis has marked a milestone
in the field and has totally changed views on the initiation of this disease. We are currently developing
animal models that will formally confirm this notion
and help to shed light on why Wnt signalling mutations are an important pre-requisite for the development of CRC.
Our studies are oriented towards the identification of
the nature of the founding CRC cell and the mechanisms by which it escapes cell renewal. During 2007,
we have generated several DNA constructs to enable
the development of animal models that will be used
for this purpose. These include the conditional expression in the intestine of oncogenes involved in CRC
combined with colour markers that will help to identify mutant cells. These studies may shed additional
light on specific pathways that could be targeted to
block the progression of this disease. Likewise, in
collaboration with Eduard Batlle’s laboratory (IRB
Barcelona), and by systematic analysis of colorectal
samples at different stages of the disease, we aim to
identify the core set of instructions imposed by Wnt
signalling mutations that remains unaltered throughout the carcinogenetic process. This research will
provide crucial information on the molecular targets
for CRC at all stages of the malignancy.
Having identified that the initial event triggering
transformation is the blockage of founder tumour
cells into a progenitor phenotype, our laboratory now
seeks to identify differences between the true physiological progenitors and initial founder mutant cells.
To this end, during 2007, we have developed a protocol which allows us to isolate epithelial cells from
the bottom of colonic crypts (ie, stem cells and early
progenitors) from fresh tissue. This protocol can also
be used to isolate tumour cells from early adenomas
or dysplastic crypts. We are currently comparing the
genetic profile of physiological progenitors with that
of tumour cells from adenomas. We aim to identify
tumour-specific molecular targets susceptible for
targeting by the pharmaceutical industry. These targets will be particularly useful for patients suffering
Familial Adenomatous Polyposis (FAP). These patients
inherit a mutation in the APC gene, and due to loss of
heterozygosity (LOH) they develop hundreds of polyps in the intestinal tract and are therefore predisposed to the development of malignant CRC.
TGF-beta signalling during CRC progression
In recent years, some of the leading scientific teams,
including ours, have reported that the onset and
progression of CRC can be understood using several
concepts taken from the Darwinian evolution model.
Under this view, the sequence of mutations acquired
during CRC progression (Figure 1) can be explained
by colorectal tumours evolving through a series of
bottlenecks or restriction points at which only those
cell cells acquiring the correct mutational event expand and progress to the next stage of malignancy.
Our research interest focuses on determining how the
Research Group Members I Principal Investigator: Elena Sancho I
Postdoctoral Fellows: Alexandre Calon, Annie Rodolosse I PhD Students:
Elisa Espinet I Research Assistant: Sergio Palomo I Lab Technician:
Mireia Humà
acquisition of mutations in other signalling pathways
may modulate the initial progenitor phenotype imposed by Wnt signalling to overcome the bottlenecks
associated with CRC progression.
One of the most prevalent types of mutation during CRC progression are those that inactivate the
TGF-beta signalling pathway (reviewed in Grady and
Markowitz, 2003; Figure 1). This pathway is involved
in numerous processes in the development and homeostasis of adult tissues. TGF-beta ligands activate the
signalling pathway by binding to TGF-beta receptor
type II homodimers. Ligand-bound receptor II recruits TGF-beta receptor I homodimers, which are
Onc ology Programme 2 0 0 7 S c i e n t i f i c Report 11 9
subsequently transphoshorylated and thus activated
by receptor type II. Phosphorylation of the intracellular mediators smads by activated receptor I allows
dimer formation with smad-4 and translocation to the
nucleus, where the specific outcome of the signalling will depend on the cell type and the context of
the cell itself (reviewed in Shi and Massagué, 2003).
Mutations found in CRC affect mainly the TGF-beta
receptor type II and the intracellular smads, smad-2
and smad-4, by abolishing the transcriptional effects
mediated by TGF-beta.
Figure 2. Expression pattern of EphB2 (a,b) and Carbonic Anhydrase II (c,d) in
early tumour lesions. EphB2, an example of a target gene under the control
of beta-catenin/TCF, is expressed by tumour cells from dysplastic crypts (a,
black arrows), but also by normal progenitor cells at the bottom of intestinal
crypts (b, black arrows). In a complementary fashion, the differentiated
marker carbonic anhydrase II is expressed only in the top half of the crypts
and surface epithelium (c, d black arrows), and is absent from tumour lesions
(c, white arrows). This expression pattern is observed for the beta catenin/
Tcf target genetic programme identified so far.
Figure 3. Depiction of a colon crypt and proposed model for CRC initiation. The
intestinal epithelium is organised in invaginations called crypts of Lieberkühn.
Epithelial cells within these crypts are in constant renewal thanks to a
small group of stem cells that reside at the bottom of the crypts. Stem cells
divide asymmetrically to give rise to early progenitors, which rapidly divide
whilst migrating towards the intestinal lumen. As they do so, they become
predetermined towards differentiation into one of the functional cell types
present in the intestine (adsorptive, mucosecreting or enteroendocrine cells).
The proliferative compartment of intestinal crypts is maintained by the target
gene programme directed by beta-catenin/Tcf in response to wnt signals. When
these cells physiologically down-modulate beta-catenin/Tcf activity, they cease
proliferation and differentiate. Cells mutant in components of wnt signalling
become independent of these signals, exhibit constitutive activation by betacatenin/Tcf, and are blocked in a progenitor proliferative phenotype.
2007 S cie ntif ic Re po r t O nco lo gy Pro gramme
Our lab currently focuses on the role of TGF-beta
signalling in CRC progression. We are studying the
transcriptional events controlled by TGF-beta in CRC
cells. We have already identified changes in approximately 500 genes in response to TGF-beta in these
cells. Unsupervised analysis of a collection of tumours
of known transcriptomes on the basis of the TGF-beta
signature obtained in our laboratory perfectly discriminates adenomas from carcinomas, thereby implying that these genes contain the information that
drives the adenoma/carcinoma transition.
We are now dissecting this information in order to
identify TGF-beta genes that play an executive role
in the adenoma/carcinoma transition. Our studies
in 2007 pinpoint a relevant role for TGF-beta signalling in the modification of several cellular responses
required for tumour progression. Our results reveal
a gain-of-function in TGF-beta signalling during CRC
progression. This increase appears to translate into
the expression of a series of TGF-beta target genes in
several cell types within the tumour, including mesenchymal cells (see Figure 5). We have developed
orthotropic models of colorectal tumours in nude
mice to test the role of the TGF-beta-controlled gene
signature. We are currently performing systematic
shRNA-mediated down-regulation of genes contained
in this signature in order to screen for TGF-beta-regulated genes that are crucial for CRC. In addition, we
are studying whether the TGF-beta signature in CRC
has a predictive value for clinical outcome.
Cortina C, Palomo S, Iglesias M, Fernandez-Masip JL,
Vivancos A, Whissell G, Huma M, Peiro N, Gallego L,
Jonkheer S, Davy A, Lloreta J, Sancho E and Batlle E. EphB
ephrin-B interactions suppress colorectal cancer progression
by compartmentalising tumour cells. Nat Genet, 39, 1376-83
Other References
Batlle E, Henderson JT, Beghtel H, van den Born MM, Sancho
E, Huls G, Meeldijk J, Robertson J, van de MW, Pawson T and
Clevers H. Beta-catenin and TCF mediate cell positioning
in the intestinal epithelium by controlling the expression of
EphB/ephrinB. Cell, 111, 251-63 (2002)
Batlle E, Bacani J, Begthel H, Jonkeer S, Gregorieff A, van
de Born M, Malats N, Sancho E, Boon E, Pawson T, Gallinger
S, Pals S and Clevers H. EphB receptor activity suppresses
colorectal cancer progression. Nature, 435, 1126-30 (2005)
Grady WM and Markowitz SD. Genetic and epigenetic
alterations in colon cancer. Annu Rev Genomics Hum Genet,
3, 101-28 (2002)
Korinek V, Barker N, Moerer P, van Donselaar E, Huls G,
Peters PJ and Clevers H. Depletion of epithelial stem-cell
compartments in the small intestine of mice lacking Tcf-4.
Nature Genet, 19, 379-83 (1998)
Pinto D, Gregorieff A, Begthel H and Clevers H. Canonical
Wnt signals are essential for homeostasis of the intestinal
epithelium. Genes Dev, 17, 1709-13 (2003)
Sancho E, Batlle E and Clevers H. Signalling pathways in
intestinal development and cancer. Annual Review of Cell
and Dev Biol, 20, 695-723 (2004)
Sancho E, Batlle E and Clevers H. Live and Let die in the
intestinal epithelium. Curr Opin Cell Biol, 15, 763-70 (2003)
Shi Y and Massagué J. Mechanisms of TGF-beta signalling from
cell membrane to the nucleus. Cell, 113, 685-700 (2003)
Figure 4. The TGF-beta signature discriminates between adenomas and
carcinomas. Unsupervised clustering analysis of a collection of tumours of
known transcriptomes on the basis of target genes controlled by TGF-beta
signalling clearly classifies adenomas and carcinomas in two separate branches.
van de Wetering M, Sancho E, Verweij C, de Lau W, Oving
I, Hurlstone A, van der HK, Batlle E, Coudreuse D, Haramis
AP, Tjon-Pon-Fong M, Moerer P, van den BM, Soete G, Pals S,
Eilers M, Medema R and Clevers H. The beta-catenin/TCF-4
complex imposes a crypt progenitor phenotype on colorectal
cancer cells. Cell, 111, 241-50 (2002)
Research Networks and Grants
Molecular mechanisms involved in colorectal cancer initiation
Spanish Ministry for Education and Science, SAF2005-002170:
Research Director: Elena Sancho
Start-up grant for emergent research groups
Generalitat de Catalunya, Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts
Universitaris i de Recerca, 2005SGR 00775: 2006-2009
Research Directors: Eduard Batlle and Elena Sancho
Variations in the genetic program under the control of betacatenin/Tcf during colorectal cancer progression
Fundació La Caixa, BM06-241-0: 2007-2009
Research Directors: Eduard Batlle and Elena Sancho
TGF-beta target genes in CRC
Giancarlo Marra, Institute of Molecular Cancer Research
(Zurich, Switzerland)
Wnt signalling in CRC
Hans Clevers, Hubrecht Laboratory (Utrecht, The
Figure 5. Representative example of the expression pattern of TGF-beta
target genes in colorectal adenomas (a) and carcinomas (b).
Onc ology Programme 2 0 0 7 S c i e n t i f i c Report 12 1