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Kingdoms and Domains
In the 18th century, all living things were sorted into 2 kingdoms:
Plant and Animal
Further study revealed that 2 kingdoms just wasn't enough!
There are now 6 kingdoms that are widely accepted.
Kingdoms and Domains
Kingdoms and Domains
Approaches to Classification:
Kingdoms and Domains
What once was, is no MONERA......
All bacteria once belonged to the kingdom Monera, but now we have two kingdoms of bacteria:
Kingdom Archaebacteria
Ancient bacteria that thrive in harsh conditions such as high salinity, high temperature, low pH or low O
Thought to be one of the first life forms on Earth (Archae=Archaic)
Are all prokaryotes
Prokaryotes: unicellular organisms with no nuclear membrane or membrane­bound organelles
Kingdoms and Domains
Kingdom Eubacteria
Species of these bacteria have been found everywhere in the world
Only about 0.1% of the species in this kingdom have been discovered
All are prokaryotes
Kingdoms and Domains
Kingdom Protista
Most are unicellular, all eukaryotes
Eukaryotes: organisms with nuclear membranes (a "true" nucleus) and membrane­bound organelles
May be plant­like (have chloroplasts) or animal­like (heterotrophs)
Kingdoms and Domains
Kingdom Fungi
I'm a "FUN GUY"!
All are eukaryotes
Similar to plants, but have a material called chitin in their cell walls instead of cellulose, and cannot carry out photosynthesis
Kingdoms and Domains
Kingdom Plantae
Multicellular organisms
Cell walls contain cellulose
Are autotrophic (carry out photosynthesis)
Kingdom Animalia
All multicellular and heterotrophic
Cells do not have walls
Often organized into tissues, organs, and organ systems
Kingdoms and Domains
The 3 Domains
• The broadest taxon of classification that is widely accepted is called a domain.
• The three domains are Bacteria, Archaea and Eukarya.
Kingdoms and Domains
Bacteria and Archaea
• Are all microscopic, unicellular organisms.
• Cells are simple with no nucleus or membrane bound organelles.
• Both domains contain the prokaryotes.
Kingdoms and Domains
Eukarya • The organisms in this group may be unicellular or multicellular.
• The cells all have a true nucleus and membrane bound organelles such as mitochondria.
• This group contains the eukaryotes.