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Cells are the basic building
blocks for all living organisms
Two types of cells
*Prokaryotic Cells
*Eukaryotic Cells
Prokaryotic Cells
Have no true nucleus
E. coli Bacteria
Eukaryotic Cells
Have a true nucleus enclosed by
a membrane
Eukaryotic Cell
Prokaryotic Cell
Types of Eukaryotic Cells
Plant Cell
Animal Cell
Breast Cancer Cell
Diatom Cell
Golden Algae
Liver Cell
Sunflower Petal
Differences Between Plant & Animals Cells
* Plants = cell walls
*Plants = plastids
*Plants = chloroplast
Cell Wall
Outer barrier of the cell
Gives plant cell its shape
Provides protection
Composed of cellulose
Contains chlorophyll
Belongs to a group called plastids (storage)
Use the energy of the sun to make carbohydrates
*Plastid that provide storage for the cell
*Starches, proteins and lipids
#Plastids that manufacture pigments that
give fruits their color