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Write the whole question and just your
1. One of the ways that scientists can trace the ancestry of
animals is through the fossil record. What can scientists NOT
tell from their studies of the fossil record?
A. The sequence of the appearance of different groups
B. The common ancestry of various groups
C. The geographical regions where groups lived
D. The future appearance of the groups
Today’s WHAT:
I will categorize organisms into
kingdoms based on similarities.
Today’s HOW:
I will read about the kingdoms. I will
fill in a chart. I will complete a lab with
my lab group.
Let’s look at our bacterial
What DOMAIN are these bacteria from?
How do you know?
What could we do to get rid of some of the
bacteria around our room?
Is bacteria good for us?
3 Domains
6 Kingdoms
Biological Kingdoms
An introduction to the six
kingdoms of living things
Some words to know…
• Unicellular: made of one cell
• Multicellular: made of two or more cells
• Autotroph: able to produce its own food
• Heterotroph: obtains nutrients from its
environment or other organisms
What do you think this is?
Domain Bacteria
Organisms in the Eubacteria kingdom are unicellular
prokaryotes. Prokaryotes do not have a membrane bound nucleus or
membrane bound organelles. Eubacteria are found in all habitats. The
cell walls of Eubacteria contain the chemical peptidoglycan. Some
eubacteria remain independent as single cells and other group into
colonies. Eubacteria reproduce asexually through cell division.
Some eubacteria are autotrophic, making their own food, and
others are heterotrophic, taking in nutrients from their environment.
Eubacteria can cause various diseases, from strep throat to
Rocky Mountain spotted fever, but they can also be very helpful.
Lactobacillus is used to help make foods like cheese and yogurt, and is
also present in the human digestive system. Decomposing organic
matter and cycling nitrogen are also important functions of eubacteria.
Happy Hump Day!
Collect the Kingdom notes and get ready to fill in
the next paragraph.
Tonight’s Homework:
“Protists” by Bozeman Science
Complete the worksheet you picked up on the way
in. You WILL have another homework quiz
tomorrow in class.
Bacterial Conjugation
Domain Archaea
Organisms in the Archaebacteria kingdom are unicellular
prokaryotes. They have no membrane bound nucleus or organelles
in their single celled bodies. Archaebacteria are similar in size and
shape to eubacteria.
The cell walls of archaebacteria are different from both
eubacteria and eukaryotes because they do not contain the chemical
Like eubacteria, archaebacteria reproduce asexually through
cell division. They can also be autotrophic, making their own food, or
heterotrophic, obtaining food from their environment, just like
Some archaebacteria are extremeophiles, living in extreme
environments such as in hot springs, extremely acidic environments,
polar seas, and even in extremely salty water.
Fill in the chart using the information from your notes.
After that, “enhance” your chart using the following
Prokaryote vs Eukaryote:
Color eukaryotic boxes
Color prokaryotic boxes
Unicellular vs Multicellular:
Color unicellular boxes
Color multicellular boxes
Color the both boxes half
purple and half orange.
Autotroph or Heterotroph:
Color heterotrophic boxes
Color autotrophic boxes
Color the both boxes half
red and half green.
Cell Wall:
Color the yes boxes grey
Color the no boxes light
Color the both boxes half
grey and half light blue.
Bacterial Examples
• I am an organism that depends on other organisms or my
environment for nutrients.
• I live in thermal vents at the bottom of the ocean.
• I am an organism that is able to produce its own food.
• I cause common diseases, like strep throat.
Happy Hump Day!
Collect the Kingdom notes and get ready to fill in
the next paragraph.
Tonight’s Homework:
“Protists” by Bozeman Science
Complete the worksheet you picked up on the way
in. You WILL have another homework quiz
tomorrow in class.
Today’s WHAT: I will analyze the
characteristics of fungi. I will
categorize organisms.
Today’s HOW: I will read a
paragraph and fill in my Kingdom
chart. I will dissect a mushroom
and answer lab questions.
Domain Eukaryota
Fungi are a large group of eukaryotic organisms that includes
such organisms as yeasts, molds, and mushrooms. Many fungi are
multicellular, but some are unicellular, such as yeast.
Some differences between fungi and other eukaryotes are at
the cellular level. Fungal cells have cell walls that contain chitin,
unlike plant cell walls which contain cellulose. Another difference
between plant cells and fungal cells is that fungal cells lack
chloroplasts, so most fungi are heterotrophs. They take in nutrients
by absorbing them from their environment.
Fungi reproduction is complex. Many fungi reproduce both
asexually and sexually at different stages in their life cycles. Fungal
reproduction often involves the production and dispersal of spores.
Fungi can be both harmful and helpful. Some fungi grow in
or on plants or animals causing disease, such as Dutch Elm Disease
or Ringworm. Other fungi, such as the mold that the antibiotic
penicillin is made from, can help organisms by killing bacteria.
The Faces of Fungi…
Domain Eukaryota
Protists are a diverse group of eukaryotic microorganisms. They
do not have much in common except that they are relatively simple
eukaryotes. They are either unicellular or multicellular without reaching
the specialized tissue level of organization.
Protists include organisms such as algae, amoebae,
protozoans, euglena, and slime molds. Protists live in almost any
environment that contains liquid water. Some protists, such as algae,
are photosynthetic, so they are autotrophs. Other protists are
heterotrophs, obtaining nutrients from their environment. Amoebae
engulf, or take into their membrane, other cells. This process is called
Most protists reproduce asexually, through a form of cell
division. Other protists engage in a form of sexual reproduction.
Some protists are responsible for diseases such as malaria in
humans and potato blight in potato plants. Research scientists are
experimenting with ways to use protists to wipe out fire ants and other
Mushroom Dissection
Your Task:
To dissect your mushroom and examine the parts
of this type of fungus
You will need to complete the lab report. You are
turning it in!
Remember our Lab CHAMPs.
Be safe, respectful, and work hard!
HAPPY MONDAY!!! Bellwork: match
the following to its correct Kingdom.
(They are on the board and only write the answer.)
1. I’m a unicellular organism that does not contain a
nucleus. I also love living in extreme environments.
2. I can be both heterotrophic and autotrophic AND I do
contain a nucleus.
3. Examples of organisms in my kingdom are flowers,
cactus, trees, and grass. NOT MUSHROOMS!
4. I’m a very small organism that has a cell wall made up
of peptigoglycan.
5. I lack cholorplast, so I don’t have green leaves. But my
cell wall is made up of chitin.
6. In my kingdom, there are many different types of fish.
CO: I will categorize organism
into kingdoms based on
LO: I will read about organisms
and look at pictures. I will sort
them into kingdoms and write
why I did.
Happy Tuesday!
Tonight’s Homework:
Kingdoms of Classification”
by Mark Drollinger
You have 5 minutes to complete the “Kingdom
Cut and Paste” from Yesterday. You WILL have
another homework quiz tomorrow in class.
Domain Eukaryota
Animals are a group of multicellular eukaryotic
organisms. The word animal comes from the Latin word
animalis meaning “having breath.”
Animals are different from other eukaryotes in a
number of ways. First, animal cells lack the rigid cell wall
that plants, fungi, and algae have. Second, animals are
heterotrophic, meaning that they must ingest other
organisms in order to survive. Heterotrophs are the
consumers in the food chain. Third, all animals are
motile, or able to move, at least during one stage of their
life cycle.
Nearly all animals undergo some form of sexual
reproduction, where specialized sex cells form and fuse
together to form zygotes, which develop into individuals.
Some animals are also capable of asexual reproduction,
through budding or forms of cloning.
The Kingdom Animalia is divided into approximately
40 Phyla including Phylum Chordata, which includes
all the vertebrate animals, or animals with a backbone
and spinal column. Humans, as well as fish, birds,
reptiles, amphibians, and other mammals, belong to
the Phylum Chordata. Other phyla include Phylum
Arthropoda, to which crabs, spiders, and insects
belong; and Phylum Nematoda, which are the
Domain Eukaryota
Kingdom Plantae
Organisms from the Kingdom Plantae are multicellular
eukaryotic organisms. Plants have characteristics that make
them different from other eukaryotic organisms.
One of the main differences is that they are
autotrophic, meaning they are able to make their own food
using simple inorganic substances. They do this through a
process known as photosynthesis, in which plants convert
sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide into sugar and oxygen.
Photosynthesis occurs in the chloroplasts of a plant cell.
Plants are multicellular and, unlike animals, their cells
have rigid cell walls made from cellulose.
Some species of plants reproduce sexually and some
reproduce asexually. In asexual reproduction, such as
budding, an exact copy of the parent is produced. Plant
sexual reproduction can be assisted by animals, as is the
case with flowers and honeybees. As the bees go from
flower to flower collecting nectar, they carry pollen, plant sex
cells, with them and pollinate other plants. Pollination is the
The Kingdom Plantae is divided into 11 Phyla. Phylum
Coniferophyta are cone producing plants. Most of the Conifers
are evergreens like pines and firs. Phylum Anthophyta are
flowering, seed producing plants. They are a very diverse
group and include organisms such as strawberry plants, palm
trees, and water lilies. Phylum Bryophyta are mosses- small,
soft plants that don’t have flowers or seeds. They absorb
water and nutrients through their leaves. Plants are a very
diverse group!
Pre Lab Questions: Must answer and show me before
moving to next section.
Cells: MUST look at 2 slides! Look at four if time
Post Lab Questions: Questions are due by the end of
the class.
Kingdom Cut and Paste: Must be turned in before you
leave today. If finished with slides, then work on this.
Bellwork: “Enhance” your chart using the
following colors:
Prokaryote vs Eukaryote:
Color eukaryotic boxes
Color prokaryotic boxes
Unicellular vs Multicellular:
Color unicellular boxes
Color multicellular boxes
Color the both boxes half
purple and half orange.
Autotroph or Heterotroph:
Color heterotrophic boxes
Color autotrophic boxes
Color the both boxes half
red and half green.
Cell Wall:
Color the yes boxes grey
Color the no boxes light
Color the both boxes half
grey and half light blue.
Cell Type?
or Eukaryote)
Unicellular or
Autotroph or
Cell Wall?
The End