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Name ________________________ Period ____
Date ______________
Be able to describe the daily life of the Patricians and Plebeians
wealthy landowners
boys educated by private tutors
Privileges: reserved seating at events
* working class
* powerful in a mob
* most couldn’t write
Identify Social Groups of Rome:
had to serve at least 20 years
could eventually buy freedom
purple striped toga
subject to authority of father/husband
Throughout history, the government system of Rome changed often.
Sequence the following types of government to reflect the order in which
they existed in ancient Rome.
__2___ republic
__3___ dictatorship
__1__ monarchy
__4___ empire
Identify what type of ruler each man was, and describe what each is
remembered for.
Type of Ruler
Actions as Ruler
- killed stepfather to gain power
- ruled brutally
- split empire in two
- religious freedom
Compare & contrast Julius Caesar and Augustus Caesar (at least 2 each)
- dictator
- sole ruler
- relationship
With Cleopatra
- angered senate
- caused civil war
- enemy of
- helped the poor
- made reforms
- respected by
Senate (new name)
- assassinated
- stopped conquering
Understand the Roman Republic and how it compares to the United States today
Roman Republic
2 consuls
(served for 1 year)
President and
Vice President
Assembly of Centuries
Council of Plebs
(House of Reps
Supreme Court
Review the Events of Punic Wars:
Who fought and when? Rome vs. Carthage (264 BC – 146 BC)
Key Ideas:
First Punic War
- fought over Sicily
- Romans built navy by modeling ships after Carthaginian ships
- Rome wins Sicily, Sardinia, and Corsica
Second Punic War
- Hannibal comes over the Alps with elephants
- Hannibal is winning in Rome, so Scipio takes his troops to Carthage
- Rome wins, Hannibal commits suicide
Third Punic War
- Rome destroys and burns Carthage
- Rome attacks Greece and Asia
Religion: identify how each term played a role in Roman religion:
Numina – different spirits that are found everywhere in nature
Greek Gods – adopted by the Romans, and given Roman names
Lararium – a shrine in the home where people worship and pray, contains “lares”
(figures of ancestors)
Temples- dedicated to a Roman god, where offerings and animal sacrifices
Animals Sacrifices – done by a special priest called a haruspex
Vestal Virgins – female, religious workers who guard the holy flame of Vesta
Define Persecuted. Identify TWO reasons why the Christians were persecuted in
Ancient Rome.
- To purposely and brutally harass, harm, or even kill someone simply because
of their beliefs or a group to which they belong
- Christians were persecuted because they wouldn’t worship and make
sacrifices to the emperor as a god, or to the old gods
Be able to identify and describe the Roman Achievements:
Roads- 50,000 miles, built to drain water, Appian Way still used today
Army- well trained and disciplined, organized into legions
Time and Money- Julian calendar, sundial, coins with face on the front and
national symbol on back
Architecture- arches, domes, temples, bridges, concrete, columns
Plumbing- aqueducts brought water into the city, sewer system brought
water and waste out of the city
Legal Administration- lawyers, judges and courts helped keep order
Twelve Tables- first written code of law in Rome
Entertainment and the arts- gladiators, chariot races, art theatre, and
literature (kept Romans happy)
Define the following terms:
Triumverate- three rulers sharing equal power
Principate- Augustus’ government; plebs, slaves, and freemen paid as
government workers
Pax Romana- Peace of Rome; lasted from the time of Augustus to next 200