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Name: ________________________________________
Honors Biology Midterm Review Packet
Mrs. Sands
Chapter 1- Life
1. What is the total magnification of an organism viewed on high power?
a. 4X
c. 40X
b. 10X
d. 400X
What part of the microscope controls the amount of light that is shown onto the specimen?
a. Diaphragm
c. Fine Adjustment
b. Coarse Adjustment
d. Revolving Nose Piece
What part of the microscope moves the stage up and down?
a. Fine adjustment
c. High Power Objective
b. Revolving nose piece
d. Course Adjustment
A student in Mrs. Olmo’s biology class made the following observations during lab. Which observation is qualitative?
a. The bread had three mold colonies growing on it.
c. The bread was 7 inches wide.
b. The bread was soaked with water.
d. One piece of bread was put in a ziplock bag.
Which of the following is not a characteristic of all living things?
a. movement
c. reproduction
b. growth
d. homeostasis
Through the process of homeostasis, organisms are able to:
a. pass genetic information generation to generation.
b. develop sensitivity to environmental stimuli
c. keep internal conditions stable.
d. take in nutrients into their cells.
The theory of extraterrestrial origin states that asteroids carried which molecules?
a. Bacteria
c. Lipids
b. Nucleic acids
d. Amino acids
Scientists hypothesize that carbon, hydrogen, phosphorous, oxygen, sulfur and which element were present in the Earth’s early
a. nitrogen
c. magnesium
b. calcium
d. iron
Approximately how many years ago do scientists hypothesize life originated?
a. 2 million
c. 3.5 billion
b. 75 million
d. 18 billion
10. The picture to the right represents an organic molecule. In this organic molecule, which element is identified by each X?
a. carbon
c. sodium
b. iron
d. phosphorous
11. All of the following are examples of stimuli except:
a. air movement
c. growth
b. temperature
d. light
12. Approximately how long ago was the Earth formed?
a. 10 million years ago
c. 75 million years ago
b. 4.5 billion years ago
d. 100 billion years ago
13. A scientist is analyzing a sample of tissue from a living plant. Which of the following elements will be most abundant in the
a. zinc and copper
c. sodium and chlorine
b. carbon and hydrogen
d. magnesium and calcium
14. If scientists search other planets for possible life, they are likely to focus on the presence of molecules containing which of the
following elements?
a. Carbon
c. Potassium
b. Iron
d. Sodium
Chapter 2 – Macromolecules / Biochemistry
1. What is the main role of carbohydrates in the body?
a. Give structure to cells
c. Provide energy to cells
b. Store energy
d. Breakdown fats
Which category of macromolecule is very important for energy storage?
a. Lipids
c. Carbohydrates
b. Proteins
d. Nucleic Acids
What is the basic subunit of carbohydrates?
a. Proteins
c. Fatty Acids
b. Amino Acids
d. Glucose
All of the following are examples of lipids except:
a. cholesterol
c. insulin
b. estrogen
d. wax
What is the main function of enzymes in chemical reactions?
a. lower activation energy
c. slow the speed of the chemical reaction
b. raise activation energy
d. breakdown reactants
Polymers are held together by which type of bond?
a. Ionic bond
c. Hydrogen bond
b. Salt bond
d. Covalent bond
Hemoglobin is a red blood cell protein. It is important as it carries which element through the blood stream?
a. carbon
c. nitrogen
b. oxygen
d. hydrogen
What is the subunit of (part that makes up) lipids?
a. Glucose
c. Fatty Acids
b. Nucleic Acids
d. Amino Acids
Long chains of amino acids bond together to form which macromolecule?
a. nucleic acids
c. carbohydrates
b. lipids
d. proteins
10. Which type of macromolecule is needed to produce enzymes?
a. Lipids
c. Proteins
b. Nucleic Acids
d. Carbohydrates
11. Lipids are soluble in:
a. water
b. oil
c. salt water
d. all of the above
12. What is the subunit of (part that makes up) carbohydrates?
a. Glucose / Sugars
c. Fatty Acids
b. Amino Acids
d. Proteins
13. All of the following are examples of lipids except:
c. cholesterol
c. hemoglobin
d. estrogen
d. wax
14. Which of the following is an example of an enzyme?
a. estrogen
c. glucose
b. cholesterol
d. amalyase
15. Which substance below are humans unable to digest?
a. Trans Fats
c Glycogen
b. Fiber
d. Glucose
16. How many calories does it take to burn off / lose one pound fat?
a. 1000
c. 3500
b. 2500
d. 4000
17. Many plants have waxy coatings on some surfaces. This coating reduces water loss because it is not water-permeable. This waxy
coating is which of the following types of organic molecule?
a. Lipids
c. Nucleic Acids
b. Proteins
d. Carbohydrates
18. Many land plants store energy in starch. When energy is needed, the starch molecules can be broken down quickly. This chemical
reaction produces which of the following?
a. Lipids
c. Amino acids
b. Monosaccharides
d. RNA
19. The picture to the right represents an organic molecule. In this organic molecule, which
element is identified by each X?
c. sodium
c. carbon
d. iron
d. phosphorous
20. In red blood cells, the compound carbonic anhydrase increases the rate at which carbon dioxide is converted to bicarbonate ions
for transport in the blood. In red blood cells, carbonic anhydrase acts as which of the following?
a. a lipid
c. a sugar
b. a hormone
d. an enzyme
21. The diagram to the right represents a fat molecule. A fat molecule belongs to which
category of organic molecules?
a. Lipids
c. Proteins
b. Carbohydrates
d. Nucleic Acids
B. Completion: Write the word that correctly completes the sentence from the word bank on your answer sheet.
Elements are made up of ______________. When two or more elements combine, a ______________ is formed. The force
that holds these elements together is called a chemical ______________. When these are broken, energy is ______________. The
amount of energy in food is listed on the nutrition label as ______________ which provide us with the ability to perform all our bodily
There are four types of macromolecules in our body. Proteins have many functions including the production of
______________that help to speed up chemical reactions in the body. ______________ are the easiest macromolecule to breakdown
and get energy out of. Athletes eat ______________carbohydrates before a long run or game as they provide longer amounts of
energy since they are harder to digest. Another type of macromolecule, called ______________store energy in their bonds and are the
most difficult to break down. The last category of macromolecule are ______________acids. This group is essential because they
store ______________information in all our cells.
C. Matching – Write the letter of the vocabulary term with the correct definition on your answer sheet.
32. Insulin
A. Contains carbon.
33. Soluble
B. Worst type of fat, found in fried foods, linked to heart disease
34. Enzyme
C. Able to dissolve
35. Unsaturated Fat
D. Suffix indicating substance is a sugar (carbohydrate)
36. Activation Energy
E. Hormone that breaks down glucose
37. “-ose”
F. Amount of energy needed to start a chemical reaction
38. “-ase”
G. Type of lipid; Liquid at room temperature
39. Trans Fat
H. Suffix indicating substance is an enzyme
40. Organic
I. Speeds up the rates of chemical reactions
Chapter 7- Cell Structure and Function
1. The structure that controls what enters and leaves the cell is called the:
a. nucleus
c. cytoplasm
b. nuclear membrane
d. Plasma (cell) membrane
All living things are made up of small units called:
a. cells
c. vacuoles
b. oxygen
d. mitochondria
A cell has a defect that results in the loss of its ability to regulate the passage of food, water and waste into and out of the cell. In
which of the following cell structures is this defect most likely to be located?
a. Ribosomes
c. Plasma (Cell) Membrane
b. Chloroplasts
d. Endoplasmic Reticulum
Which of the following statements correctly matches a cell part with its function?
a. The nucleus produces energy.
c. The cell membrane packages lipids for export.
b. The mitochondria perform photosynthesis.
d. The lysosome digests molecules.
Some cells, such as human nerve and muscle cells, contain many more mitochondria than do other cells, such as skin cells. Why
do some cells have more mitochondria than others?
a. The cells use more energy.
c. The cells store more nutrients.
b. The cells breakdown more proteins.
d. The cells divide more frequently.
Proteins are modified and packaged in which cell part?
a. nucleus
c. golgi apparatus
b. mitochondria
d. vacuole
The organelle in plant cells that enables (allows) them to photosynthesize are:
a. Vacuole
c. Centriole.
b. Mitochondria.
d. Chloroplast.
In which of the choices below would you expect to find a cell wall?
a. cell from a carrot
c. liver cell from a mouse
b. blood cell
d. human skin cell
Which organelle is found ONLY in animal cells?
a. golgi apparatus
b. lysosome
c. mitochondria
d. ribosome
10. How are chloroplasts like mitochondria?
a. They are both essential in the production of energy.
b. They both package proteins.
c. Each organelle uses energy from the sun to make glucose.
d. Both mitochondria & chloroplasts are found in animal cells.
11. _____ Cilia / Flagella
A. Assist in cell division
12. _____ Nucleolus
B. Packages proteins
13. _____ Cell Wall
C. Stores food and water
14. _____ Lysosome
D. Produce ribosomes
15. _____ Vacuole
E. Stiff and rigid outer layer of plant cells
16. _____ Ribosome
F. Contains enzymes that destroy old cell parts
17. _____ Centrioles
G. Site of protein synthesis, most numerous organelle
18. _____ Golgi Apparatus
H. Hair-like structures that help cells move
Chapter 7 (cont’d) – Types of Transport
1. The process that allows water to pass into or out of a cell is called:
a. solubility
c. osmosis
b. active transport
d. endocytosis
Molecules that are too large to be moved across a cell membrane can enter the cell by which process:
a. diffusion
c. osmosis
b. endocytosis
d. exocytosis
The picture to the right is showing which process?
a. Osmosis
c. Endocytosis
b. Diffusion
d. Exocytosis
The substance that dissolves other substances in a solution is called
a. Solvent
c. Solution
b. Solute
d. Cholesterol
Which type of transport requires energy input from the cell?
a. Osmosis
c. Active Transport
b. Facilitated Diffusion
d. Passive Transport
What elements are pumped in and out of cells to ensure that nerves and muscles function properly?
a. carbon and water
c. calcium and magnesium
b. helium, potassium and nitrogen
d. sodium and potassium
What is part A in the picture to the right?
a. Phospholipid
b. Transport Protein
c. Cholesterol
d. Carbohydrate Chain
What would happen to the structure above if part D (cholesterol) is completely
a. It would become more rigid.
c. It would have holes in it.
b. It would disintegrate.
d. It would collapse in on itself.
What is part C in the picture above?
a. Phospholipid
b. Transport Protein
c. Cholesterol
d. Carbohydrate Chain
10. What would happen to a cell with a 90% water concentration is placed in a solution with an 80% water concentration?
a. The cell would shrink
c. The cell would swell
b. The cell would not change in size
d. The cell would explode
11. What is a major difference between facilitated diffusion and active transport?
a. Active transport moves substances from lower to higher concentration.
b. Active transport uses proteins in the process.
c. Facilitated diffusion moves molecules through the plasma membrane.
d. Facilitated diffusion requires large amounts of energy.
12. Which of the following would increase the fluidity (flexibility of the cell’s plasma membrane?
a. Decreasing the temperature.
c. Increasing the number of cholesterol molecules
b. Increasing the concentration of transport proteins
d. Decreasing the number of phospolipids.
Chapter 8 and 9 – Photosynthesis & Cellular Respiration
1. What does the chemical formula C6H12O6 represent?
a. salt
c. carbon dioxide
b. water
d. glucose
The sum of all the chemical reactions that take place in a human body are called:
a. homeostasis.
c. metabolism.
b. photosynthesis.
d. cellular respiration.
The starting substances in a chemical reaction are called:
a. reactants
c. subscripts
b. products
d. coefficients
The products of photosynthesis are:
a. water and carbon dioxide.
b. water and oxygen.
c. carbon dioxide and glucose.
d. glucose and oxygen.
Photosynthesis takes place in which cell organelle:
a. Cell membrane
c. Mitochondria
b. Chloroplast
d. Cytoplasm
The main photosynthetic pigment in plants is:
a. carotene.
c. chlorophyll.
b. xanthophyll.
d. anthocyanin.
The process of releasing energy stored in the bonds of glucose is called:
a. photosynthesis.
c. homeostasis.
b. cellular respiration.
d. metabolism.
When glucose molecules are broken down, energy is converted into which molecule:
a. ATP
c. proteins
b. enzymes
d. lipids
The products of cellular respiration are:
a. glucose and oxygen.
c. carbon dioxide and glucose.
b. water and oxygen.
d. water and carbon dioxide.
10. A substance produced during cellular respiration, that is needed for is photosynthesis:
a. oxygen.
c. carbon dioxide.
b. hydrogen.
d. glucose.
11. What is the name of the process that takes place when glucose is broken down in the absence of oxygen?
a. photosynthesis.
c. fermentation.
b. oxidation.
d. respiration.
12. What waste product of photosynthesis is released to the environment?
a. Oxygen (O2)
c. Salt (NaCl)
b. Water (H2O)
d. Carbon Dioxide (CO2)
13. ATP is called a cell’s “energy currency” because it:
a. delivers energy where the cell needs it. c. allows organelles to travel to another cell.
b. changes into money in our cell.
d. can buy energy when it is needed.
14. Glucose molecules are broken down into what molecule:
a. enzymes
c. proteins
b. ATP
d. complex carbohydrates
15. Which of the reactions below is the correct reaction for photosynthesis?
a. 6 O2 + 6 H2O + Light  C6H12O6
b. 6 CO2 + 6 H2O + Light  C6H12O6 + 6 O2
c. C6H12O6 + 6 O2  6 CO2 + 6 H2O
d. C6H12O6 + 6 O2  6 CO2 + 6 H2O + ATP
16. Which of the reactions below is the correct reaction for cellular respiration?
a. C6H12O6 + 6 O2  6 CO2 + Light
b. 6 O2 + 6 H2O  C6H12O6 + ATP
c. 6 CO2 + 6 H2O  C6H12O6 + 6 O2
d. C6H12O6 + 6 O2  6 CO2 + 6 H2O + ATP
17. Which of the following occurs during photosynthesis?
CO2 is used to produce water.
CO2 is absorbed by mitochondria.
CO2 and H2O are converted to carbohydrates / glucose.
CO2 and H2O are combined into carbonic acid.
18. In which of the following ways are photosynthesis and cellular respiration alike?
Both processes produce glucose.
Both processes consume carbon dioxide.
Both processes take place in chloroplasts.
Both processes involve energy transformations.
19. All organisms have ways to produce ATP. Which of the following statements describes why ATP is a critical compound for all cells?
It causes mitosis to begin.
It is an energy-transfer molecule.
It is a major component of cell membranes.
It carries information from DNA to the ribosomes.
20. Which of the following most likely happens in the cells of a person running in the Boston Marathon?
The respiration rate increases to produce more ATP.
The replication rate increases to produce more DNA.
The photosynthesis rate increases to produce more sugars.
The cell division rate increases to produce more muscle fibers.
Lactic Acid
B. Completion: Complete the paragraph below by filling in the missing blanks from the word bank below.
Chemical reactions are essential in the conversion of energy from one form to another. Plants convert energy from light during
the process of ________________ to make glucose. This demonstrates the first law of thermodynamics as it shows energy cannot be
________________ or destroyed. The sum of all the chemical reactions that occur in an organism is called ________________ .
Many chemical reactions occur in the human body such as digestion and cellular respiration. During cellular respiration ____________
is broken down into ATP. This is possible because chemical bonds ______________ energy. The first step of cellular respiration is
called ______________ . During this process a total of ______________ ATP are produced. If oxygen is present, the second step of
cellular respiration is ______________ . During this process ____________ ATP are produced. If oxygen is NOT present anaerobic
respiration takes place called ______________ . This process is seen during heavy and rapid exercise and a substance called
______________ is released which makes a burning sensation in the muscles. This is where the phrase “Feel the burn” comes from.
Chapter 10 and 11-4 Cell Division: The Cell Cycle, Mitosis and Meiosis
1. Which of the following shows the correct sequence of the cell cycle?
a. Mitosis G1 S Cytokinesis  G2
c. Cytokinesis  G1  S  Mitosis
b. G1 S G2 Mitosis  Cytokinesis
d. S G1 G2 Mitosis
Cancer is caused by a malfunction in what?
a. Cell Cycle
b. Cytokinesis
c. Transcription
d. DNA Replication
During the cell cycle approximately what percent of time does a normal cell spend in interphase?
a. 100%
c. 50%
b. 75%
d. 0%
What is the first stage of mitosis?
a. Prophase
b. Telophase
c. Interphase
d. Metaphase
During which stage of the cell cycle are chromosomes replicated and doubled?
a. Anaphase
c. Interphase
b. Cytokinesis
d. Metaphase
The picture to the right shows which stage of mitosis?
a. Prophase
b. Metaphase
c. Anaphase
d. Telophase
What is the name of the structure that holds chromosomes together?
a. centromere
c. chromatid
b. nucleus
d. centriole
During which stage of the cell cycle do chromosomes line up at the middle of the cell on the
spindle fibers?
a. Prophase
c. Anaphase
b. Metaphase
d. Telophase
A partial diagram of a reproductive process is shown to the right. Which of the
following labels belongs in the oval marked X?
a. Egg
c. Gamete
b. Baby
d. Zygote
10. A dog has 78 chromosomes in its body cells. How many chromosomes would it have in its
a. 23
c. 78
b. 39
d. 156
11. Which of the following statements is true about meiosis?
a. Meiosis produces body cells
b. Meiosis increases the number of chromosomes in cells
c. Meiosis occurs throughout the body.
d. Meiosis is a two stage division
12. The picture to the right shows which stage of mitosis?
a. Prophase
b. Metaphase
c. Anaphase
d. Telophase
13. A cell has 12 chromosomes. After mitosis how many chromosomes will each daughter cell have?
a. 4
c. 12
b. 6
d. 24
14. Bacteria (prokaryotes) reproduce / divide asexually. Which statement best describes this process.
a. a cell divides into two cells with identical genetic information.
c. the nucleus divides into two nuclei.
b. the number of chromosomes in the cell is reduced.
d. spindle fibers attach to the poles of the
15. A typical human body cell contains how many chromosomes?
a. 23
c. 46
b. 46 pairs
d. 92
16. The period of time between cell divisions is called:
a. cell cycle.
b. metaphase.
17. Cancer is caused by a malfunction in what?
a. Cell Cycle
b. Cytokinesis
18. What is the longest stage of the cell cycle?
a. Prophase
b. Cytokinesis
c. interphase.
d. cytokinesis.
c. Transcription
d. DNA Replication
c. Metaphase
d. Interphase
19. A mass of tissue that results from excessive cell division is called a:
a. growth
c. freckle
b. cyst
d. tumor
Possible Short Answers on Honors Biology Midterm Exam Jan 2014
Contrast the three theories that describe how life might have begun.
Explain why the process of homeostasis is essential to all humans and provide one example of this process.
Explain why athletes eat complex carbohydrates like pasta before a long run or game and would not want to ingest simple
carbohydrates instead.
Describe, in detail, TWO forms of active transport and TWO forms of passive transport.
The diagram to the right shows a cross section of part of a cell membrane.
a. Describe the basic structure of the cell membrane.
b. Describe two primary functions of the cell membrane.
c. Explain how the structure of the cell membrane allows it to perform the
functions described in part (b).
Name five different cellular organelles or structures and describe each of their jobs in the cell.
The four classes of macromolecules are carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids. Macromolecules are large molecules
formed by linking together many smaller molecules. Describe TWO types of macromolecules (describe at least two functions, its
subunit and an example for each type of macromolecule)
DNA contains the genetic code, responsible for all of your traits. Explain how DNA’s message gets changed from series of coded
bases (A, T, C, G) into proteins that affect your traits. Be sure to describe the steps involved, including where they take place.