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Lab Test 1 Study Sheet (fall and spring term only; page down for summer term)
Topics Covered: scientific method, micro/cell structure, plant cell structure,
protists and enzymes/ DNA extraction.
Test Format: Multiple Choice w/ a few written questions.
Have an understanding of the following topics:
1. Be able to describe the surface area to volume ratio of cells.
2. Recognize a cheek cell, and know some of the typical cellular organelles.
3. Know the differences in light microscope and electron scope.
4. What are the steps of the scientific method?
5. Know steps to focus a microscope.
6. Know how temperature affects enzyme function.
7. Know how to calculate the diameter of the field of view on high power (you
may bring a calculator for this purpose).
8. Know when to use the fine focus and the coarse focus knobs.
9. Know when to utilize the scanning lens.
10. Know that enzymes are specific for their substrate and if they don’t fit
together the chemical reaction can’t occur.
11. Know how enzyme (or substrate) concentration affects the amount of
product produced over time.
12. Know relationship of active site shape to substrate shape (see #10).
13. Know the objective and ocular lens magnification values.
14. Know how pH affects an enzyme’s ability to function.
15. Orientation of letter e under the microscope – how is the letter e positioned
when viewing through microscope?
16. Be able to calculate total magnification.
17. Understand fact enzymes act a s biological catalysts and know what this
18. Explain the origin of the bubbles in the H2O2 and potato demonstration.
19. Know difference in synthetic and degraditive enzymatic reactions.
20. Where is starch found within cells we observed?
21. What substance is used to test for the presence of starch?
22. Recognize the following types of cells under the scope: potato, cheek,
23. Recognize some of the major structures observable in the cells, e.g.,
nucleus, cell wall, cell membrane, chloroplast.
24. Be able to recognize the protists observed.
25. Know how to use the t-distribution table to determine the t – critical value.
26. Be able to use the t-critical value and the t statistic to determine if the null
hypothesis should be accepted or rejected.
27. Know the sections of a lab report and what type information should be
placed in each section.
28. Know the major parts of the microscope and their function.
29. In the DNA extraction exercise, what was the reason for adding the
shampoo/water/salt solution to the bag before crushing the kiwi?
30. Know why the ice was used in the DNA extraction activity.
31. Recognize the following plant cell structures: cell wall, chloroplast,
leucoplast (starch granules), chromoplasts, xylem, parenchyma, epidermis.
32. Recognize the cells studied in the plant cell structure lab.
Lab Test 1 Study Sheet (summer term only)
Topics Covered: scientific method, micro/cell structure, protists and enzymes/
DNA extraction.
Test Format: Multiple Choice w/ a few written questions.
Have an understanding of the following topics:
24. Be able to describe the surface area to volume ratio of cells.
25. Recognize a cheek cell, and know some of the typical cellular organelles.
26. Know the differences in light microscope and electron scope.
27. What are the steps of the scientific method?
28. Know steps to focus a microscope.
29. Know how temperature affects enzyme function.
30. Know how to calculate the diameter of the field of view on high power (you
may bring a calculator for this purpose).
31. Know when to use the fine focus and the coarse focus knobs.
32. Know when to utilize the scanning lens.
33. Know that enzymes are specific for their substrate and if they don’t fit
together the chemical reaction can’t occur.
34. Know how enzyme (or substrate) concentration affects the amount of
product produced over time.
35. Know relationship of active site shape to substrate shape (see #10).
36. Know the objective and ocular lens magnification values.
37. Know how pH affects an enzyme’s ability to function.
38. Orientation of letter e under the microscope – how is the letter e positioned
when viewing through microscope?
39. Be able to calculate total magnification.
40. Understand fact enzymes act a s biological catalysts and know what this
41. Explain the origin of the bubbles in the H2O2 and potato demonstration.
42. Know difference in synthetic and degraditive enzymatic reactions.
43. Where is starch found within cells we observed?
44. What substance is used to test for the presence of starch?
45. Recognize the following types of cells under the scope: potato, cheek,
46. Recognize some of the major structures observable in the cells, e.g.,
nucleus, cell wall, cell membrane, chloroplast.
24. Be able to recognize the protists observed.
25. Know how to use the t-distribution table to determine the t – critical value.
26. Be able to use the t-critical value and the t statistic to determine if the null
hypothesis should be accepted or rejected.
27. Know the sections of a lab report and what type information should be
placed in each section.
28. Know the major parts of the microscope and their function.
29. In the DNA extraction exercise, what was the reason for adding the
shampoo/water/salt solution to the bag before crushing the kiwi?
30. Know why the ice was used in the DNA extraction activity.