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La Serna High School Biology
Final Exam Review Guide – Semester I 2012-2013
Investigation & Experimentation (I&E 1c,e,f)
Define Hypothesis: An educated guess before doing an experiment
Define Theory: A well tested explanation that unifies a broad range of observations
What is a controlled experiment? An experiment that only has ONE independent variable, all other variables are
Why is a control group important to have in an experiment? It is used a basis for comparison, you have reliable
Define Independent Variable: The variable in the experiment that is purposely changed by the experimenter
Define Dependent Variable: The variable that the experimenter is trying to measure or observe
Explain possible sources of errors in an experiment: There can be avoidable or unavoidable errors, but errors occur
when there is more than one independent variable.
Review and practice reading graphs and interpreting results.
Macromolecules (Cell Biology 1b,h)
Define monomer: a small single unit that forms polymers when combined
Define polymer: a large molecule made from many small individual subunits
10. Fill in the chart below.
Simple Sugars (nonsaccharides)
Amino Acids
Fatty acids
Carbohydrates (Polysaccharides)
Nucleic Acids
Common Example
Sugars, starches, glucose, cellulose
Hair, Skin, nails, enzymes
Waxes, oils, fats, steroids
11. What does Benedict’s solution test for? Explain a positive test.
Benedict’s solution tests for the presence of monosaccharides or simple sugars. In a positive test the liquid goes from
a blue color to an orange/red after it is heated.
12. Define denature: It means that the shape of a protein has been permanently changed
13. Define catalyst: It speeds up a reaction by lowering activation energy
14. What is an enzyme? An enzyme is a type of protein that works like a catalyst. It speeds up reaction by lowering
activation energy.
15. What factors can reduce the activity of an enzyme? Temperature, pH level, Ionic conditions or overuse. All of these
would make the enzyme not work as efficiently.
16. Describe the process in the figure below.
Enzyme attaches to specific substrate
Enzyme and substrate interact at Active Site, lowering activation energy of the reaction.
Reaction is complete when products are formed.
Enzyme is free to start the process again. (recycled in the body)
Your body can turn enzymes “on” and “off” at specific times. (when specific products are needed)
17. Does the enzyme change during this process? No, the enzyme may be recycled or used again.
18. What happens to the enzyme following this process? The enzyme is free to begin the next reaction
Cell Structure & Function (Cell Biology 1a-e)
19. List the three part of the Cell Theory.
20. What is the difference between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells? Eukaryotic Cells have a nucleus and many
organelles, prokaryotic cells do not.
21. Give an example of a prokaryotic cell: Bacteria
22. Give at least two examples of eukaryotic cells: Plant cells and animal cells
23. What is a virus? DNA and a protein coat (NOT a cell)
24. Why are viruses NOT considered living cells? They can not reproduce on their own
25. What is an organelle? A tiny structure within a eukaryotic cell that serves a specific function
26. Label the cell diagram to the right.
1) Endoplasmic reticulum (Smooth or Rough ER)
2) Nucleus
3) Mitochondria
4) Golgi apparatus
5) Cell membrane
27. What is the function of a ribosome? To assemble proteins
28. What is the function of the endoplasmic reticulum?
To modify (or reshape) the amino acid chain/protein and package the protein
29. What is the function of the Golgi apparatus? To send the protein to its destination either inside the cell or exported
outside the cell through exocytosis
30. What are the functions of the cell membrane? To control what enters and exits the cell, the cell membrane maintains
31. Define semi-permeable: It allows some molecules to pass in and out and keeps others out
32. Define Passive Transport: Molecules moving from an area of high concentration to low concentration, does not
require energy
33. What occurs during Osmosis: the diffusion of water molecules across a membrane
34. Define Active Transport: Molecules moving from an area of low concentration to high concentration, it DOES require
Cellular Energy (Cell Biology 1f,g)
35. What is the overall chemical reaction of photosynthesis?
CO2 + H2O + light energy
O2 + C6H12O6 (O2 is released as a waste product)
36. Rewrite the equation above using words (instead of chemical formulas). Draw a circle around the PRODUCTS!
Carbon Dioxide and water and energy from the sun will produce oxygen, and glucose (which the plant uses as food)
37. What role does chlorophyll have in photosynthesis? Chlorophyll is the green pigment in the chloroplast that absorbs
sunlight energy
38. In which macromolecule group does glucose belong? Glucose is a simple sugar in the carbohydrates group
39. What is the overall chemical reaction of cellular respiration?
O2 + C6H12O6
CO2 + H2O + Energy (ATP)
40. Rewrite the equation above using words (instead of chemical formulas). Draw a circle around the PRODUCTS!
Oxygen (from the atmosphere) and glucose (the breakdown of food) will produce carbon dioxide (given off as waste),
water and ATP energy
41. In which organelle does cellular respiration occur? In the mitochondria
42. Draw a simple diagram of ATP and explain how it releases energy.
ATP releases energy when one of the three
phosphate groups is removed.
43. What are the three main stages of cellular respiration (in order)?
1) Glycolysis- takes place in the cytoplasm and produces a total of 4 ATP molecules, but requires 2 ATP to work
2) Kreb’s cycle (AKA citric acid cycle)- takes place in the matrix of the mitochondria and produces 2 ATP molecules
3) Electron Transport Chain- takes place in the cristae (inner membrane) of the mitochondria and produces 32 ATP!
44. What is the main product of cellular respiration? ATP molecules
45. What was broken down during cellular respiration to produce the product above? Glucose,
in the presence of oxygen
DNA & Protein Synthesis (Cell Biology 1d, Genetics 4a-e & 5a-c)
46. Label the parts of the DNA molecule to the right.
A. guanine
B. cytosine
C. thymine
D. adenine
E. sugar-phosphate backbone
47. Do all cells in a single person contain the same DNA sequence? YES
48. If all cells of a multicellular organism contain the same genes, explain how they appear and function differently?
The cells use different portions of DNA, different introns and exons. Different genes are expressed in different cells.
49. Describe the nitrogen base-pairing rules for DNA. A pairs with T and G pairs with C
50. The process of information encoded in DNA being rewritten as mRNA is called transcription.
51. Determine the mRNA sequence that would be produced from this original template DNA strand.
DNA = 5` A T G G C T A
52. What are the 3 main differences between DNA and RNA?
RNA is:
Ribose sugar instead of Deoxyribose
Single stranded
Uracil instead of thymine
53. The process of cells using information from mRNA to produce proteins is called protein synthesis
54. Label each of the parts in the diagram to the right.
A. polypeptide chain or amino acid chain or protein
B. peptide bonds
C. tRNA molecule
D. amino acid
E. codon
F. mRNA strand
G. ribosome
55. What type of bonds connects amino acids to produce a protein?
Peptide bonds
56. Which amino acids would the mRNA sequence AUGACC produce?
Codons Found in Messenger RNA
57. List all mRNA codons that code for the amino acid alanine.
58. What is the reason for so many different proteins existing,
when there are only 20 amino acids?
A different number or a different sequence of amino acids
will produce a different protein.
59. Define mutation: Any change naturally occurring in a DNA sequence
60. What are 2 types of mutations?
Frameshift, translocation, substitution, deletion
61. What are some possible causes of mutations?
62. What could happen as a result of a mutation? Most mutations have no effect, some mutations are harmful, but can
also sometimes be beneficial.