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The Crusades, which lasted from 1095 until the late 1200’s, were military expeditions by
__________________ to recover the Holy Land (Jerusalem and Palestine) from the hands of the ___________.
Those who fought in the Crusades were called crusaders
They consisted of a series of 9 wars fought over a period of roughly 200 years.
The Crusades would have a major impact on Medieval Europe, namely in that they facilitated the
______________________________ and led to the start of the _____________.
Jerusalem itself was the holy city for three different faiths.
To the ________ it was Zion, the land promised to them by God, and the site of the ancient temple built by
To _____________, the city was holy because it was the place where Jesus was crucified and resurrected.
____________ regarded it as holy because Muhammad ascended to heaven from Jerusalem.
Jerusalem had been ruled by the Roman Empire, then the Byzantine Empire before falling to the
___________ in the 600’s.
In the late 1000's the ______________ took over and closed the city to Jewish and Christian pilgrims. The
Seljuk Turks also threatened ____________________________________.
Thus, the Byzantine Emperor Alexios I, asked the ________ for military assistance in bringing an end to the
threat against Constantinople and the persecutions against Christians in Palestine.
Receiving the message from the Byzantine Emperor, Pope Urban II issued a call for a volunteer army
march to the East and ________________________________________.
This would become the ___________________.
French nobles led 3 armies to fight against the Muslims in 1096.
Knights joined because it was a chance to use their _______________. Peasants joined because it meant
__________ from their feudal bonds. Others joined to gain possible _____________________.
All were promised immediate _____________ if they were killed.
The First Crusade was a _____________________, as they took back Jerusalem for Christians.
Most importantly, the victory reinforced the authority of the ____________ in Western Europe.
In 1187, the great Muslim leader __________ united the Muslim forces and recaptured the city of Jerusalem.
This led to the launch of a Third Crusade to retake Jerusalem (again) and place it under Christian control
again (again).
The Third Crusade is often called the ‘________________’ because it was led by the Holy Roman Emperor,
Frederick Barbarossa, King Philip Augustus of France, and King Richard I of England.
Unfortunately, Barbarossa _______ on the way and his army returned home. Philip Augustus and his
army also returned before they reached Jerusalem.
Thus, Richard continued the struggle alone.
For 3 years, Richard and Saladin fought each other in several great battles, yet
_________________________ ________________.
A truce was eventually signed in which the ___________ retained control of Jerusalem, but Saladin
would allow ____________________ access to Jerusalem.
All together, there were a total of nine Crusades that spanned the course of about 200 years.
Militarily, they were a __________ because they did not ______________________________________.
However, the Crusades would ultimately have a much larger and more important impact on the long-term
development of Western Europe.
The Crusades provided the catalyst for major social and political changes to Western Europe, paving the way
for the transition to the _________________ time period.
First, the Crusades helped to _________________ and aided monarchs in becoming _____________________
Many nobles gave up their lands to fund their journeys to the Holy Land, and many other died while
fighting in the Crusades. In these cases, their lands __________________________.
This broke down feudalism, weakened the nobility, and served to make kings stronger
Kings were further strengthened when they levied their own taxes and
__________________________________ to fight in the Crusades.
During the Crusades, Europeans came in contact with the more advanced __________and
________civilizations whose levels of intellectual, technological, and cultural development were far beyond
that of Western Europe.
Through cultural diffusion, Crusaders brought back to Europe new _______________________________.
They also brought classical ________________ texts.
This new knowledge would help fuel the _______________.
While in the East, the Europeans came into contact with items such as silk, spices, and other luxury goods.
This contact sparked a _______________ for these luxury goods in Europe. But the only way to get them
was through _______ .
As a result, Western Europeans began to engage in _____________ with the east.
Italian cities like _________________, which were hubs for Eastern trade, prospered immensely by
This revival of trade would spark ____________________, and further lead to Western Europe’s transition
out of the medieval period and into the Renaissance.
What were the Crusades?
Why was Jerusalem such an important place for people of 3 faiths?
Why did the First Crusade begin?
What happened during the First Crusade, and what was its ultimate outcome?
Why did the Third Crusade begin?
What happened during the Third Crusade, and what was its ultimate outcome?
How did the Crusades provide the catalyst for major changes to Medieval Europe?