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Cell Quiz 2
A. Matching (vocabulary): Write the correct word next to the definition. (use
each word only once)
Active Transport
Cellular Respiration
Nucleic Acid
Passive Transport
1. The process when cells don’t have to use energy to transport materials across the
2. Large organic molecule that includes all of the fats and oils in the body.
3. Chemical reaction in plant cells that creates glucose (sugar)
4. Diffusion of water through a membrane (ex. Egg lab)
5. This is the sugar that is made in the process of photosynthesis.
6. Chemical reaction that all living things do when using oxygen and sugar to make energy.
7. An organic molecule used for energy (includes sugars and starches)
8. When molecules spread out to reach a balance (equilibrium)
9. The pigment in plant cells (inside the choloroplast) that traps the energy in sunlight
10. In the ribosomes of a cell chemical reactions join amino acids to form this:
11. The large carbon based molecule that carries an organisms genetic code (Ex. DNA)
12. Chemical reaction that living things do to release energy without oxygen. (ex. Yeast
making bread rise)
13. Process cells use to move materials through a membrane using energy.
14. _____
The smallest unit that can perform the basic activities of life is:
a. an organism
c. an organ
b. a tissue
d. a cell
15. _____
According to the cell theory, which of the following statements is
a. Viruses are true cells.
b. Cells are basically unlike in structure
c. Mitochondria are found only in plant cells
d. Cells come from preexisting/living cells.
16. _____
How many chromosomes do the sex cells at the end of meiosis in
humans have?
a. 23
c. 48
b. 46
d. 92
17. _____
What is the name of the process that happens at the end of mitosis or
meiosis, where the actual cell splits (cell membrane and cytoplasm)?
a. Metaphase
c. Telophase
b. Anaphase
d. Cytokinesis
18. _____
__________ is the type of asexual reproduction that prokaryotes do (ex.
Bacteria), while ____________ is the type of asexual reproduction that
all living organisms do (ex. Humans making new cells or lizard’s
growing a new tail)
a. binary fission, regeneration
b. binary fission, budding
c. budding, regeneration
d. regeneration, binary fission
19. _____
What is the order that our cell energy goes through?
a. eating, cells, cellular respiration
b. photosynthesis, cell
c. sunlight, photosynthesis, eating, cells, cellular respiration
d. sunlight, cells, cellular respiration
20. _____
The following is the chemical equation for what process?
C6H12O6 + 6O2 → energy + 6CO2 + 6H2O
a. photosynthesis
b. cellular respiration
c. diffusion
d. osmosis
21. _____
The above picture represents which of the following:
a. endocytosis
c. osmosis
b. exocytosis
d. diffusion
22. _____
What is one characteristic of the process of fermentation?
a. fights infections
b. produces energy without sugar
c. produces energy without oxygen
d. captures energy from sunlight
Cell Quiz 2 (mod.)
A. Matching (vocabulary): Write the correct word next to the definition. (use
each word only once)
Active Transport
Cellular Respiration
Nucleic Acid
Passive Transport
1. The process when cells don’t have to use energy to transport materials across the
2. Large organic molecule that includes all of the fats and oils in the body.
3. Chemical reaction in plant cells that creates glucose (sugar)
4. Diffusion of water through a membrane (ex. Egg lab)
5. This is the sugar that is made in the process of photosynthesis.
6. Chemical reaction that all living things do when using oxygen and sugar to make energy.
7. An organic molecule used for energy (includes sugars and starches)
8. When molecules spread out to reach a balance (equilibrium)
9. The pigment in plant cells (inside the choloroplast) that traps the energy in sunlight
10. In the ribosomes of a cell chemical reactions join amino acids to form this:
11. The large carbon based molecule that carries an organisms genetic code (Ex. DNA)
12. Chemical reaction that living things do to release energy without oxygen. (ex. Yeast
making bread rise)
13. Process cells use to move materials through a membrane using energy.
B. Multiple Choice: Write the letter of the correct answer on the line:
14. _____
The smallest unit that can perform the basic activities of life is:
a. an organism
b. a cell
15. _____
According to the cell theory, which of the following statements is
a. Cells are basically unlike in structure
b. Cells come from preexisting/living cells.
16. _____
How many chromosomes do the sex cells at the end of meiosis in
humans have?
a. 23
b. 46
17. _____
What is the name of the process that happens at the end of mitosis or
meiosis, where the actual cell splits (cell membrane and cytoplasm)?
a. Metaphase
b. Cytokinesis
18. _____
__________ is the type of asexual reproduction that prokaryotes do (ex.
Bacteria), while ____________ is the type of asexual reproduction that
all living organisms do (ex. Humans making new cells or lizard’s
growing a new tail)
a. binary fission, regeneration
b. binary fission, budding
19. _____
What is the order that our cell energy goes through?
a. eating, cells, cellular respiration
b. sunlight, photosynthesis, eating, cells, cellular respiration
20. _____
The following is the chemical equation for what process?
C6H12O6 + 6O2 → energy + 6CO2 + 6H2O
a. photosynthesis
b. cellular respiration
21. _____
The above picture represents which of the following:
a. endocytosis
b. exocytosis
22. _____
What is one characteristic of the process of fermentation?
a. produces energy without oxygen
b. captures energy from sunlight