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The Roman Republic
Becoming a Republic: How did Rome become a great power?
In 509 BC, Romans overthrew Tarquin and established a republic.
o Republic- a form of government where citizens elect their
 By 267 BC, Rome controlled most of Italy
o Strong army- all male citizens who owned land served in army
o Organized into legions (small groups of soldiers) which were
easier to manage
Who Ruled Rome:
 Built military outposts in conquered lands to protect these areas
 Treated conquered people fairly
o Roman Confederation- full citizenship (vote and serve in
government, treated like all other citizens under the law)
o Allies- (Friends) paid taxes and provided soldiers but allowed to
manage themselves
Governing Rome: How did conflict between classes change Rome’s
Patricians- ruling class, wealthy land owners from oldest families
Plebeians- middle class or poor (artisans, shopkeepers, farmers)
 Plebeians had a lower social position that patricians
o Illegal for patricians and plebeians to marry
o Could not hold office
o Could not lead ceremonies honoring the gods
Government of the Republic:
 The government of Rome had three branches_________________
o One branch made laws, another ran daily affairs of government,
and the last acted as judges
 Checks and balances made sure that one branch did not become too
 Consuls- 2 patricians who headed the government
o Acted as administrators and army leaders
o Served one year
o Could veto (say no) to each other’s ideas
 Praetors- interpreted law, judges, lead armies
 Legislature- senate (group of 300 patricians)
o Served for life
o At first, only advised consuls
o Later, debated foreign policy, proposed laws, approved
construction of roads and temples
 Assembly of Centuries- legislative group that elected consuls and
Conflict Between the Classes:
 Plebeians frustrated by having no power
 494 BC, plebeians went on strike
 Patricians decide to share power
o Allowed plebeians to have their own body of representatives
(Council of the Plebs)
o Elected officials called tribunes
o Tribunes voiced concerns to the government