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Name____________________________ Per____
Ch. 6 Meiosis, Chromosomes, & Karyotypes STUDY GUIDE
Directions: Use the terms in the word bank to complete the paragraph below. Some words will not
be used.
Homologous chromosomes
Crossing over
A segment of DNA on a chromosome that controls the production of a protein is called a
_____________. A ________________ cell contains two copies of each chromosome. A sex cell,
or ______________________, is ________________________ meaning it contains one copy of
each chromosome. ______________________________ are pairs of chromosomes, one from each
parent. _____________________________ creates genetic variation by providing new
combinations of genes that are different from the parents.
Directions: Compare meiosis and mitosis by filling in the chart below with the correct answer
Number of times cell is in interphase
Number of DNA replications
Number of cell divisions
Number of daughter cells
Chromosome number of daughter cells
(n or 2n)
Directions: Use the word bank to correctly complete each sentence. Some words may be used
more than once.
Homologous chromosomes
1. In meiosis, one ____________________ cell divides to make four ________________ cells.
2. A ____________________ cell has half the chromosomes of a __________________ cell.
3. Pairs of chromosomes that have genes for the same trait arranged in the same order are
4. During __________________________, two divisions of the nucleus and the cytoplasm occur.
5. Prophase I and prophase II are stages in ______________________.
6. In ____________________ two identical somatic cells are made.
7. In ____________________ four different gametes are made.
Directions: Complete the table below and answer the questions that follow
Somatic Cells
Garden Pea
Fruit Fly
Leopard Frog
What is the diploid number for a chimpanzee? ____________
What is the haploid number for a fruit fly? _______________
Which organism has 24 chromosomes in each of its body cells? ____________________
Which organism contains 24 chromosomes in each of its egg cells? _________________
Directions: Answer each question on the lines provided.
1. If a male organism has 40 chromosomes in each body cell, how many chromosomes does a
female of the same species have in each body cell? _____________
2. How many homologous pairs of chromosomes does the male have? _____________
3. How many chromosomes would be in a sperm cell and in an egg cell? ____________
4. How many chromosomes would be in an offspring? ____________
5. How many pairs of homologous chromosomes would be in an offspring? _____________
Directions: Complete the table by checking the correct column(s) for each description
Involves in the production of gametes
Involves in growth and repair
Promotes genetic variation in organisms
Consists of one nuclear division (nucleus divides once)
Produces daughter cells that are genetically identical
Involves two sets of nuclear division (nucleus divides twice)
Produces daughter cells that are not identical
Occurs during sexual reproduction
Occurs during asexual reproduction
Results in four haploid gametes
Chromosomal Alterations
Read and annotate the following article to answer the questions and complete the coloring diagrams on the back.
Permanent changes in chromosomes known as mutations may be passed to the offspring of a mating pair if
they exist in cells that produce sperm or egg cells.
One kind of mutation affects only a single gene, while other types of mutations involve the rearrangement of
several of them. For instance, pieces of chromosomes may be lost or exchanged between nonhomologous
chromosomes. When altered chromosomes are passed to offspring, variation increases.
The diagram (on back of page) displays four different types of alterations that can occur in chromosomes.
Focus on the first two alterations, entitled Deletion and Inversion.
The first chromosomal alteration we will discuss is deletion, which is illustrated in the upper left portion of the
diagram. You should begin by coloring the normal chromosomes with genes A to G using seven distinct
colors. When gene deletion occurs, a portion of the chromosome is lost, usually from the end. In our diagram, the
chromosome that has undergone deletion is missing gene A. The remainder of the chromosome should be colored
with the same colors that were used in the normal chromosome. A deletion sometimes results in the loss of an
important gene, with severe consequences to the organism.
We will now turn to the second chromosomal alteration, called inversion. You should continue to use the same
colors for the genes. We will now show how inversion differs from deletion.
We will start again by looking at the normal chromosome, which contains genes A through G (A to G). When
an inversion takes place, a segment of chromosome turns around 180°. Notice that genes C and D have inverted, so
that the sequence of genes in the altered chromosome is different.
At first glance, it may seem that the chromosome is not affected because the genes are present, but the
position of a gene in a chromosome is very important. For example, a gene may be separated from its nearby
regulatory gene as a result of inversion, so its rate of expression may be altered, or it may cease to be expressed at
all. Scientists believe that chromosomal inversion may be a factor in developing cancer cells.
We will now focus on a third type of alteration called Translocation, in which two chromosomes are involved.
Continue your coloring as you read below.
A translocation involves the movement of a chromosomal segment from one chromosome to another. The
two chromosomes involved are nonhomologous, which means that they are chromosomes from different chromosomal
pairs. Begin by coloring genes A through G with the colors you used above, and then color the genes of
the second chromosome, genes H to N, with different colors. ( Note: if you do not have enough different
colors, feel free to use green stripes, green dots, red squiggles, etc. to differentiate the gene colors.)
Now take a look at the point at which translocation has taken place. Genes F and G from the first chromosome have
moved to the second chromosome, and genes M and N have moved from the second chromosome to the first.
Chromosomes 1 and 2 are now considerably different than they were originally. Certain translocations have been
linked to cancer, and abnormal gametes can result from this alteration.
The final type of chromosomal alteration that we will consider is Duplication. Focus on the lower right portion of the
diagram. The same colors that you used for the genes labeled before should be used here.
In duplication, a chromosomal segment doubles itself. For instance, here we see the normal chromosome with genes
A to G on the left, but genes D and E appear twice after duplication occurs in the abnormal chromosome.
Duplication occurs when a broken segment of one chromosome attaches to its homologous chromosome.
One effect of the repeating genes may be duplicate proteins in an individual. For example, there are two alpha chains
in hemoglobin molecules in human red blood cells. The two molecules may result from a single gene that duplicated
in an ancient ancestor so that the modern descendent now produces two proteins instead of one. Therefore,
duplication may be a factor in evolution.
Helpful hints: COLOR the KEY at the bottom of the next page as you color the genes. Also, if you have
run out of colors, feel free to use colored symbols (i.e. solid red, red dots, red stripes, red squiggles,
etc.) to give you multiple “colors” from one color.
1. What are mutations?
2. What is a deletion mutation? What could be the result?
3. Explain what an inversion mutation is.
4. What is one abnormality that may result from a chromosomal inversion?
5. What is a translocation mutation?
6. Duplication mutations are thought to possibly be a factor in _____________________, which is when species
change over a long period of time.
Color the chromosomal mutations and the key below as described in the reading on the previous
Biology Student
EQ: Do I carry deadly genes?
Study Guide
Targeted Skills
Enduring Understanding
Nucleic acids transfer genetic information from generation to generation.
Broad Brush Knowledge
chromosomal disorders
Concepts Important to Know and Understand
Core Objectives
9. Interpret the role of genetics in determining heredity and as it applies
to biotechnology.
Problems in the number of chromosomes (called chromosomal abnormalities) can be detected in an
organism. In order to do this, cells from the organism are grown in a laboratory. After the cells have
reproduced a few times, they are treated with a chemical that stops cell division at the metaphase stage.
During metaphase, the chromosomes are at the best length for identification. Each chromosome has two
identical chromatid pairs attached at the centromere. The appearance of each chromosome resembles an Xshape. The cells are treated further, stained, and then placed on a glass slide. The chromosomes are
observed under the microscope where they are counted, checked for abnormalities, and photographed. The
photograph is then enlarged, and the chromosomes are individually cut out. The chromosomes are
identified and arranged in homologous pairs. Homologous chromosomes are identical, or matching,
chromosomes. One chromosome in a homologous chromosome pair comes from the mother, the other from
the father. The arrangement of homologous chromosome pairs is called a karyotype. Humans have 46
chromosomes, 23 pairs. A human karyotype would show 23 pairs of homologous chromosomes, lined up
from largest to smallest.
The most common chromosomal abnormalities are caused when the chromosomes do not separate properly
during meiosis (called nondisjuction). A monosomy is when only one homologous chromosome is present
in the organism and a trisomy is when the organism has three copies of a homologous chromosome. The
following are examples of three of the more common nondisjunction chromosomal abnormalities.
If there is a nondisjunction at chromosome 21, the result could be trisomy 21 (3 #21 chromosomes) also
called Down Syndrome.
If there is a nondisjunction at chromosome 23, the result could be trisomy 23 with XXY also called
Klinefelter’s Syndrome.
If there is a nondisjunction at chromosome 23, the result could be monosomy 23 with XO also called
Turner’s Syndrome.
1. karyotype ___________________________________________________________________________
2. homologous chromosome ______________________________________________________________
3. centromere __________________________________________________________________________
4. chromatid pair _______________________________________________________________________
5. chromosomal abnormality ______________________________________________________________
6. nondisjunction _______________________________________________________________________
7. two types of nondisjunction
a) monosomy ________________________________________________________________________
b) trisomy __________________________________________________________________________
8. Define Down Syndrome _______________________________________________________________
9. Define Klinefelter syndrome ____________________________________________________________
10. Define Turner syndrome ______________________________________________________________
Use the attached pictures to complete the table below.
Number of
Number of
Normal or
Type of
has the
Figure 1
Figure 3
Figure 2
Figure 4