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Allele Worksheet 1
Name: _______________
1. Define each of these terms:
Gene: __________________________________________________________________
Chromosome: ____________________________________________________________
Trait: __________________________________________________________________
Allele: __________________________________________________________________
Phenotype: ______________________________________________________________
Genotype: ______________________________________________________________
2. For each of these genes, state which allele must be dominant and which must be
Tt Dominant: ___ Recessive: ___
Gg Dominant: ___ Recessive: ___
Pp Dominant: ___ Recessive: ___
VV Dominant: ___ Recessive: ___
Dominant: ___ Recessive: ___
3. State whether each of these genotypes is homozygous dominant, heterozygous, or
homozygous recessive.
HH _______________________________
kk _______________________________
Uu _______________________________
vv _______________________________
Bb _______________________________
RR _______________________________
4. For each of these genes, give the genotype that would be homozygous dominant,
heterozygous, and homozygous recessive.
Y Homozygous dominant: ____ Heterozygous: ___ Homozygous recessive: ___
Q Homozygous dominant: ____ Heterozygous: ___ Homozygous recessive: ___
E Homozygous dominant: ____ Heterozygous: ___ Homozygous recessive: ___
M Homozygous dominant: ____ Heterozygous: ___ Homozygous recessive: ___
F Homozygous dominant: ____ Heterozygous: ___ Homozygous recessive: ___
5. In each of these scenarios, give information about what the individual’s phenotype
will be.
a. With respect to the gene for coat color in mink, if the allele U produces a
yellow coat and the allele u produces a brown coat, then an individual that is UU will
have this coat color: _______.
b. With respect to the gene for wing shape in house flies, if the allele I produces
rounded wings and the allele i produces crooked wings, then an individual that is ii will
have this wing shape: ________.
c. With respect to the gene for eye color in Pacific salmon, if the allele P
produces light eyes and the allele p produces dark eyes, then a salmon with the genotype
Pp will have this phenotype: ___________.
Allele Worksheet 1
Name: _______________
d. With respect to the gene for flipper length in bottlenose dolphins, if the allele T
produces stunted non-functional flippers and the allele t produces normal flippers, then a
dolphin with the genotype tt will have this phenotype: ________________.
e. Huntington’s Disease in humans is caused by the manufacture of a damaged
version of a protein called huntingtin. We will use M for the damaged version of the
protein huntingtin and the allele m produces normal huntingtin. If a person has the
genotype Mm, will they have Huntington’s Disease? ________
6. Given information about these phenotypes, determine which alleles are which.
a. In a group of mice, all individuals that are YY have long whiskers and all
individuals that are yy have short whiskers. What is the allele for long whiskers? ____
What is the allele for short whiskers? ___
b. In a group of fish, all individuals that are OO have thin fins and all individuals
that are oo have thick fins. What is the allele for thin fins? ____ What is the allele for
thick fins? ___
c. In a group of dogs, all individuals that have the genotype Ee have floppy ears.
What is the allele for floppy ears? ___ What is the allele for non-floppy ears? ___
d. We will use the alleles G and g for the gene for coat spots in rabbits. All
rabbits that have one of these alleles have spots. No rabbits without spots have that
allele, they only have the other allele. What is the allele for spots? ____ What is the
allele for no spots? ____
e. We will use the alleles Q and q for the gene for fur smoothness in squirrels.
All squirrels that are heterozygous have smooth fur, whereas only squirrels that are
homozygous for one of those alleles have fluffy fur. Which is the allele for smooth fur?
___ Which is the allele for fluffy fur? ___
7. In humans, who is heterozygous with respect to their biological sex? Men or women?
Explain. _______________________________________________________________
8. Suppose that 98% of the ferret population has smooth fur, and only 2% of the
population has fluffy fur. Does this mean that the allele for smooth fur must be
dominant? Explain. _______________________________________________________
9. Complete this diagram by labeling each line with the relationship between the two