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Unit 1 Chemistry
Study Guide
What characterizes a prokaryotic cell?
Why do experiments need a control?
Why do scientists use the scientific method to study environmental problems?
List the hierarchy of organization for living things & for classification.
Why is evolution the "biological theme that ties together all the others"?
If neon has an atomic number of 10, how many valence electrons does it have &
what does this tell you about this element?
List properties of all life forms.
In which kingdom would you find the E. coli bacterium?
What must be done before a hypothesis is proven to be true?
What composes all living things?
How do isotopes differ from each other?
If an element has its valence electron shell filled, what is true about its reactivity?
How are molecules formed?
How are ionic bonds formed?
How do polar covalent bonds form?
What type of weak bond exists between water molecules?
What type of bond forms from unequal sharing of electrons between atoms?
How does carbon-12 differ from carbon-14?
What type of bond forms between 2 atoms that are equally electronegative?
What determines the reactive properties of an atom?
The sum of protons & neutrons in an atom?
Determine the number of valence electrons for carbon & hydrogen.
Determine the number of neutrons for sulfur.
How can you tell if an atom has the same valence as carbon?
What happens to ionic bonds in water?
Name 2 isotopes of hydrogen.
Sketch the electron configuration of oxygen & neon.
When reactions continue with no effect on the concentration of reactants &
products, what is this called?
When do Van der Waal interactions occur?
What would be the pH for acids, bases, neutral solutions?
What type of bond occurs when the partial negative charge of one water molecule is
attracted to the partial positive charge of another water molecule?
What property of water is probably the most important for the functioning of
organisms at the molecular level?
In which type of solutions would there be a greater concentration of hydroxyl ions -- acids or bases?
In which type of solutions would there be a greater concentration of hydrogen ions -
-- acids or bases?
What is the difference in hydrogen ion concentration between a solution with a pH
of 3 and a solution with a pH of 5?
Explain how the formation of ice during cold weather helps to temper the transition
to winter.
Be able to explain how to make a 1 Molar solution of glucose.
Which end of the water molecule is electronegative?
What determines the cohesiveness of water?
If a compound contains hydroxyl groups, is it water soluble?
Which element is the most abundant in the dry weight of humans?
What type of isomers have variations in their arrangement around a double bond?
How do glucose & fructose differ?
What type of bonds do carbon atoms form?
Be able to recognize these functional groups --- carbonyl, sulfhydryl, methyl,
phosphate, amino, carboxyl, & hydroxyl.
What functional group is found in alcohols like glycerol?
Which monomer makes the macromolecule it forms an organic acid?
Draw the structural isomers for butane.
What lipid makes up biological membranes?
How are alpha helix proteins stabilized?
What chemical reaction is used to synthesize macromolecules like polypeptides &
How are DNA & RNA different?
Sketch a fatty acid.
What is the basic structure of a steroid?
Is polymerization anabolism or catabolism?
Show how a dipeptide is formed.
What causes the tertiary structure of proteins?
What are the 2 forms at the secondary level of protein structure? How do they
What reaction must occur to break a peptide bond?
What structural feature allows DNA to replicate itself?
What does it mean if the 2 strands of DNA are complementary?
Which macromolecule yields the greatest amount of energy?
Describe a nucleotide.
Name the purines & pyrimidines.
Unit 2
Cells Study Guide
How do bacterial cells differ from animal cells?
Cells that make proteins would have a large number of ________?
What protein makes up the cytoskeleton & gives a cell its shape?
How do phospholipids in the cell membrane move?
If a body cell had 24 chromosomes, how many chromosomes would be in the
If chromosomes have the same genes in the same location & the same banding
pattern, they are said to be ___?
What chemical in animal cell membranes maintains their fluid nature?
Facilitated diffusion & active transport both require what molecules in cell
Name the 3 stages of cell signaling.
How does a sexual life cycle increase genetic variation?
What organelle converts light energy into chemical energy?
What will happens to the chromosomes in a cell that passes the restriction
What type of scope is needed to study the internal structure of a cell?
Does the cytoskeleton limit cell size?
Describe the signal-transduction pathway in animals.
What type of cells do not reproduce more cells by mitosis & cytokinesis?
Is diffusion active or passive transport?
How can you determine if a cell is in an isotonic solution?
What organelle makes lipids?
What is the function of these cell structures --- mitochondrion, chloroplast,
ribosome, lysosome, cell wall, & chromosomes?
How does CO2 move into a cell?
Name the parts of the cytoskeleton.
What cell organelles have two membranes?
What is active transport?
How does potassium move into & out of a cell?
How does one rotting piece of fruit affect the ripening of others?
Name all structures in a cell responsible for movement.
In what organisms is cell signaling less important?
If a cell has 92 chromosomes at the start of mitosis, how many will be in the
daughter cells?
Describe paracrine signaling.
When do tetrads from in a cell?
What is the function of tyrosine-kinase receptors?
At what point are chromatids attached to each other?
What is the function of glycolipids & glycoproteins in animal cell membranes?
How does telophase of mitosis differ in plant & animal cells?
When the signal molecule changes the protein receptor, what process begins?
What is membrane potential?
What effect would calcium deficiency have on a plant?
Besides the nucleus, where else can DNA be found in a cell?
Do plant cells have mitochondria? Why or why not?
Which proteins in the cell membrane function in active transport?
Why would bacterial cells not be capable of phagocytosis?
Why are eukaryotic cells larger than prokaryotic cells?
What is the purpose of cell fractionation?
Through what type of junctions do ions travel between cells?
How can you determine if a karyotype is from a male or female?
How do genetic differences in clones occur?
If the spindle can not form, at what stage will mitosis no longer proceed?
What will be true of cells that undergo mitosis but not cytokinesis?
What cellular structure helps form the cleavage furrow in animal cells?
How do receptor proteins in a membrane act like enzymes?
What occurs during prophase of mitosis?
By what process do large solids move into a cell?
Does the movement of oxygen & carbon dioxide across cell membranes require
Describe the interior of chloroplasts & mitochondria.
How is synaptic signaling different than hormone signaling?
What is a karyotype?
How do daughter & parent cells compare with each other?
Unit 3
Cellular Energetics
What form of energy is the most random?
What changes occur in H, S, and G when a protein forms from amino acids?
How does an enzyme catalyze a reaction?
Explain the 2nd law of thermodynamics.
Is a chemical reaction with a positive G endergonic or exergonic?
List the properties of enzymes.
Why is ATP an important metabolic molecule?
Describe the change in free energy at equilibrium.
Increasing substrate concentration has what effect on competitive inhibition?
What is the first law of thermodynamics?
When energy is transformed, what is the effect on entropy in the system?
If temperature is kept uniform in a system, free energy will be what?
If products have less free energy than reactants, is the reaction endergonic or
What is catabolism?
How is energy obtained from ATP to energize cellular processes?
If the concentration of reactants is decreased, what effect will this have on the rate of
the reaction/
What type of pathways are coupled with anabolic pathways to supply ATP to cells?
Explain enzyme cooperativity & allosteric sites.
Explain the induced fit explanation for enzymes & substrates.
What is free energy?
Describe CO2 fixation & the Calvin cycle in CAM plants.
Photorespiration decrease the efficiency of photosynthesis because it removes what
from the Calvin cycle?
What is synthesize across thylakoid membranes?
Why can C4 plants better at photosynthesis without photorespiration?
What pigments can absorb light energy?
Proton gradient are responsible for producing what energy molecules?
Give 2 examples of products of the Calvin cycle that are used in the light reactions?
What 2 main energy molecules are products of the light reactions?
Is glucose required for the Calvin cycle? Explain.
In what reactions is glyceraldehyde phosphate produced?
If a pigment appears red to your eyes, what color of light is not being absorbed?
During what process is CO2 incorporated into PGA?
The chemiosomotic process in chloroplasts occurs when what type of gradient is
Name the most abundant protein (enzyme) in the world.
In what tissue does carbon fixation occur in C4 plants before being transferred to
bundle-sheath cells?
Photosystem II uses which chlorophyll a molecule?
What gas is required and which gas is not required for photosynthesis to occur?
What is the primary energy source for plants? for animals?
What enzyme catalyzes phosphorylation?
Where in the chloroplast does the Calvin cycle occur?
What type of plants fix CO2 into organic acids during the day?
When does the Calvin cycle in most plants occur?
Which color of light is least effective in driving photosynthesis?
Cyclic electron flow in chloroplasts produces what energy molecule?
Where does the ETS in plants occur?
In terms of energy how are photosynthesis & cellular respiration related?
In what 2 membranes in plant cells is ATP synthetase found?
Is oxygen released in the light or dark reactions of photosynthesis?
Does photophosphorylation occur in Photosystem II?
In which photosystem is water split?
Which process does not give a net gain in ATP ---glycolysis, aerobic respiration, or
Which would release more energy from glucose --- combustion or cellular
Is ATP a product of lactate fermentation?
If a metabolic poison interferes with glycolysis, what must its structure be most like?
Are water and CO2 end products of glycolysis?
Which has more energy ---NAD or NADH?
Oxidative phosphorylation occurs across ___________in a cell.
which has more energy --- glucose at the start of glycolysis or the 2 pyruvate
molecules at the end of glycolysis?
Molecular oxygen supplies the oxygen atoms during oxidative phosphorylation to
form what?
What is chemiosmosis?
Lactate is a byproduct of fermentation in what type of animal cells?
What type of enzyme in cellular respiration helps remove electrons from organic
The ETS helps a cell generate what energy molecule?
Will glycolysis occur if oxygen is present? Is oxygen needed for the process?
The difference in H+ concentration of either side of the mitochondrial membrane
drives the synthesis of what molecule?
Where in a cell will the enzymes needed for glycolysis be found?
Citric acid has 6 carbons. In the Krebs cycle 2 CO2 molecules are given off before
succinic acid is formed. How many carbons will succinic acid have?
During substrate-phosphorylation, how many ATP molecules are made each cycle?
Isocritic acid has 6 carbons while ketoglutaric acid in the Krebs cycle only has 5
carbons. What happened to the "missing" carbon?
What gas accepts electrons at the end of the ETS?
Substrate-level phosphorylation during fermentation generates what molecule?
Acetyl CoA is made in muscle cells only under what conditions?
The end products of glycolysis are ATP, NADH, and what carbon molecule?
What 2 electron acceptor molecules in the Krebs cycle convert their energy to ATP in
the ETS?
In chemiosmotic phosphorylation what is the direct energy source that drives the
conversion of ADP + free P into ATP?
The glycolysis of glucose by a yeast cell nets how many ATP's?
What intermediary metabolite of pyruvate enters the Krebs cycle?
How is a proton gradient established in the mitochondria?
How many O2 molecules are produced from the complete oxidation of glucose?
What type of animal tissue has a high ATP requirement?
Unit IV Genetics Study Guide
Be able to determine the probability of getting a number by rolling a pair of
Be able to work monohybrid crosses for complete and incomplete dominance
and show genotypes, phenotypes, and ratios.
Be able to work dihybrid crosses and determine genotypes, phenotypes, and
Be able to explain and give examples of codominance, epitasis, polygenic
inheritance, sex-linked inheritance….
Be able to work genetics problems in which carriers of alleles are involved.
Be able to work a problem on colorblindness.
Be able to list and explain Mendel’s laws of heredity.
Be able to discuss Morgan, Sutton, and Sturtevant’s contributions to the
understanding of chromosomal inheritance.
Be able to define linkage and explain how it interferes with independent
Be able to predict the probability of a genotype occurring for a cross
involving 4 traits. (Rule of Multiplication)
Be able to name and describe a genetic defect caused by nondisjunction of
sex chromosomes.
Unit 5
Molecular Genetics Study Guide
 Be able to describe & explain the experiments of the following scientists:
Frederick Griffith
Erwin Chargraff
Alfred Hershey
Martha Chase
Watson & Crick
Meselson & Stahl
Beadle & Tatum
“Dolly” experiment
 Know how DNA replicates including steps & the enzymes involved, energy
required, nucleotides, leading & lagging strands, proofreading
 Be able to describe the ultrastructure of each component of the DNA & RNA
 Know the steps of transcription, enzymes involved, etc
 Know the steps of translation, enzymes involved, etc.
 Be able to describe the structure & function of free and bound ribosomes
 Know the processing steps of newly made mRNA
 Know the types of mutations and their effects
 Know viral structure, reproduction, host recognition, viral genome, etc
 Be able to describe the prokaryotic genome, mechanisms for genetic
recombination, & defenses against phages
 Differentiate between hetero- & euchromatin
 Know the function and use of restriction enzymes
 Be able to describe genomic differentiation
Unit 6 Evolution & Phylogeny Study Guide
Be able to give an example of an idea that Charles Darwin borrowed
from Thomas Malthus
Know some anatomical structures that would be homologous to the
wing of a bat
Know what important information was unavailable to Darwin in the
mid-nineteenth century when he formulated his theory of evolution
Know the name of Darwin's 1859 publication
Be able to explain all parts of the Darwin-Wallace theory of natural
Be able to explain how phylogenetic relationships are determined for
closely related species
Be able to differentiate between analogous & homolgous structures
Know the requirements for the maintenance of Hardy-Weinberg
Be able to use the Hardy-Weinberg equation to determine allele
frequencies and genotypic frequencies
Be able to describe and give an example of a cline
Be able to explain the bottleneck effect
Know what process creates new alleles and serves to balance natural
Be able to explain & give an example of genetic drift
Know what is meant by the "gene pool"
Know the major divisions of geologic time
Be able to give several examples of fossil types
Be able to explain binomial nomenclature
Be able to list in order the major taxonomic categories
Know what individuals in a population would most often carry copies
of harmful recessive alleles
Be able to explain & give an example of hybrid sterility
Be able to explain & give an example of ecological isolation of species
Know what polyploidy is & how it can cause rapid speciation
Know the effect of mitosis & meiosis on allelic frequencies in nature
Be able to explain the effect on alleles when new members move into a
Know the difference in prezygotic & postzygotic barriers
Be able to name & and give examples of prezygotic and postzygotic
Be able to explain & give examples of mechanical and behavioral
Know the difference between sympatric isolation and allopatric
Be able to explain why such a great diversity of life exists on the
Hawaiian & Galapagos Islands
Be able to tell the difference between anagenesis & cladogenesis
Know what taxonomic level can exist as a discrete unit in nature
Know what taxonomic unit would show the most genetic variation
Be able to explain & give an example of adaptive radiation
Be able to determine the age of a fossil using the half-life of carbon-14
Know what major evolutionary episode occurred closely with the
formation of Pangaea
Be able to explain phylogeny
Know the significance of the asteroid hypothesis
Be able to explain & give examples of divergent & convergent
Diversity of Organisms
Study Guide
Be able to:
Describe at least 3 alternatives to a five-kingdom taxonomic system.
Explain Oparin and Haladane's model of abiotic synthesis of organic molecules.
Explain Miller and Urey's model of abiotic synthesis of organic molecules.
List the three main groups of archaeal bacteria, describe their distinguishing
characteristics, and give an example of each group.
Describe the four modes of bacterial nutrition, explain each mode, and give an
example of a bacterium using each method.
Describe three mechanisms used by motile bacteria to help them move and give
an example of a bacterium that uses each method.
Describe the structure and function of prokaryotic cell walls.
Explain how prokaryotic flagella work and why they are not homologous to
eukaryotic flagella.
List characteristics that distinguish archaeal bacteria from other bacteria.
Explain the differences among obligate aerobes, facultative anaerobes, and
obligate anaerobes.
List the five major groups of bacteria, describe their mode of nutrition, give some
characteristic features and an example of each group.
Explain how the organization of the prokaryotic genome differs from that of
eukaryotic cells.
Describe how the genus Streptomyces are commercially useful.
Distinguish between endotoxins and exotoxins and give an example of a bacteria
that produces each toxin.
List Koch's four postulates.
Distinguish among these three symbiotic relationships --- mutualism,
commensalism, and parasitism.
Explain how endospores are formed and why they are such a problem for the
canning industry.
What prokaryote is responsible for the most common sexually transmitted disease
in the United States.
List the major characteristics of protists.
Compare the autogenous and endosymbiontic hypotheses for the origin of
Explain why protists are considered to be a polyphyletic group of organisms.
Outline the life cycle of Plasmodium.
Explain how accessory pigments are used to classify algae.
Distinguish between macronuclei and micronuclei.
List the five candidate kingdoms of protists and describe a major feature of each
Tell the pigments, cell wall components, storage products, type of reproduction,
habitat, and number & position of flagella for these algal groups --Dinoflagellata, Bacillariophyta, Chrysophyta, Phaeophyta, Rhodophyta, and
List characteristics that distinguish fungi from other organisms in other
Describe sexual and asexual reproduction in these fungal groups --- Zygomycota,
Ascomycota, and Basidiomycota.
Compare the life cycles of cellular and plasmodial slime molds and tell a major
difference between them.
Explain why Deuteromycota are known as imperfect fungi.
Describe the basic body plan of a fungus,
Explain how fungi acquire nutrients.
Describe the anatomy of lichens and tell how they reproduce and their ecological
Describe how the mutualistic relationship in Mycorrhizae is beneficial to both the
fungus and the plant.
Unit 11
Ecology Study Guide
Be able to describe the main characteristics & major organisms in each
terrestrial biomes
Know & be able to explain the different zones found in marine
Be able to compare all freshwater communities
Know the difference in Batesian & Mullerian mimicry & examples of
each type of mimicry
Be able to explain differences between innate & learned behaviors
Be able to give examples of density-dependent & densityindependent factors affecting population growth
Know how water, carbon, phosphorus, & nitrogen are each recycled
in nature
Know differences & similarities among parasitism, commensalism, &
mutualism & examples of each
Be able to explain biodiversity hot spots
Be able to discuss agricultures effect on nitrogen recycling
Be able to discuss major threats to biodiversity
Know the effects deforestation is having on nutrient recycling
Know the effects of eutrophication on freshwater ecosystems